Chapter 1

On a night in late autumn, the low-hanging sky was covered with large swathes of dark clouds, just like Jiang Ning's mood at this time.

She wrapped up her light gray coat and ran down the dark corridor of the hotel in a mess.

In the presidential suite, an old man over [-] years old was shirtless, covered his right eye with his hand and shouted: "Come on, catch that little girl for me, don't let her run away!"

Jiang Ning just listened to his father's advice and accompanied him to a dinner, and helped a client translate a document in a small language. Unexpectedly, he was knocked out as soon as he stepped out of the elevator.

When she awoke, the old man with the big gold teeth was unbuttoning her coat with his fat, salty knuckles.

When she realized what happened, she beat him up without hesitation.

However, Mr. Jinchuan is well-known as the overlord of local wealth in Yunzhou, and he is followed by dozens of bodyguards every time he travels.

At this time, the old man's screams and roars like killing a pig drew his bodyguards over.

Just as Jiang Ning ran to the corner of the corridor, the sound of hurried footsteps was approaching her.

She immediately turned around and ran, but there were also panicked footsteps on the other side.

When I couldn't advance or retreat, I happened to catch a glimpse of a door on the left that was ajar, and there was no light coming out of the room.

No matter what room it was, she gritted her teeth and pushed the door open, closing the door behind her.

With his back against the door panel, he just breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself that he had finally escaped for the time being.

She inhaled some special incense in the old man's guest room just now, and her body seemed a little weak.

If he was captured by Jinchuan's bodyguards at this time, the result can be imagined
Jiang Ning turned around to turn on the light, and suddenly met a cold gaze, her scalp involuntarily went numb for a moment.

Just as she opened her mouth to apologize and explain, the man's strong fingers strangled her neck, and a cold sharpness escaped from his half-closed eyes.

The water droplets on his hands slid down his neck and into the collar, colder than the autumn rain.

In the darkness, a hot breath sprayed on Jiang Ning's slightly cool nose, mixed with a strong smell of alcohol.

"I didn't intend to get involved in your disputes. If you insist on dragging me into the water, then wait and see!"

Jiang Ning thought about the deep meaning of these words, and the hot breath suddenly invaded her mouth.


While struggling, she finally realized that she had just escaped from the wolf's den, and might have fallen into the tiger's den again.

Judging by the senses, the other party should be a strong young man, otherwise she wouldn't be unable to exert any strength under the other party's restraint.

The kiss was rough, outrageous, and incoherent.

His lips were cold, but his breath was getting hotter.

Jiang Ning could vaguely perceive what kind of state the other party was in, and a tight string in her brain suddenly snapped.

The only thought that crossed my mind was only four words: Doomed!
Swept by the two heavens of ice and fire, she fought hard, but in the end she was still reduced to a fish on the chopping board.

Her brain was messed up by this ungentle kiss, until she forgot how she was dragged to the big bed in the bedroom.

All resistance and refusal eventually became futile under the domineering offensive of the opponent.

Jiang Ning felt that she had fallen into darkness, and all her sensory nerves were overwhelmed by this strange man's breath.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Ning woke up next to a strange man. When she saw the stranger next to her clearly, her heart almost shattered her ribs and burst out.

How could she be unfamiliar with this face that sometimes appeared in financial magazines and sometimes in gossip magazines?
Lu Yu, the third son of the Lu family, how could he be set up like this?

Jiang Ning thought for a moment, then felt a little funny.

You haven't figured out your own affairs yet, yet you actually think about it for others?
She still thinks about how to sneak away from here without anyone noticing.

Now that the accident has happened, there is no other way but to accept it calmly.

Another way of thinking, sleeping with a handsome guy is better than sleeping with a bad old man!

Jiang Ning calmed down on the spot, and carefully pulled out her hand that was under the opponent's arm.

When I turned over and got out of bed, my whole body was moved by one hair.

The sour feeling made her take a breath.

She bent over to find her own among the messy clothes all over the floor, and wrapped herself tightly as fast as she could.

The curtains were drawn, and the morning sun had dispelled the haze of yesterday.

As the sun shone through the window, Jiang Ning couldn't help but look back at the sleeping man on the bed, the gentle morning light was smudged with his prosperous sleeping face.

After a glance, she quickly retracted her gaze, and then looked out of the window.

The height of the 66th floor made her feel dizzy for a while, and she couldn't help complaining in her heart: Why are domestic hotels so high!
Just as he was about to retract his body, a bass with its own stereo sound suddenly sounded behind him.

"Want to run from here, have you brought a parachute?"

Jiang Ning was taken aback and turned around quickly.

The man had already sat up from the bed, his slightly sleepy face showed some kind of post-event laziness.

His muscular upper body was half exposed, his short hair was slightly disheveled, and bursts of cold light flashed out of his deep black pupils.

That gaze was like a sharp blade, cutting Jiang Ning's scalp inch by inch.

In the next moment, the corners of his originally tight lips curled up again, and his casual yet sexy voice mixed with a hint of a smile sounded again.

"Or... you just jumped from here, and someone from outside accused me of raping the girl, causing the girl to jump off the building unwilling to be humiliated?"

Jiang Ning was stunned for a long time, wondering where this guy had such a big brain.

She rolled her eyes, then put her hand into her coat pocket and took out the remaining 200 yuan in cash.

Immediately, he threw the two bills on the bed with a chic and smooth movement.

"Although I don't understand what you're talking about, my sister won't sleep with you in vain!"

After finishing this set of movements pretending to be calm, Jiang Ning was too lazy to care about the expression on Lu Sanshao's face, but turned around and walked out of the bedroom with her pockets in her pocket.

However, the sound of "stop" from behind dissipated the aura she had put on.

She really stopped obediently.

Lu Yu got out of bed wearing a towel and walked to her, pinching her delicate chin with his slender fingers.

He was startled, the woman in front of him was indeed too beautiful.

Especially those clean and clear eyes, reflecting the long eyelashes, like spring water reflecting the starry sky.

Lu Yu frowned slightly, as if he saw the shadow of another little girl through his eyes.

Could it be her?
After a moment of daze, he put away his ridiculous thoughts and showed a slightly cold smile.

"The play is not over yet, so you want to leave?"


There was a cool touch on the chest.

Jiang Ning raised her hand to push the opponent's hand away, and smiled back coldly.

"Good service last night, here's a tip!"

After leaving this sentence, she took advantage of the other party's stunned moment and moved away from him.

Lu Yu lowered his eyes, and when he saw the 50 yuan note on his chest, he laughed angrily.

He turned around and chased out, but saw the girl blocked at the door.

Two men and two women came in from the door.

Jiang Ning knew from their appearance that their identities were not simple.

She took two steps back, quietly waiting for the next move of the man.

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(End of this chapter)

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