Chapter 147

When the girls were discussing, Ji Sichen spoke with some disdain.

"What's so curious about this, you'll know when someone comes out!"

Among these guests, he was the most famous, so he was very upset that someone stole his limelight.

However, under the hint of the manager on the sidelines, he quickly adjusted his mood.

At the same time, I was thinking: no matter how big the spectrum is, it’s not just a passer-by!
With everyone watching, the driver of the Rolls-Royce got out of the car.

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat.

How could it be Rowley?


A strange idea had just formed, and the man who got down from the back seat confirmed her strange idea.

The person who came was wearing a black formal suit, with a black coat that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. His tall and strong supermodel figure made people involuntarily take a few more glances.

He was wearing oversized sunglasses, but he couldn't hide the sharp eyes behind the lenses, let alone the handsome face carefully carved by God.

There is a powerful aura around him that keeps strangers away, like a deep sea vortex that makes people daunting.

In fact, so far, the last guest is still the suspense reserved for this show.

Except for the director Xiong Taisheng, the entire program team including the chief director did not know who this mysterious guest was.

At this time, the suspense was revealed, causing everyone present to be dumbfounded.

On the sidelines, chief director Zhu Zicheng stammered, "No...not...don't you mean plain...amateur?"

Assistant director: "It's an amateur."

Lu Yu is not an insider, so he can be called an amateur;

But as the boss of an entertainment company, there were more gossip about him than insiders.

The scene fell into a brief freeze.

All the celebrity guests didn't know how to face this big amateur.

The tyrant in the entertainment industry condescends to appear on variety shows, and will be the top trending search every minute.

Lu Yudan glanced at everyone, and then took the initiative to walk to Jiang Ning's side.

"Mr. Lu, you are standing in the wrong place." He Yi, who was the first to recover, kindly reminded.

Before forming a team, the male and female guests stood on each side.

"That's right, she and I are both amateurs." Lu Yu responded tepidly.

Zhu Zicheng once confidently thought that he could deal with the surprise guests on the spot, but he didn't expect that the surprise turned into a shock in the end.

He personally came forward and grandly introduced the most important mysterious amateur guest of this show to the star guests and the audience.

Since the first episode of the reality show was broadcast live, the barrage had already swiped the screen when the audience saw this scene.

[Wow, this program group is awesome enough to define Lu Baba as an amateur! 】

[That's the tyrant of the entire entertainment industry! 】

[Xu Yiran hasn't made any sound recently, could it be that he was dumped?So Lu Mowang came to the show again to find a new love? 】

[Maybe, I think the way he looks at Gu Yifan is a little silly. 】

[No, no, he was looking at Ma Shasha. 】

In the barrage, a disharmonious comment was continuously swiped in golden font——

[Sick, Lu Yu is wearing sunglasses, you can see who he is looking at? 】

At the scene, director Zhu Zicheng began to introduce the program process.

Now that the male and female guests have arrived, it's time for the cute baby to appear on the stage.

A little green train slowly entered the scene carrying the noise of children.

The sharp-eyed Jiang Ning saw the face she was most familiar with at a glance.

Rococo stood on the front seat of the little train like a kid king, wearing a sweater with Donald Duck pattern and a headband in the shape of Donald Duck on his head.

Behind her are the twins of the Director's family. The two little ones have been deliberately dressed, one is wearing a small British-style suit, and the other is wearing a princess dress that does not match this season.

In addition, there are two cute babies sitting on the train.

A man and a woman sat quietly in their seats, even though the three people in front were about to quarrel.

When the little train came to a slow stop, the three cute babies moved their hands again because they rushed to get off the train.

In the end, Rococo came out on top and was the first to get off the car and ran to the infield, and went straight up to hold Jiang Ning's hand.

Some viewers recognized this lively little girl——

[Isn't this little girl the one who was abandoned at the gate of Yunmen looking for her cousin? 】

[Yes, yes, why is she so familiar with that amateur? 】

[Could they have known each other before?What's the point of that show! 】


At the scene of the show, the MC carried Rococo to the Mengbao station area, and instructed Lu Yu to also stand in the male guest area.

MC introduced the rules of the game, and then began to form a team.

Each of the male guests was given a rose in their hands. They only need to send the rose to the female guest they like, and the female guest accepts it as a successful team formation.

The order of selection is determined by rolling dice.

After one round, Lu Yu threw out 1 point, and his face turned dark on the spot.

That means he has no choice at all.

Seeing the aggrieved Lu Mowang, Jiang Ning wanted to laugh, but she had to endure so many scenes.

The first choice was Ji Sichen, who gave the flower to his rumored girlfriend Cheng Nuo without any suspense.

Cheng Nuo took it with a blushing face, and the first group of CPs formed a team successfully.

The next choice was He Yi, who walked towards Jiang Ning without hesitation while holding the flowers.

What Jiang Ning saw was the eye knife following the opponent, and the blade was flying towards him at the same time.

She tightened her scalp, then smiled and bowed to the other party.

"Feel sorry."

The team failed, and He Yi petrified in embarrassment.

The barrage exploded again, and many fans of He Yi jumped out to complain for the idol——

[What the hell, an amateur actually rejected our Da Yiyi? 】

[Does she still want to form a CP with Mo Lingyu?Can Mo Lingyu take a fancy to her? 】

Jiang Ning's act of refusing a celebrity guest caused the netizens who had previously praised her beauty to become black fans in seconds.

Even before anything happened, labels such as "green tea" and "scheming whore" were attached to her.

He Yi needs to choose a partner again, but it must be in the next round.

In other words, Demon King Lu had another chance to choose.

In the Rolls-Royce parked outside the stadium, Luo Li lay in the driver's seat and watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone, tongue incessantly.

"Boss, why don't you just say that it's your daughter-in-law? Why is your face so stinky? How much it affects the shooting effect!"

"Tsk tsk, this vinegar is so full that you can open a vinegar factory."

The next moment, I saw Mo Lingyu walking towards Jiang Ning holding a rose.

"Damn it, boss love rival +1."

Fortunately, Mo Lingyu only stayed in front of Jiang Ning for two seconds, and then decisively offered the rose to Gu Yifan who was next to her.

Gu Yifan froze for a moment, then calmly glanced at the male guest area.

Immediately, she politely apologized to the other party.


The optimistic pair of CPs just missed it.

[No need to guess, Gu Yifan must have taken a fancy to Lu Baba. 】

[Of course, if you have the opportunity to get along with Lu Baba, no matter how the relationship develops in the future, it will be your connections and backstage! 】

[If Gu Yifan really hugged Lu Baba's thigh, it would definitely be a magnanimous star. 】

Jiang Ning couldn't help but glanced to the side, just in time to catch the shyness of the girl when she lowered her head.

Looking at the opposite side again, a certain man looked towards her expressionlessly.


(End of this chapter)

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