In the dead of night, there was another patter of rain outside.


In the darkness, Jiang Ning let out a long sigh of relief, and her whole body was wrapped in a pair of arms like iron clamps.

Who knows what kind of questions were filling her head just now——

"Will the single bed that is not strong enough collapse?"

"Will the little creak be heard?"

"What if Fu Yu came to knock on the door suddenly?"


Fortunately, none of these things happened.

After she regained her composure, she whispered, "Are you crazy? Is the wound from the operation fixed? That's what you do."

"It's a broken wound, it's okay."

The man's voice was laziness after the event, and at the same time, there was a weird smile hidden.

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes heartily in the darkness.

"Lu Yu, do you know that you are very secretive? You look cold and abstinent on the surface, but you are actually a lower body animal in your bones."

Lu Yu turned his head sideways and caught a pair of shining eyes at close range.

He chuckled, his voice somewhat coaxing.

"To each other, Mrs. Lu!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Ning suddenly remembered something, and her face, which was still hot, suddenly burned like a fire.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time.

Lu Yu spoke again, with a serious attitude.

"Xu Yiran saved my life."

Jiang Ning realized that he was going to tell her about his scandal, and there was a feeling in her heart that she couldn't appreciate——

Like surprise, but also like joy!

She hummed lightly like a kitten, and then felt the long arm around her waist tighten.

"I don't like to owe favors, so I personally promised to praise her and give her the best resources."

"For the grace of saving your life, why don't you just promise it with your body?" Jiang Ning couldn't help but interrupted.

Lu Yu was silent.

If the current Xu Yiran has the shadow of that year, he will definitely do that.

"So if you ignore her scandal with you, is it really a default?" Jiang Ning asked again.

"It's just that I don't think it's necessary, and the Lu family is staring at me so hard, I also need these scandals to label myself." Lu Yu replied truthfully.

This time the silence turned into Jiang Ning.

She roared in her heart: But I'm so innocent!
After holding it in for a long time, she finally couldn't hold back a certain question hidden in her heart.

"Then you don't feel like you owe me anything now?"

A faint laughter floated in the quiet air.

"I think so, but I don't seem to mind that I owe you."

This was a puzzle that Lu Yu couldn't solve by himself. He didn't care that he owed her more.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Is this the difference between sleeping and not sleeping?
The atmosphere fell into silence again, and the sound of the pattering rain outside became clearer.

The rustling sound of the leaves being blown by the breeze is extraordinarily gentle in the open mountains and fields, as if deliberately setting off some atmosphere.

Lu Yu turned over carefully and hugged the girl in his arms a little tighter.

The warm breath sprayed on Jiang Ning's neck, she twisted her body uncomfortably, and whispered: "Are you still leaving?"

"Why am I leaving?"

"Nonsense! What will it look like to be seen by the old man tomorrow morning!"

"I live with my wife, why is it not decent?"

Jiang Ning was depressed and couldn't find a suitable explanation, so in the end she just sent the man away.


The next morning, it was sunny after the rain.

At the entrance of No. [-] mansion complex, a small eDonkey was blocked by security guards.

Song Xiuyue handed the security guard a cigarette with a playful smile.

"Hey, decorator, the owner insisted on letting me come here early in the morning, but he didn't answer my phone when I came here, or can you help me get in touch?"

"Which household?" the security guard asked.

"She only told me that it was Jiang Zhai."

The security guard gave him a sideways look, with suspicion on his face.

How could Jiang's house look so unreliable when it was going to be renovated?

"Are you sure it's Jiang Zhai?"

"Sure, sure, the owner is Jiang Tianhua!"

Hearing this name, the security guard was no longer suspicious and called Jiang Zhai directly.

When the villa's visitor bell rang, the three members of Jiang's family were having breakfast.

Like a frightened bird, Jiang Ying bounced off the chair after hearing the bell.

In fact, she received a call from Song Xiuyue early in the morning, but she refused the other party's invitation to meet her.

Song Xiuyue blatantly said that he wanted to come to her, and she had the right to think that he was scaring her, just to get some money from her.

But within a few minutes of putting down the phone, a visitor actually came to the door.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?" Ye Lan asked with concern.

Jiang Ying collected herself, "I was thinking about something just now, and I was startled when I heard the ringtone. I'll go see who it is so early in the morning."

Ye Lan followed her with worried eyes, and said to Jiang Tianhua who was beside her, "What's wrong with Yingying recently? I always look listless when I look at her."

Jiang Tianhua knew the reason in his heart, but he didn't want to upset his wife by saying it.

"Maybe it's because the internship is too stressful." He said casually.

Ye Lan thought about it secretly, and then turned her mind on Mrs. Zhou.

After a while, Jiang Ying returned to the table and sat down, her expression returned to normal.

She explained: "It was the security guard who said that there was a decoration worker coming to the door, and they probably found the wrong door."

"Tsk, the management of this community is getting worse and worse." Ye Lan agreed, and then said to her daughter with a smile: "Yingying, if you have nothing to do this afternoon, please stay at home. I am going to invite Mrs. Zhou over for afternoon tea." .”

"Huh?" Jiang Ying looked puzzled.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"I asked my classmates to go to yoga class."

"Hey, just push it off if it's not something important."

If it was really a yoga class, Jiang Ying would definitely have turned it down, but the person she asked was Song Xiuyue.

"Mom, I've let him go once. If I miss another appointment this time, I will be included in the list of dishonest persons."

Ye Lan laughed out loud, "It's not that serious! Okay, okay, then go about your business, Mrs. Zhou, I'll make an appointment another day."

"Well, thank you mom."


Community gate.

Song Xiuyue returned the phone to the security guard, and said with a smile that he had made a mistake.

"There are a lot of rich people's houses here, so I made a mistake about the neighborhood, hahaha..."

The security guard gave him a disgusted look, "I'll figure it out in the future, and we'll be embarrassed to come here early in the morning to disturb others!"

"Yes, yes, sorry!"

Song Xiu stepped onto his little eDonkey, then took out his cell phone and sent Jiang Ying a message——

[At 12:[-] noon, the hot pot restaurant opposite Yunda.If you miss the appointment, you will be responsible for the consequences! 】

Choosing Yunda as the meeting place is the best warning for Jiang Ying.

Song Xiuyue's sudden appearance also caused Jiang Ying to fall into an uncontrollable panic. This plague-like man pinched seven inches of her tightly.

Over the years, she has been throwing money into a bottomless pit.

And who would have imagined how tight the money is for the superficially beautiful Miss Qianjin.

In order to fill Song Xiuyue's potholes, she did not know how many jewelry and bags she sold.

Last year, I finally spent 200 million at one time to keep the other party away from me. I didn't expect the peaceful days to end so soon!

Update in advance!Happy weekend guys~~

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