Chapter 102
After inviting Lu Yu in, Fu Yu reluctantly served tea to the guests, while at the same time sneaking a glance at her, the nominal brother-in-law, from the corner of his eye.

She clicked her tongue secretly, thinking: Junior Sister is absolutely insane!

Lu Yu explained his purpose of coming straight to the point, hoping that the old man could make a price and give him the white jade bracelet.

"I know it's rude and presumptuous of me to say that, but I really need this little thing."

"Mr. Lu only thinks about himself. Hasn't he considered that this small object is also of great significance to me?"

Lu Yu pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

The old man continued: "Look at me, who lives in seclusion, what's the use of asking for money?"

"I know that Mr. Fu used to be an excellent jade carver, and I also know that you are indifferent to the world and indifferent to fame and wealth.

"Perhaps you have other needs that cannot be fulfilled, if I can work..."

"I don't have any regrets in my life. If I have to say I have...then maybe I don't have a wife." The old man said solemnly.

Fu Yu on the side was amused.

"Hua Hua, what are you laughing at? Bring tea to the two guests outside!" the old man snapped.

Lu Yu is also a black thread.

If the old man wanted a daughter-in-law, he really didn't have a suitable introduction to him.

After a moment of silence, the old man suddenly asked again: "Dare to ask if Mr. Lu is married?"

"Just married not long ago."

"Hey, that's still a newlywed, why didn't you bring your wife with you? The sunrise and sunset of Taiyun Mountain are still extremely beautiful."

Lu Yu smiled lightly.

"I don't want my wife to know too much about work, and I don't want her to worry about me."

The old man raised his slightly white eyebrows imperceptibly.

Knowing that it was a polite remark, it made him inexplicably appreciate it.

"If you know how to hurt your wife, add a point."

After pondering for a moment, the old man continued: "How about this, you can bring her over some other day when you have time, and we won't talk about work."

Lu Yu: "That's unnecessary!"

Fu Sinian: "Why is it unnecessary? If I fall in love with your wife, wouldn't Mr. Lu's matter be settled?"

Lu Yu's eyebrows gradually condensed into a Sichuan character, thinking about what the old man was going to do.


Meanwhile, the hospital.

Just as Jiang Ning made a pot of hot water and walked to the door of the ward, her ears became inexplicably hot.

She muttered in her heart that someone was talking about herself.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the nurse disappeared, only Xu Yiran was sitting alone on the bed reading the script.

When she heard the door knock, her eyes fell immediately.

"Jiang Zhu, Auntie is going to eat, please pour me a glass of water, thank you."

Jiang Ning's sensitive nerves suddenly tightened.

Immediately, she raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to push the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

She went to the bed and filled the other's glass with water.

"It's a bit hot, drink it later."

"It's okay, you give me the cup, I'll drink it with a spoon, I'm really thirsty."

Jiang Ning hesitated for a moment, then deliberately grabbed the body of the mug and turned her hand towards the other party.

After Xu Yiran took the water glass, she withdrew her hand.

However, in the next second, Xu Yiran screamed in the ward.

A cup of scalding boiling water was spilled on her unsuspended leg.

Jiang Ning looked at it coldly, not too surprised.

She had already foreseen that there would be a scheming show today, but she didn't expect the other party's tricks to be so clumsy.

Just at this time, An Ying suddenly returned to the hospital.

Seeing this, she immediately stepped forward and pulled Jiang Ning aside, and rang the bedside bell to call for the nurse.

Soon, several nurses rushed in.

An Ying shouted loudly: "Help her out of the bed and change into a pair of pants, and check to see if she's burnt!"

Xu Yiran burst into tears, "Nurse, can you get me an ice pack first, it's so hot!"

Several nurses were busy working around her, while An Ying walked up to Jiang Ning and asked loudly, "Who arranged for you to come here? How can you be a life assistant who can't even serve water?"

"What does the water she spilled have anything to do with me?" Jiang Ning said disapprovingly.

"Miss Jiang, I know you are Mr. Lu's assistant. You don't want to come to the hospital to take care of me. I also told you that you don't have to come, but how can you take your anger out on me?"

Xu Yiran was crying on the side until the pear blossoms were raining, I felt sorry for him.

When the nurse changed her pants, the big red patch on her thigh was real.

Jiang Ning thought to herself: The method is not clever, but it is cruel enough to herself.

In light of this, this woman's rank is still higher than Jiang Ying's.

At some point, a selfie stick came in through the gap in the door.

Jiang Ning glanced at it from the corner of her eye, and she immediately became alert.

Without saying a word, she took down the selfie stick very quickly.

"What kind of filming? Which one?"

While speaking, a small man in a plaid coat was dragged in and fell to the ground.

An Ying immediately recognized that this was a well-known entertainment reporter on the e-TV network, named Fang Zheng.

In order to dig gossip, this person can be said to be all-pervasive.

It is said that in the past two years, his biggest goal is to dig out the real hammer of Xu Yiran and Lu Yu's relationship, but unfortunately nothing has been found so far.

An Ying felt that if what happened in the ward today was exposed by him, it might be a good thing for Xu Yiran.

She even thought of the news headlines—

The female assistant to the CEO wanted to take the top position, and planned to hurt her real girlfriend.

It's a pity that Jiang Ning smashed the mobile phone that Fangzheng used to secretly take pictures.

"As a temporary assistant, my task is to prevent any media from taking pictures of Ms. Xu in the hospital."

As Jiang Ning opened her mouth, she glanced lightly over An Ying's body, and then her eyes flickered, falling back on the little man who was getting up from the ground.

"I don't care which one you belong to, please get out immediately, or I will sue you for malicious harassment!"

The voice was not loud, even a little gentle and sweet, but every word that came out seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of ice, and they were thrown at each other one by one.

Fangzheng raised his head to look her in the face, but when he met that gaze, his scalp felt as if he had been cut by a sharp weapon.

As an experienced entertainment reporter, he has the keenest intuition and judgment.

For example, who can be provoked and who should not be provoked, he is completely clear.

Right now, this one looks weak, but he is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Fangzheng couldn't afford to offend him, so he chose to hide, but choosing to hide didn't necessarily mean admitting defeat.

All the information that should be obtained has been obtained, even if the phone is smashed, the data can still be recovered.

So at this moment he chose to leave wisely.

Not long after, the nurse returned to the ward with the lunch box, and the nurse had treated Xu Yiran's burns urgently.

Jiang Ning saw that nothing serious happened, and that An Ying had also come, so she said goodbye and left.

"Heh, Jiang Zhu is really famous, I beg you not to come tomorrow, and let our family survive!" An Ying said harshly behind her.

Jiang Ning ignored her, but left after leaving a thought-provoking sentence.

"Miss Xu, your acting isn't very good!"


(End of this chapter)

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