Chapter 132 My Overage Adorable Baby
Jiang Ning froze for a moment, then immediately remembered the conversation between the two a few days ago.

It's just that she didn't expect that the other party would really ask Wei Lan for her.

But she had already talked to James, and it seemed meaningless to go to Wei Lan again.

"Uh... I was joking."

"I'm not joking. If you are sick, you must be cured. Be obedient."

The man's tone was as indifferent as ever, but Jiang Ning listened to the word "obedient" with a bit of coaxing, just like the "help me" he sprayed in his nose back then.

Jiang Ning didn't say anything more, which was her default.

The landline on the desk rang, and the conference room notified that the film crew on the Tudou station had arrived.

"Understood, go down immediately."


The atmosphere in the meeting room is not as lifeless as before, because there are two more energetic little milk dolls.

A man and a woman, two little milk babies who look like four or five years old, are very cute.

The children came here with the chief director of the program group, so many people were whispering about "relationship households joining the group".

"Arranging two small-related households to join the group is too much a test for the guests."

"That's right, and these two kids don't look easy to deal with."

"Needless to say, these two children must have fallen into the hands of two amateurs from our company."

"I sympathize with Jiang Ning and Chen Lin."

Not long after, Lu Yu appeared in the meeting room in formal attire.

Jiang Ning followed behind him, attracting a lot of weird eyes.

When she went out in the morning, she just wore a pair of suspenders, a cartoon sweater inside, and a pair of graffiti sneakers on her feet. She was dressed like a student.

In addition, that fair and rosy pretty face is full of collagen, and it is believed that she is a junior high school student.

Moreover, Jiang Ning was sent back to the company by Bai Feier at noon, so she forgot to go home and change her clothes.

So when she appeared in the meeting room in this outfit, people who didn't know her caused a little misunderstanding.

The first one to stand up was the chief director of the program group. His eyes briefly swept over Jiang Ning, and then he spoke with a little doubt.

"Mr. Lu, the young guests on our show are all four or five-year-old cute babies. This girl is a bit overaged!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who knew Jiang Ning suffocated their laughter and blushed.

As for Lu Yu and Jiang Ning, they didn't understand what they meant.

Immediately afterwards, the director asked again: "I wonder if this girl belongs to Mr. Lu...?"

"Is my relationship with her related to the theme of today's meeting?" Lu Yu interrupted with a cold face, and then asked, "Is there an age limit for guests? What does it mean to be overage?"

The director thought the other party was playing dumb.

Just now he obviously received a call from the station, saying that Stargate wanted to arrange an extra guest into the group.

Now all the celebrity guests have been officially announced, and the amateurs that Stargate will arrange to join the group have also been decided, so who else will there be besides the small guests?

"Mr. Lu, our show is cute."

When the director spoke again, he deliberately emphasized the two sounds of "cute baby".

Seeing the naive appearance of this chubby director, Liang Mansheng from Stargate's performance department couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up and explained: "Director Zhu, this Ms. Jiang Ning is our president's life assistant and an amateur guest of "Baby Adventures" this time."

Director Zhu Zicheng showed embarrassment, and then repeatedly apologized to Jiang Ning.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Jiang looks too young, this is an embarrassing misunderstanding..."

Jiang Ning lowered her head and smiled, "I have the right to be Director Zhu praising me for being young."

Her gentle tone and light smile are comfortable and relieve Zhu Zicheng's embarrassment.

Lu Yu glanced past the two of them, then stared at the girl beside him who hadn't sat down and spoke with a half-smile.

"Our over-age cute baby is also very cute, please sit down."

The voice with its own stereo, coupled with such a playful sentence in an understatement tone, almost made Jiang Ning sit down on the ground.

The eyes of everyone in the meeting room became ambiguous.

In the private group, crazy discussions began——

"I just said that the president is having an affair with this life assistant!"

"The key is that Mr. Lu's words are so good!"

Those present knew what they were talking about, but those not present were looking forward to the birth of Dagua.

"What did Boss Lu say? What happened to him and Jiang Ning? Tell me, didn't they go to a meeting?"

Jiang Ning didn't take her seat for a long time, but pretended to be calm and said: "Chen Lin hasn't come yet, I'll rush him."

Just when he walked to the door, the pleasant voice just now sounded again——


The neat two words are still so Su to the ears of others.

Jiang Ning stopped her steps, but didn't dare to turn around immediately.

She was afraid that her blushing would be too obvious from the heat, and she was also afraid that her heart would not stop beating when she touched those cold eyes.

"Chen Lin was replaced by me, and the male guest who is partnering with you is someone else."

As soon as these words came out, both the staff of Stargate and the staff of the program group showed surprise.

Zhu Zicheng said: "Mr. Lu, I haven't received a notice from the station about changing guests!"

"It's an amateur, it doesn't matter." Lu Yu responded.

"But... the relevant information has already been given to the guests, and now there is a temporary replacement, so I don't have time to prepare."

"He has read your script!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to be curious about the same question——

Who changed?And I haven't come to the meeting yet!
Until the end of the meeting, the new guests that Lu Yu was talking about did not show up.

As expected, the two children brought by the director became the young guests who cooperated with the amateur guests.

The twin siblings were left in the company, saying that they wanted to get acquainted with the show guests first.

Jiang Ning looked at the two children who had been smashed into his hands, and his head suddenly went black.

Didn't you say...two with one?
How did it become one belt two now?
She returned to her work station with her two children.

In order to attack each other with sugar-coated bullets first, she specially ordered fruit juice and milk tea for them.

The takeaway couldn't be delivered to the president's office floor, so Jiang Ning had to go downstairs to pick it up.

However, when she went upstairs with the takeaway, she was shocked to find that the materials she had arranged on her desk had turned into paper airplanes flying around the hall.

Two children were running and making noise in the spacious reception area, and the entire floor was filled with crisp and sharp screams.

President Lu probably couldn't stand the noise, and he was striding over from the corridor with a gloomy face.


A paper airplane was inserted precisely in the man's perfectly combed hair.

Jiang Ning: Hiss...

Lu Yu's face smelled so bad that even adults would feel terrified when they saw it.

However, these two little guys may feel that they have a strong background at a young age and can be self-willed wherever they go, so they don't feel that they have done anything bad.

"Shu Shu, you are blocking my way!"

The little boy looked up at the man who was more than twice as tall as him with a stiff face.

The little girl tugged on the man's trousers and shouted loudly: "Shu Shu, give me back the big handjob on your head."

(End of this chapter)

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