After sending Rococo to the kindergarten, Jiang Ning just received a call from Fu Ye——

"James has an appointment, Ba coffee on the 9rd floor of Block A of Century Plaza at 3:[-] today."

"it is good."

Jiang Ning put down her phone and looked at the time. It was just time to rush to Century Square.

The bustling metropolitan area is full of hustle and bustle even on non-weekends.

There are only a few vacancies left in the low-key and luxurious cafe, and they are all near the corners with poor lighting.

Jiang Ning glanced around after entering the door, a golden head was particularly conspicuous in the corner.

She quickened her pace and sat down opposite the man, "Doctor James, long time no see."

The man who was looking down at the menu looked up, his blue eyes were full of astonishment.

"Oh, no..." He let out an exclamation, and said in broken Mandarin: "Ningbao, your complexion is so good, I don't think you need my treatment at all."

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case!"

James watched her intently, trying to see something unusual in her.


When Jiang Ning was sent abroad at the age of 6, she once encountered a local riot.

After a grenade exploded in her ear, she woke up and lay in the best private hospital in S state.

That was the first time she saw Fu Sinian, and the old man said to her kindly: "My child, you can rest well with me from now on."

Fu Sinian adopted her.

But since that time, Jiang Ning suffered from frequent headaches, and it was the kind of pain that even painkillers or sedatives didn't work.

Fu Sinian took her to see famous doctors all over the world, and they all said that there was no abnormality in her body at all.

Then someone suggested that they try a psychiatrist, so they turned to Jamse's father, Ben, the world's most famous psychotherapist.

After diagnosis, Ben came to the conclusion——

There is a dusty past in the patient's memory.

That part of the past must be unforgettable, deep into the bone marrow, and it must be heart-wrenching, making people unable to let go.

But Jiang Ning was only 6 years old at that time, what unforgettable past can a 6-year-old child have?

From the age of 6 to 18, Jiang Ning's "disease" has always been the subject of Ben's research.

In the end, until Ben died of illness, Jiang Ning's cause was still not found out.

James succeeded his father and continued to study unfinished projects.

But since then, Jiang Ning's headache has never recurred.

At this moment, James stared at her for about half a minute, but after all, he didn't notice anything unusual about her.

"Ling, did you really come to me for treatment?"

"Yes, I think I may know what you said that dusty memory in my brain is!"

James showed an expression of wanting to hear more.

But after he heard Jiang Ning's "Past Life Memories", he was so shocked that he patted the table and stood up.

"Ningbao, as a materialist, I find it incredible that you can say such a thing!"

Jiang Ning waved her hand to signal him to sit down and listen carefully.

"Then you use medical or scientific knowledge to give me an explanation!"


Before James could speak, Jiang Ning continued, "Do you think I'm willing to believe it? The end of science is metaphysics."


"James, to tell you the truth, I often have a dream recently."

Jiang Ning paused after finishing speaking, then shook her head and said, "It's a dream, but it's not like a dream, you know it's impossible for us to dream coherently every day.

"But my dream is so magical, it's like a complete memory, and as you say-

"Unforgettable, painful..."

"The yellow sand is all over the world, the man in armor has already been hit by several sharp arrows, but he tried his best to rob the woman in red wedding dress from the wedding car.

The flashing silver blade dangled in front of his eyes.

The man died in the woman's arms, until the last second of his life, he held onto the woman's hand tightly.

The girl who was still crying suddenly calmed down.

She ignored the guards who knelt down and begged the princess to get in the car, but hugged the man quietly in her arms tightly.

When the guards were caught off guard——

The two figures, one red and one black, are like a pair of wild geese hovering in the bottomless valley..."

"The general's name is Lu Yu, and the princess's name is Nangong Jiangning!"

The blond boy was dumbfounded, and he couldn't help but raised his hand to touch the other person's forehead.

"Ling, you haven't been stimulated recently, have you?"


Jiang Ning waved his hand away, and at the same time explained that she checked some information on the Internet before coming here.

"More than 1000 years ago, there was a small country next door called Siyun Country.

In order to maintain the peace of the territory, the lord deliberately married off his beloved youngest daughter far away.

According to the data, the Princess Nangong Jiangning died suddenly on the way to marry, and all the guards who sent her to her were beheaded. "(This is purely fictitious)

"James, do you believe in reincarnation? I think I'm probably the one with obsession, who came across the millennium to find my beloved..." Jiang Ning suddenly smiled and said, her eyes full of calm.

Seeing her serious attitude, James became serious himself, and took out his notebook to take notes seriously, and finally asked her to go to country E with him sometime recently.

"What are you going to do in Country E?"

"Go to my laboratory, I need to test your brain through advanced equipment."

"You think I'm crazy?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong, my laboratory developed a new set of equipment last year, which can monitor whether something in your brain is a real memory or a fantasy."

Jiang Ning nodded and was about to approve, but she heard the other party say quietly: "Although this instrument has only been used to diagnose delusional disorder for mental patients."


The two chatted for about half an hour, and James asked her to set a time to go to country E as soon as possible.

Now that he can clearly perceive those so-called memories, he should determine whether they are real memories as soon as possible.

If it is really the memory that has been sealed in her brain, perhaps those memories may be restored.

Jiang Ning held the coffee cup and thought about it.

It's not difficult to go to country E, but the problem is that now she just joined Stargate Entertainment and agreed to appear on variety shows.

It is definitely not possible to leave country Z in a short time.

After a while, she sipped her coffee and said, "James, I actually want to ask you today, if a person really has a certain obsession with the previous life, will her memory appear in the form of a dream in this life?"

James couldn't help stroking his arm when he heard this, "I'm a psychologist, not a metaphysician, so you can't ask me this question."

"Hey, isn't this a psychological problem for me!"

Jiang Ning really couldn't ask what she wanted to ask, but as a psychiatrist who knew her well, she had already seen the clues.

James suddenly stared at her intently, and asked her to say what she really wanted to ask.

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