After coming down from Taiyun Mountain, Lu Yu said that he had to deal with an important matter first, so he ordered Wu Fei to send Jiang Ning back to Xinghai Bay first.

"Are you going back to the company?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Go to Auntie to pick up Rococo." Lu Yu replied.

"Oh, then I won't go back to Xinghai Bay, you can put me down near Yunda."

Jiang Ning planned to go to Sun Mengying, and take a look at what the student apartment had been like.

Lu Yu didn't ask any more questions, and asked Wu Fei to take the car around to the west gate of Yunda University, which is closer to the student apartment.

In the apartment, Sun Mengying was packing her luggage.

When she saw Jiang Ning, she pulled her aside with excitement.

"I finally know what a 'slut has her own fortune', I really didn't expect Jiang Ying to be that kind of person, she didn't dare to come to school these two days!
"The most ridiculous thing is Cheng Yuxing. There is really a prairie on the head of the Chinese department, hahaha..."

Sun Mengying said a lot in one breath, but Jiang Ning couldn't intervene in a short time.

"I really didn't expect that Cheng Yuxing looked gentle and gentle like a gentleman. I didn't expect that he was even worse than a scumbag. No wonder you look down on him."

"Yingying, the rumors about me on the Internet a few days ago are really related to Cheng Yuxing?" Jiang Ning asked suddenly.

"Isn't it? Cheng Yuxing, Jiang Ying, and Qin Shanshan are the ones who formed a group to hack you."

"But doesn't Qin Shanshan like Cheng Yuxing? Now that Cheng Yuxing and Jiang Ying are so high-profile in school, why isn't she jealous of Jiang Ying?"

Sun Mengying laughed at her simplicity.

"My treasure, have you ever heard the saying 'The enemy of my enemy is my ally'?"


"Aren't you stupid? You beat Qin Shanshan, and instead of being punished, you got into Stargate Entertainment. This is the company she desperately wants to join! How much do you think she hates you?

"As for you and Jiang Ying... Isn't Jiang Ying ashamed for making such a big commotion in the playground that day? Isn't Cheng Yuxing ashamed?
"So you are the common enemy of these three people now. They first agreed with the outside world, and then fought internally!"

Jiang Ning is in a mess, she just wants to give one sentence at this moment——

"Your school is really messed up!"

After a while, Sun Mengying said angrily again: "But Jiang Ning, why did you get some kind of life assistant when you went to the Star Gate for an internship? What is this for?
"This position is too easy to misunderstand. Although Xu Yiran explained your affairs, I always feel that there is something inside. Would you like to tell me?"

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat, and then he let out a long sigh.


"Hey, that Boss Lu is really with Xu Yiran..."

Sun Mengying didn't go on talking, but kept raising her eyebrows at Jiang Ning, with gossip burning in her eyes.

"Student Sun, I'm Mr. Lu's assistant. I can't gossip about the boss's privacy, otherwise my salary will be deducted."


The two chatted for a while, and Sun Mengying finally got down to business.

She approached Jiang Ning's ear mysteriously and whispered: "There are rumors that you are the illegitimate daughter of the Jiang family, that's why Jiang Ying targeted you like this."

Jiang Ning frowned tightly, and her face became gloomy.

"Who's talking nonsense?"

"It's still from the music department, and it's just so groundless, but now the school forum is discussing this matter."

Sun Mengying pulled her to the desk, and the page displayed on the computer screen happened to be the school forum.

Under a certain post titled "Jiang Ning and Jiang Ying's Love and Killing", the message was being updated like a scrolling screen.

Jiang Ning's two beautiful black eyebrows were completely twisted together.

Who the hell is spreading such baseless fake news so boringly?
She moved the mouse to find the IP of the person who posted it, then took out her mobile phone, took a picture of it and sent it to Fu Ye.

【Help me check this IP. 】

After waiting for a long time, Fu Ye didn't reply.


On the other side, Mansion No. [-].

The white Bentley car just drove to the gate of the community, and then slammed on the brakes.

"Xiao Ma, how did you drive the car?" Ye Lan in the back seat asked a little irritably.

Immediately, he looked up and saw that the front windshield of the car was covered with red paint.

Although the soundproofing effect of the car is very good, she still heard the "smelly little three" outside one after another.

"Ma'am, it should be made by the Bai family."

Five minutes later, Jiang Zhai.

Ye Lan walked into the living room angrily, "Jiang Ying, come out for me! Jiang Ying, Jiang Ying..."

Soon, Jiang Ying and Jiang Tianhua came down from the second floor one after the other.

"What's the matter? It's so urgent." Jiang Tianhua said warmly.

"What's the matter? I don't know where I lost my face for the good things your daughter caused!"

"Mr. Jiang, Madam's car was splashed with paint just now when entering the community!" The driver, Xiao Ma, explained from the side.

Jiang Tianhua showed some helplessness.

Just now, he was also asking Jiang Ying what happened to the uploaded on the Internet. He definitely didn't believe that his daughter would become a mistress, and the date was a playboy who was not qualified in all aspects.

But no matter how he asked, Jiang Ying just refused to tell the reason why she went to Qin Zihao at night.

The matter is so big right now, if it cannot be resolved well, Jiang Ying will not be the only one who will be ruined.

Ye Lan stepped forward and pulled Jiang Ying over, and asked sharply, "You don't even give a fart, do you really have an affair with that Qin Zihao?
"Are you going to imitate that shameless Jiang Ning and discredit the Jiang family? You're talking!"

Jiang Ying started crying again, without explaining, just repeating that she has nothing to do with Qin Zihao.

Until Ye Lan's words got worse and worse...

Just when Jiang Tianhua was about to speak, Jiang Ying let out a sob——

"Mom, it was Qin Zihao who found out about the relationship between my sister and the Jiang family. My sister hurt Qin Shanshan, but the school didn't punish my sister. He couldn't swallow his breath, so he wanted to use Jiang's family as a knife.

"I agreed to meet him after he warned me privately and said he would let it go if I did him a favor.

"The company is in constant trouble now, and I know that my father is also under a lot of pressure. I don't want these things to bother my father..."

Jiang Ying cried so heartbroken and extremely wronged.

Coupled with what she said, Jiang Tianhua's heart was almost pulled together, and then he blamed Ye Lan for indiscriminately blaming his daughter.

"Enough!" Ye Lan said angrily, "What's the use of accusing me? Didn't you insist on bringing back that shameful thing back then?
"Now you know that you have picked up a thunder and come back? Is it too late for you to regret it?"

"What do you call this? Is this my business alone? If you hadn't treated her well all day long, how could she hate the Jiang family so much?
"If you hadn't insisted on sending her abroad, would she have fallen to this point?"

Jiang Tianhua became irritable for a while, and his attitude became bad.

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