Chapter 127 Why Don't You Go Home
"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in your love and hatred, I just want to find an ally."

Lu Yu's tone was light, but there was a convincing coercion.

Bai Fei'er narrowed her eyes and stared at him for a moment, then she showed a somewhat knowing smile.

"Sure enough, Young Master Lu has another hidden side."


After get off work hours, the front desk on the 66th floor.

Jiang Ning pursed her lips, her eyes fixed on the corridor outside the office door.

She was a little curious about the relationship between Bai Fei'er and Lu Yu. On the surface, the two were completely incompatible.

Wu Fei was waiting in the reception area opposite the front desk, and every time he raised his head, he could see a small head protruding from behind the bar.

He couldn't help explaining: "Miss Bai is planning to open a martial arts gym, and she has taken a fancy to Mr. Lu's idle business in the downtown area."

Jiang Ning realized that the other party was talking to her, and quickly retracted her head in embarrassment.

"Ah? This is about Mr. Lu's business. Why did Special Assistant Wu tell me? Hehehe..."

"Miss Bai hasn't come out for so long, I think you seem a little unhappy."

Jiang Ning was even more embarrassed by Wu Fei's merciless debunking. She hurriedly said nonsense, "Yeah, I'm not happy if I haven't come out after get off work hours."

"Oh, Mr. Lu said that if you are in a hurry to go home, you can go first. I am here!"

Jiang Ning was speechless.

After hesitating for a moment, she really got up and said, "Special Assistant Wu, then I'll get off work first!"

Wu Fei responded and said yes, and then asked her if she needed Luo Li to drive her.

Jiang Ning dropped the word "no need" and left as if stepping on a hot wheel.

Five minutes later, Bai Feier and Lu Yu came out of the office one after the other.

Bai Fei'er turned her gaze to the empty front desk, and asked with a puzzled face, "Where's Mrs. Lu?"

Lu Yu turned to Wu Fei and asked, "Where's Madam?"

"Madam said that you delayed her from get off work and she was a little unhappy, so I let her go first!" Wu Fei said truthfully.

As soon as the words were finished, Bai Fei'er laughed out loud.

"Wu Fei, your salary will be deducted!"

Wu Fei raised his head with a question mark, "Huh?"

"Why is it that Mrs. Lu was late for getting off work? It's obviously because I stayed with Mr. Lu for too long, okay?"

After Bai Fei'er finished speaking, she turned to look at the man behind her, "Sir Lu, are you jealous?"

Lu Yu's black face said, "..."

The lights are on.

Jiang Ning came out of the subway station alone, and suddenly received a call from Ye Lan.

In fact, she wanted to hang up, but because she was absent-minded, she accidentally pressed the answer button.

The other party sternly accused her on the phone, saying that she had teamed up with outsiders to frame Jiang Ying.

In addition to the word "white-eyed wolf" that often appeared in her mouth, there were more fresher and harsher sentences, and even cursed words were used.

"Ms. Ye, don't scold my eighteen generations of ancestors, because this includes you, Ms. Ye! And——

"My situation is just that big. The more you scold me, the more I will not let Jiang Ying go. Just wait and see!"

Jiang Ning angrily hung up the phone and turned off the phone, so she perfectly missed Lu Yu's call.

She didn't go back directly to Xinghai Bay, but went to Su Nian's single apartment in the city center.

Knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.

Jiang Ning sat on the spot at the door, her mood fell to the bottom because of Ye Lan's phone call just now.

Maybe, it wasn't all because of that phone call.


At nine o'clock in the evening, Xinghai Bay.

Lu Yu had been standing at the door of the villa for almost an hour.

The Erha in the room was whining non-stop, and Luo Keke was lying at the dining table weakly crying hungry.

"Cousin, are you bullying my aunt again?"


"Hmph, lie to me, I saw my aunt's body hurt yesterday, it was red and purple."

Lu Yu frowned, then turned around and said sharply, "Don't go out and talk nonsense."

"Tch, are you afraid that I will tell others if I did something bad?"


Waiting until nearly ten o'clock, Jiang Ning still didn't come back, and the phone was still turned off.

Lu Yu was a little worried, and at the same time panicked for no reason.

After hesitating for a long time, he called Su Nian and asked if Jiang Ning had gone to find her.

"Hey, is Young Master Lu caring about my Ningbao?" Su Nian teased.

"Yes, is she with you?"

"No, what happened to her?"

"Didn't come home after get off work."

"Aren't you two together? Isn't she your life assistant?"

"Something went wrong."

Su Nian asked what was going on, but Lu Yu said to contact Jiang Ning first.

Until 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, Jiang Ning waited so long that she almost fell asleep at the door of the apartment.

She raised her wrist to look at her watch, and took out her phone from her pocket while muttering.

"Could it be possible for this girl to learn how to stay out at night?"

As soon as the phone was turned on, a series of incoming call reminders and messages rang for about five or six minutes.

She didn't click on any of them, and directly called Su Nian to ask why she didn't come home.

"Where are you?" Su Nian asked.

"The door of your apartment." Jiang Ning replied with a yawn.

"I'll be right there."


Fifteen minutes later, it wasn't Su Nian who appeared in front of Jiang Ning's eyes, but a tall black figure wrapped in the northern wind of the twelfth lunar month.

"Why don't you go home?"

Lu Yu's voice was tinged with a bit of coldness, and a bit of panic-stricken anger.

At this moment, just standing there gave him a sense of suffocation.

Jiang Ning raised her head and looked at him, showing no sign of depression.

"How did you come?"

"Why didn't you go home?"


This is an extremely ironic word.

Where did she come from?

Lu Yu caught the flash in her eyes, and he bent down and pulled her up from the ground.

But Jiang Ning's legs felt a little numb after sitting cross-legged for a long time, and she couldn't stand still for a while, so she threw herself into that cold embrace.

The clanging sound of the man hitting the top of his head again——

"Are you so angry for delaying your get off work?"

Jiang Ning denied it.

"Then why didn't you go home?"

"That's not my house. It's boring to live in such a big house alone!"

"So are you implying something?"

"You think too much."

Jiang Ning broke free from his arms with a smile, then stared at him intently and said, "Lu Yu, thank you so much!

"Thank you and Bai Fei'er for weaving a glorious image for me! Thank you for giving Ms. Ye another reason to hate me!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Yu frowned and asked.

"I know you have good intentions, but the people of the Jiang family are not fools, they won't really regard me as Jiang Ying's savior just because of Bai Fei'er's few words!
"Your kindness to me can only be said to be superfluous, your uncle!"


Thinking of the words Ye Lan scolded herself on the phone before, Jiang Ning couldn't help venting her anger on the man in front of her.

Lu Yu was stunned, "..."

This was the first time since he knew this girl that he saw her wanton and willful side.

Jiang Ning let out a breath, turned around and ran to the elevator at the end of the corridor.

The moment the elevator door closed, a bony hand grabbed the elevator door.

Lu Yu stepped inside, but Jiang Ning tried to go out, but was pulled back by a long arm.


Jiang Ning was knocked against the corner of the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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