Lu Yu walked through a bush with Jiang Ning in his arms, and there were no more stone steps under his feet.

The large area of ​​sunlight on the top of the mountain broke through the green shade, bright and dazzling.

Jiang Ning saw a good place to pitch a tent at a glance, and immediately pointed to a certain place and said excitedly: "Lu Yu, that, that, hurry up!"

Being hugged all the way, she seems to have gotten used to not having legs.

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth curled up, and he continued to hold her and walked towards her finger.

Soon, Xiong Naiyu and Xiong Naiwen also followed up.

"You adults are too bad." Xiong Naiyu shouted out of breath.

"If you hadn't sprained my foot because of your being a monster, I would still be able to hug you for a while, didn't I make a mistake?" Jiang Ning said with a smile.

The two little guys were panting like cows, and they were already too tired to make any moths.

Instead of ignoring them, Lu Yu ordered them to do their work.

He first put Jiang Ning on a big rock nearby, then squatted down to her feet and began to take off her shoes.

Jiang Ning quickly retracted her feet, "What are you doing?"

"What can I do to you here? Look at what's wrong with your foot!"

The man didn't raise his head, but focused on rolling up her trousers and checking her ankles.

Fortunately, the redness is not too serious.

The ankle was wrapped by that warm palm, and Jiang Ning felt an electric current rushing from the sole of the foot to the whole body.

This kind of injury is not worth mentioning to her at all.

Think back when she was performing missions outside, even if her foot was broken, she would just pick up two branches and tie them up to continue the mission.

When did anyone care if she was hurt?
Looking back, she seemed to have never been so cared about before.

There was a bitter taste in my heart, but when I looked down and saw the short haired head in front of me, there was a trace of sweetness in the bitterness.

Even if this short-term concern is false, she is willing to immerse herself in it temporarily.

She couldn't help but raised her hand to mess up the hair on this head, with a sly smile in her eyes.

Lu Yu raised his head, and a faint word "Chuan" appeared between his brows.

Not because of her sly smile, but...

"This kind of leather jacket and pants is not allowed in the future!"

Jiang Ning looked confused, "Huh?"

Lu Yu got up, took off his coat and wrapped it around her.

"Wearing so sexy, who will show it to!"

Jiang Ning: "???"

How can her motorcycle outfit be sexy?

On the side, the following camera was in a daze.

Are they wondering whether the current recording may be a love variety show?

Why...there are always pink bubbles popping out?

After a while, other groups of families climbed to the top of the mountain one after another.

Ji Sichen has exhausted all his strength, but his physical strength is still not as good as someone's.

He couldn't help but glanced at the man who was setting up the tent, thinking how could a dude have such good physique and endurance?

Unlike Mo Lingyu, Ma Shasha was thrown into the ditch by acting handsome for a while.


Lu Yu instructed the two little guys to set up a tent together.

Jiang Ning had to sit aside and direct, and said in his mouth: "Tie it tight, it's windy on the mountain at night."

Xiong Naiyu said angrily, "Then do it yourself!"

Jiang Ning supported the stone with both hands, and tilted her head at him with a smile.

"Lu Baba won't let me!"

Lu Yu quickly set up a tent, and suddenly found that there was another tent among their belongings.

"Why are there two tents?"

His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear, so all eyes fell on him at the same time.


Jiang Ning's ears became inexplicably hot.


【What is Lu Baba thinking? 】

【I want to share a tent with Jiang Ning, hahaha...】

【Lu Baba, can you keep a low profile?This is a show! (cover face)]


Why are there two tents?

There is no need to explain this question, Lu Yu himself will be able to respond quickly.

He laughed secretly, forgot that this was a show!

The place Jiang Ning chose was sheltered from the wind and facing the sun, which was indeed the best location.

But after Lu Yu set up the tent, something happened at the scene.

Cheng Nuo has a cold.

After her "warm baby" wrapped his coat around her, he asked Lu Yu to change the position of the tent.

Of course, when meeting Lu Yu in private, Ji Sichen was still polite and humble.

However, Lu Yu looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

"I spent so much effort to go up the mountain first, why should I give up the good place to you?"

Whether you have a cold or not, they are all excuses.

That's just a man trying to show his abilities in front of girls.

And why should he, Lu Yu, be taken advantage of?
Ji Sichen looked embarrassed for a moment.

Although he expected that the other party's attitude would not be friendly, he didn't expect that the camera was going to hit their faces, and he was so shameless.

"Mr. Lu, Xiao Nuo really has a cold and can't blow the wind. Can you just take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade?"

"I only pity my incense and my jade. Your woman is Lin Daiyu and can't blow the wind. Is my woman a female Vajra?"

The indifferent voice, the calm tone, was so blocked that the other party couldn't utter half a syllable.

Even the camera on the side was stunned.

At this time, in order to avoid Ji Sichen's embarrassment in public, the camera should actually be moved away.

Because of this mistake in the camera, this scene was broadcast live and caused an explosion on the Internet——

[Ci'ao, Ci'ao... What's the situation, who will tell me that this is just for the effect of the show? 】

[Lu Baba's "I'm a woman" can't be so domineering! 】


In the follow-up, Ji Sichen disregarded the arrangement of the brokerage company and directly disclosed his real relationship with Cheng Nuo on the show.

He said: "Boss Lu, Cheng Nuo is my real girlfriend, I want to protect her well!"

The manager jumped up and down on the sidelines, wishing he could rush into the recording scene and gag Ji Sichen.

Soon, she remembered that she could ask the director to pause the recording first.

However, Zhu Zicheng saw that the program was effective, so he completely ignored the agent's request.

The brokerage companies of Ji Sichen and Cheng Nuo also expressed extreme dissatisfaction with this matter.

Originally, the two were asked to fry CP because of the popularity on the Internet, and to stimulate the appetite of those CP fans on the Internet.

Now that it's made public, the mystery is gone.

Who else will pay for their various activities in the future?

And if they do this, they will also lose a large number of fans who don't like this pair of CP.

the fact is--

The result of Ji Sichen's doing so was not that bad, and his domineering way of protecting his wife in the show attracted a lot of new fans.

Netizens have expressed that they are men, responsible, and worthy of entrustment!

At this time, Ji Sichen was still declaring to Lu Yu that he could do anything for his girlfriend.

"As long as Mr. Lu is willing to give me the shelter from the wind, if there is anything I need to do in the next program, I will try my best to help you complete it, okay?"

His low profile now is the complete opposite of what he was at the beginning of the show, and his attitude is also extremely sincere.

However, Lu Yu replied slowly, "No."

"Mr. Lu, your partner, Ms. Jiang, only..."

Before Ji Sichen could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"You have to protect your girlfriend, and I..."

When Lu Yu said this, he drew his voice very long, and then looked at the girl sitting on the big rock with a hint of a doting smile.

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