The other end of the call has not yet ended.

Fu Ye listened to the conversation on the phone just now and this small movement at this moment, so angry that he almost cursed his mother.

At this time, Jiang Ning was even more nervous and wanted to speak, but her voice was completely blocked, or the syllables she made made her blush.

Until Lu Yu groaned in pain.

He slightly propped himself up, "You are really a wild cat."

Jiang Ning took a breath, and said with a slightly sullen expression: "You are really getting more and more shameless, when is this..."

"It's time to give the old man a great-grandson." Lu Yuxie smiled charmingly.


"it is good."

The next second, Jiang Ning realized what his "good" meant, and was so angry that she wanted to curse.

"You are crazy! Get up quickly, I haven't finished calling yet."


Jiang Ning was at a loss, and couldn't figure out where she was acting angry, which caused the other party to understand.


"I was wrong. I shouldn't have yelled at you just now." Lu Yu stared at her and explained seriously.

Jiang Ning turned her face away, and her eyes fell on the mobile phone that was still on the call interface on the ground.

She lowered her voice and said, "I'm really not angry, you hurry down."

"Since you're not angry, why do you want me to go down?"

After the words fell, his kiss fell domineeringly again...

Jiang Ning dodged as much as possible until she saw the phone on the ground turn off.


The night outside the window changed from the lights of thousands of houses to black, and the bedroom finally regained the quietness exclusive to the late night.

Lu Yu embraced the angry girl, and explained in a warm voice: "Ke Ke's identity is too special, and my cousin doesn't want her to be exposed before finding her biological father."

"Then you can't make up nonsense and say that the child is mine! I gave birth to a rococo child at my age, where do you put my old face?"

Lu Yu lowered his eyes, full of doting.

He tightened his arms, and clasped the girl's head against his chest.

"Put it here."

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes, OS in her heart: I'll go to your grandpa!

"Give me some time and I'll take care of it."


At noon the next day, Jingshan Palace.

Four bodyguards and four nannies were arranged around Rococo, but the eight of them were stunned by this brat.

Qin Shu followed Lu Liting's order and came to take care of the child himself, but when he entered the door, his face was covered with ice water.

I wanted to educate my children, but in the end I was so angry that I cried.

At such a young age, he not only has a poisonous tongue, but also has a lot of tricks to trick people.

Luo Keke said that her marbles rolled under the bed and asked Qin Shu to help them dig them out.

Later, when Qin Shu was lying on the edge of the bed and groping under the bed, he touched a large piece of sticky stuff, and when he pulled out his hand, it turned out to be a large piece of paint.

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, only to have my hands glued to the doorknob when I went out.

Almost all the members of the Lu family were dispatched to free Qin Shu's hand from the doorknob, causing her hand to almost peel off a layer of skin.

"Why is this child so crooked at such a young age?" Liu Yun said angrily.

"Follow her mother, I see that Jiang Ning is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Gao Yue echoed.

It was Lu Yi who complained for Rococo.

"Two aunts, grandpa took Ke Ke home without my brother and sister-in-law's consent, it's grandpa's fault!
"Now that the child wants to see his mother but can't see it, it's not wrong to be a bit rebellious."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Qin Shu with a stern expression and said, "And you, Mom, I think you shouldn't just listen to grandpa. You should give the child back to your brother and sister-in-law."

Qin Shu's face turned black, pretending to be helpless.

"Yiyi, you don't understand. Since this child belongs to the Lu family, she must be scientifically certified before being included in the Lu family tree."

"That should also be accompanied by my brother and sister-in-law."

"These are all grandpa's ideas, Yiyi, don't mess around at home."

Qin Shu's face became a little angry.

Seeing this, Lin Ying, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stepped forward and pulled Lu Yi aside.

"Yiyi, grandpa is the head of the Lu family, he should arrange all these matters, you..."

Lu Yi shook off the other party's hand on her arm, looked at the other party unkindly and said, "These things are all about the Lu family, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Ying's face froze, but she didn't have the same knowledge as the other party.

She thought that after all Lu Yi had been so irritated before, it was understandable that she had become mentally disturbed recently.

A moment later, Gao Yue received a call from the hospital.

It is said that Mr. Lu has already contacted the paternity testing agency and asked them to take the child there immediately.

Qin Shu showed a cold expression, then got up and said, "I'll go get the baby out!"

"Xiao Shu, that child is very bad, let Ah Qing hold her!" Gao Yue said from behind.

Qin Shu said no, no matter how bad the child is, it's just a child, don't let the bodyguard scare her.

When a group of people forcibly brought the child into the car, Lu Yi couldn't stop it with his own efforts.

After the car left, she immediately called Lu Yu.

At the same time, Lu Zhijie also left the company in a hurry with Mo Liangsheng.

Lu Yu received calls from Lu Yi and Wu Fei one after another, and was also leaving from Xinghai Bay at this time.

Jiang Ning was worried and insisted on following along.


The identification hospital was selected in a private hospital far away from the urban area.

When Lu Yu arrived, the entrance of the hospital, which has always had good privacy, was surrounded by reporters.

"I'll go, what do these media want?" Jiang Ning muttered.

"Wait for the report on how Mrs. Lu cheated the Lu family into marrying her with a fake daughter."

Lu Yu turned the car around while talking, and drove the car to the side door of the hospital.

He couldn't enter the car through the side door, so he had to park the car on the side of the road, and then dragged Jiang Ning to walk from the inpatient department to the complex building to the west.

On the other side, the courtyard complex.

Luo Keke yelled to pee in Qin Shu's hand, but Qin Shu was not allowed to accompany her into the bathroom.

Qin Shu thought that he was waiting at the door of the bathroom, and the child could not be lost.

But she didn't expect Rococo to rush into the men's toilet after being put down.

Qin Shu immediately asked the bodyguards to follow him in.

In the next second, several bodyguards were blocked at the door of the men's bathroom, stepping back.

Then a man in a black suit came out of the bathroom.

He is a big man over 190cm tall, with a strong body, and his arm muscles make the suit bulge.

The man had all his hair shaved on both sides, only the top of his head was braided, and he had a small mustache on his chin. He wore a pair of square sunglasses on his face with Chinese characters, and he exuded a cold and evil spirit.

But anyone who has eyes knows who this man is——

Du Rui, the personal bodyguard of Shen Mu, the sole heir of the Muteng Group.

Not to mention that the Lu family wants to win the Muteng project now, even if there is no such stake, the members of the Lu family have to respect the Shen family three points.

Du Rui asked a few bodyguards outside the door with a gloomy face: "What are you doing?"

"Go, go to the toilet!" One of them replied calmly.

"Do you need to be so aggressive to go to the bathroom?"

Not far away, Qin Shu walked quickly when he saw this.

"What's the matter? Is the child in there?"

Du Rui glanced at the woman coldly, "Miss Lu is so imposing, what do you mean by bringing four bodyguards into the men's bathroom when she goes out?"

Qin Shu frowned, and his face darkened.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, one of the bodyguards approached her and revealed her identity.

Qin Shu was startled.

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