The off-road vehicle with slightly damaged front walked through the fine rain curtain, and finally turned slowly into the Wutong Avenue leading to Xinghai Bay.

The fence gate of the garden villa opened.

Erha, who was supposed to be tethered in the yard, somehow ran out and jumped up and down in front of the car, his gray-blue eyes sparkling under the light of the car lights.

Lu Yu opened the car window and let Erha jump into the passenger car, and the silly dog ​​wailed as soon as he entered, as if to say, "Why did you just come back!"

Dogs have always had a keen sense of smell, so all the hamburger and chicken nuggets that Jiang Ning packed back became Erha's dinner.

"Snow Wolf, that's my cousin's dinner. If you eat his, he can only eat dog food!" Luo Keke complained.


Fortunately, Lu Yu's mind was not on eating at this time, he just wanted to prove one thing urgently.

After returning to the villa, Jiang Ning took Rococo to take a bath without delay.

After all, the little guy had a fight with a dog during the day, so he was really not very clean.

At the door of the bathroom, Lu Yu raised his hand to knock on the door, but he heard incomparably harmonious laughter from inside.

"Auntie, next time, can you teach me how to throw someone over my shoulder easily?"

"No, you are too young to learn this."

"I'm so strong. You see, I kicked that big guy away today."

"Brute force is useless!"

"Hmph, I think you are afraid of being scolded by my cousin!"

"I'm afraid of him? Don't underestimate me like this!"

"Then you go and beat my cousin to show your ambition!"

"I think you just want to trick me, little villain!"

Rococo giggled and even said it was to enhance the relationship between aunt and uncle.

Jiang Ning picked up the water from the bathtub and splashed it on the little guy's face, and the two actually had a water fight on the spot.

Laughter kept coming through the door, making the man at the door unable to imagine what kind of joyful scene it was inside.

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth raised slowly involuntarily, but after a few seconds, his face became extremely stiff again.

He couldn't imagine that his body would react embarrassingly because of this.

The conversation inside gradually became quieter, and it seemed that footsteps were approaching the door.

Jiang Ning opened the door with her wet hands, only to see a black shadow fleeing in a panic.


He hesitated for a while, then shrugged and went to the cabinet to get the hair dryer.

After drying Rococo's hair, Jiang Ning continued to coax her to go to bed early like an old lady.

But it was still early, and the little guy didn't seem too happy to go to bed so early.

"Auntie, it's only past eight o'clock, why don't you play games with me for a while!"

"What game are you playing? You fought hard during the day, aren't you tired?"

"Not tired."

"You're not tired, I'm tired. I want to sleep, okay? Little ancestor!"

"You can't sleep either, my uncle won't let you sleep."

Jiang Ning looked at her with a question mark on her face.

The little guy explained again solemnly: "Does my cousin always bully you at night? Why do you sometimes get hurt when you wake up in the morning?"

What she meant by bullying was very simple, but the truth made Jiang Ning's face burn like a red-hot iron plate.

She smiled with a stiff expression, and explained dryly: "Why, your cousin can't beat me at all!"

"Then what's the matter with you?"

Those big black grape-like eyes are full of worry, but also full of thirst for knowledge.

"Scraping physiotherapy plus cupping!" Jiang Ning said nonsense.

"I've done this before, but isn't the cupping pot round?"

"Luo Keke, if you sleep well now, how about I teach you how to throw over your shoulder another day?"



"Okay then, in order to prevent you from cheating, please check it!"

A smile flashed across Jiang Ning's eyes, thinking that a child is a child.

Pretend to be like a little adult, but in the end you can't escape these little tricks of children.

After the two pulled the hook, the little guy finally closed his eyes obediently.

Jiang Ning stuffed a Donald Duck pillow into her arms, then tucked in the quilt for her, turned off the lights and left.

As soon as he walked to the corridor, a cold dampness enveloped the sky and covered the sky.

"What do you mean by what you said to Rococo?"

Jiang Ning was pressed against the wall, and the lingering breath from her nose burned her skin, making her feel like she was in a world of ice and fire.

She stared at the handsome face in front of her with some puzzlement, "What did I say?"

"You tell her that there are many people bullying her, so call them back one by one."

Jiang Ning was still full of doubts.

She didn't know what was wrong with this sentence, and she didn't know what deep meaning this sentence could have in the other party's ears.

"Do you think... such an ordinary sentence can have any special meaning?"

"I mean, why would you tell her that!"

Seeing the man's extremely serious attitude, Jiang Ning was immediately confused.

She replied with a sad face: "I don't mean anything, just tell her not to be bullied!"

"Have you ever said that to anyone else?"

"I've told many people about it!"

Lu Yu half-closed his eyes, his dangerous gaze was full of seriousness.

Looking at the girl in front of him at this moment, he had an indescribable feeling.

It was a feeling that was both strange and familiar, and that wanted to be close but had to be restrained as much as possible.

Jiang Ning was already blushing because of the little guy's question just now, but now she kept such an unsafe distance from this man, the blush on her face almost smeared behind her ears.

"I remember the term Manden River once appeared in your mouth. Does this place have any special meaning to you?"

"I saved a person there!" Jiang Ning replied truthfully.



"Why would you be so impressed by a stranger?"

"He's like an old friend."

After the minimal question and answer, Jiang Ning tried to escape from the opponent's two long arms.

It's a pity that in the next moment, her waist was domineeringly circled by that long arm.

There was still a dangerous glint in Lu Yu's eyes.

Opened his mouth, his voice was as cold as usual.

"What kind of old friend, tell me!"

This old friend is Jiang Ning's childhood regret, and mentioning it will only add to the sadness.

"I do not want to say."

She raised her eyes and looked at him squarely, and obvious disappointment flashed in her beautiful eyes.

But the sense of loss captured by that glance pierced into someone's eyes like a barb.

Lu Yu tightened his palms on her waist, "Someone you like?"

"Do you need to know that clearly?"

While talking, Jiang Ning tried to open the hand on her waist, but it was futile after a long time of effort, but her whole body was pushed against the wall again.

"I said I don't like green." The man said in a deep voice.

After a pause, Jiang Ning smiled.

"Have you forgotten our relationship?"

Immediately, she poked her finger on the other's shoulder and said quietly: "Then let me remind you, you and I are bound together by a contract.

"At present, it has been derived into a relationship that can please each other under the condition of mutual approval..."

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