Chapter 106 The Crazy President
Although the previous incident has subsided with Xu Yiran's apology, there are still many netizens who do not buy Jiang Ning's account.

With the exposure of this face, someone dug deep into her identity.

Rumors that only appeared on the Yunda Colonel's forum not long ago are now sweeping the Internet.

The three hot searches at the moment——

[Jiang Ning, who is he? 】

[Life assistant, what exactly is an assistant? 】

[An exchange student with a chaotic private life at Yunda University, on what basis did he enter the Stargate? 】

In addition to these hot searches, the footage of Jiang Ning going in and out of Gold to help Sister Shu Xin was also dug up.

And Qin Shanshan, who has suffered from Jiang Ning, also left a message under her real name under some posts, accusing Jiang Ning of beating people.

Even the video of Jiang Ning laying down a woman outside the dessert shop was uploaded on Weibo by an anonymous user.

Although these seem to have no direct relationship with Xu Yiran, if Xu Yiran hadn't made such a fuss, how could anyone pay attention to an outsider?

After reading these posts, Lu Yu immediately called Wu Fei back, "Notify An Yue, and arrange for Yu Lei to appear on 'Quick Adventure' next month."

Wu Fei hesitated for a moment, then responded.

Immediately, he said with some worry: "But the whole process of 'Adventure of Speed' was recorded in Xizhu, and Yu Lei is so popular now, would she be willing to go to a place with such a harsh environment to record the program?"

"Isn't Director An here? And I remember that Yu Lei's contract is about to expire."

Hearing the other party's indifferent tone, Wu Fei couldn't help but sweat for An Yue and Yu Lei.

It's not good to offend anyone, not the boss's woman!
An Yue used to be an ace manager, but after taking over the position of director of the artist management department, she never personally managed an artist, except for her niece Yu Lei.


Early the next morning.

When An Yue learned that her artist was arranged to go to Xizang, she was so angry that she went straight to the performance department to pat the table.

She pointed at Minister Liang Mansheng's nose and cursed: "You old bastard, are you avenging yourself? Just because Yu Lei didn't accompany you to dinner last time, you actually did this to me?
"Heh, you don't have such great authority to let Lei Lei go to Xizhu!"

Liang Mansheng was so scolded that he didn't dare to say a word, and he glanced aside quietly from the corner of his eyes.

On the sofa, Lu Yu put down the teacup in his hand and spoke slowly——

"Director An's authority is not small. Even my people will be seconded if they say so. What? Can't I arrange your people?"

An Yue's body froze suddenly, and she didn't notice that there was another person present in the office just now in a hurry.

At this time, her face had turned into a liver color, and she could only speak falteringly.

"Lu...Mr. Lu, I...I'm not...I am, Ms. Xu's assistant asked for leave..."

"There are so many assistants in the company, why did you choose me? Who owns the work I've been delayed by now?"

"Mr. Lu, I just want to choose someone who can handle media relations well. Ms. Jiang said that she used to study public relations."

"She's just an intern, a half-assed person. Are all the people in the Stargate PR department dead? You let Xu Yiran deal with the media with a half-assed person?"

Lu Yu's voice became more and more gloomy, like an undercurrent surging in the deep sea, ready to set off a storm at any time.

This is the first time he has shown such obvious anger in front of employees.

Whether it was Liang Mansheng or An Yue, both of them were too frightened by the berserk CEO to make a sound.

"Director An, I remember that you were thinking about letting Yu Lei appear on a reality show in the previous meeting. This time, you are given such a good opportunity. Why are you being polite again?"


An Yue still didn't make a sound.

"Yu Lei's contract is half a month away!
"Go to Xizhuo and renew the contract; if you don't go, get out!"

Lu Yu lost his patience, and finally left indifferently.


Every floor of Stargate Entertainment, and every place Lu Yu stepped on, became lifeless.

According to HR, the president personally ordered the dismissal of several employees in just ten minutes.

No one dared to gossip one more word.

At noon, Jiang Ning ran into Ji Meng in the elevator when she went downstairs for lunch.

The two had a good impression of each other, and they exchanged pleasantries when they met.

When Jiang Ning learned from Ji Meng what happened in the artist management department in the morning, she was extremely shocked.

"Although the agent has to accompany the artist on the itinerary, if Yu Lei goes to Xizhuang, it won't be necessary for the director to take it personally, right?"

"Stupid, the president obviously wants to remove An Yue from his post!" Ji Meng whispered.

Jiang Ning nodded, but her face was even more puzzled.


She really didn't dare to associate it with herself, but Ji Meng looked at her with more meaningful eyes.

"Jiang Ning, there is no outsider here, so don't pretend to be like me. The CEO is obviously trying to vent your anger on you. Who told her to transfer you to be Xu Yiran's assistant without authorization, and you will be picked up for no reason."

Ji Meng also really can't understand Xu Yiran.

The last time the other party made a fuss, there was suspicion of Boss Pengci, but this time it even got worse.

"And this Xu Yiran always likes to pose as the hostess of the star gate, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by stars, she really treats herself as a dish.

"Jiang Ning, be honest, did she make things difficult for you when you went to the hospital?"

Jiang Ning smiled dryly, "It's not too difficult."

But the heart is screaming: Where is the embarrassment?It's obvious that he's crazy to kill, okay?

Looking at her expression, Ji Meng guessed that Xu Yiran must be acting like a monster in front of her.

There must be another story behind the "splashing water" and "impromptu Gongdouxi" incidents on the Internet.

"Jiang Ning, no matter what relationship you have with Mr. Lu, I believe you are different from Xu Yiran. I will stand by your side."

For those who don't know the details, Jiang Ning will not chat too deeply with them.

"Sister Meng, I'm really an intern, and Boss Lu is actually a very gentleman, don't think too much about him...what the hell!"

The elevator door opened, and the two walked out talking and laughing.

President Office.

Luo Li suddenly walked in and reported, "Hua Niu called me and asked the boss, are you going to Taiyun Mountain today?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Yu put down the pen in his hand and raised his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows.

go, it's no use;

If you don't go, it will appear that you are not sincere enough!


"Then why don't you take Madam with you!" Luo Li suggested, "If that strange old man really has Madam's idea, I'll beat him up!"


Lu Yu just didn't know how to say this to the girl.

In any case, she has no obligation to help her work.

It was raining outside.

Lu Yu turned around and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window to look out at the foggy weather, but what he thought in his heart was that he was going to climb a mountain in such a weather, maybe sincerity was enough!

Just at this moment, Luo Li's cell phone rang again, and when he picked it up, he just responded with an "uh-uh-uh" sound.

After a while, he put down the phone.

"Hua Niu said: The old man told you not to go without bringing your wife. It's useless to go, and the Tianshan Road is not easy to walk!"


(End of this chapter)

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