Mo Lingyu picked up the chicken leg in Zhou Chen's hand and studied it in depth.

"Oh, grilled chicken? Could it be that Lu Yu brought the oven directly? You underestimated him!"


Jiang Ning set up a bonfire in front of the tent, and built a shelf with a few branches around the bonfire.

At this time, another long branch was placed across the shelf, and a whole chicken was propped on the branch.

Lu Yu squatted in front of the bonfire, turning the chicken over from time to time.

On the side, Jiang Ning is currently squatting on the ground doing something cruel to others for her outdoor food——

Kill the chicken!
The colorful feathers kept falling from her hands.

The staff of the film crew were all dumbfounded.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that a girl as beautiful as flowers and jade was able to shoot three pheasants with just a slingshot that was made temporarily?

And slaughtered, roasted, and ate these three pheasants with a small Swiss Army knife...

The point is, she actually brought small cans of cumin powder and some other seasonings!

The aroma of the barbecue made the hungry staff almost cry.

While turning over the branch in his hand, Lu Yu cast meaningful gazes behind him.

Sure enough, she was still the little girl who played with the slingshot back then!
Jiang Ning suddenly looked back, but she didn't care about the temperature in the man's eyes that was hotter than a campfire.

She looked at the pile of firewood that was getting weaker and weaker, and said quickly: "Xiong Er, there's not enough firewood, hurry up and bring Xiong Da to pick up some more!"

With the experience of getting along with Rococo, she is completely able to subdue the two demon kings with the "law of food".

Although roasted pheasant is not considered a delicacy, but when everyone does not have it and he has it, the sense of satisfaction will be overwhelming.

After receiving the instruction, Xiong Naiyu immediately ran towards a certain direction.

But before he ran a few steps, several piles of firewood were approaching them.

The sharp-eyed Rococo saw the roast chicken in her cousin's hand, and immediately ran over with her short legs.

She stood still in front of the man, and said in a childish voice, "Shu Shu, Auntie, can I exchange chicken wings with you with firewood?"

Lu Yu wanted to break a chicken leg for her, but because of his lack of life skills, he burned his hands.

Jiang Ning immediately put down what she was doing when she heard the sound, went to the side and washed her hands with hand sanitizer, and finally sterilized them with alcohol wipes before taking the roast chicken off the simple shelf.

She gave Rococo the whole chicken and the branches.

"Here, it's all yours!"

The little guy dropped the firewood in his hand, and happily ran back to He Yi with the chicken in his arms.

"Father He, I exchanged the firewood for the chicken, so hurry up and send the firewood to Aunt Jiang Ning!"

He Yi: "No, this is what we use for heating at night!"

Rococo: "Can't you pick it up again? If you want to pick up firewood, then get me a chicken, I'm hungry!"

He Yi was deflated.

Where can he get the chicken?


Dusk was falling, and a bonfire was lit in front of every tent.

But only Jiang Ning's bonfire was filled with aromas.

Later, when the show was broadcast, the audience once thought that this variety show had become a food show.

Jiang Ning knew that the first day of recording was only a warm-up, and the real challenge was yet to come.

Therefore, her first task now is to appease people's hearts with delicious food, especially the hearts of the two children who fell into her hands.

According to the script -

Tomorrow, mysterious bandits will appear on the mountain, and they will kidnap the five cute babies separately.

Temporary parents should find and rescue their babies according to the clues left by the robbers.

Jiang Ning looked worriedly at the children who were eating chicken, somehow feeling that these two children were not very smart.

She couldn't help but think that it would be great if she partnered with that little clever Rococo.

And this time-

The little clever ghost in Jiang Ning's heart was yelling at Gu Yifan.

Small in stature, but imposing like no one.

The noise gradually became louder, and everyone went to their tents to watch.

Only after the camera brother explained——

It was Gu Yifan who complained about the lack of firewood for a while, and complained that He Yi had no plans to eat.

Luo Ke is why he insists on fighting against injustice.

"My father and I went to collect firewood, what are you doing at home? You can't even set up a tent, and you still have the face to complain about this and that?
"It's really bad luck to team up with you, you don't do any work and you like to beep.

"Look, whose hostess is as lazy as you? Even Aunt Cheng Nuo who has a cold has prepared hot pot and rice!
"Look at you again. When your tent is ready, you only know to lie in and sleep. Don't you know how to help set up Father He's tent?"

Gu Yifan was so angry that his face was like a revolving door, the key is that he still has nothing to refute.

She struggled to regulate her breathing, and then yelled at the little guy: "They were all carried up the mountain, and I climbed up by myself, what if I take a rest?"

"Sister Tang Yuexi, Zhou Chen, and Xiong Da Xiong Er also climbed up by themselves, did they rest?

"Such a big person is not as good as a child!"

"you you……"

Gu Yifan you for a long time, and finally cried out of anger.

Seeing that the scene was out of control, the director hurried forward to mediate.

Ma Shasha sent them a box of fresh-packed beef.

"Brother Ling Yu prepared it, so you can make do with the dinner first."

Ji Sichen also sent over a box of self-heating hot pot, "Xiao Nuo said it was too troublesome to make a fire, this one is more convenient, not enough for us to have."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ning came over with another chicken forked, and did not forget to explain: "There was a wild rabbit, but it was too cute to be willing to pick it up. Fortunately, there are many chickens in this mountain!"

The "relief food" sent by the three families finally settled the dinner for Gu Yifan's group.

Since the show is still being recorded, Gu Yifan can't be too self-willed, let alone have the same knowledge as a child, so he can only bite the bullet and continue to accompany the show.

She squatted in front of Rococo, and said to her sincerely, "Baby, I'm sorry, Mommy Gu is really tired, tired and hungry!"

Luo Keke snorted lightly, and said mercilessly: "I exchanged firewood for chicken for you to eat, why do you still dislike other people's dirty things?"


Seeing that the scene could not be saved, the cameraman simply moved the lens away and took a picture of the green mountains under the twilight.


After the simple outdoor dinner, each group of families began to settle down separately.

Soon, the director team discovered that only seven of the eight tents were supported in the end.

"Mr. Lu, why didn't you set up a tent?" the assistant director kindly reminded.

Lu Yu: "Is it necessary?"


Ma Shasha rubbed half of Jiang Ning's chicken just now, and now she is bringing some fruit for her.

Just hearing the assistant director's question, she couldn't help teasing: "Of course Mr. Lu wants to live with Mrs. Lu!"

Assistant director: "What about those two children?"

After finishing the sentence, Lu Yuwei paused, then found the tent that he had thrown aside before and fixed it as quickly as possible.


Today's update is a little late, because of cervical spondylosis, woo woo woo~

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