The moving wheelchair suddenly stopped.

Jiang Ning held the wheel tightly with her hands, and turned her head to look up at the tall man.

Just as he was about to question what happened just now, Lu Yu took the initiative to say, "You're so smart, you shouldn't misunderstand."

These words made Jiang Ning feel like punching cotton.

"Hehe, I understand!" She gritted her teeth and squeezed out a voice, "Obstetrics? I have to cooperate with you even if my reputation is damaged. Who told me to be short-handed!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

After coming out of the hospital, it was already dusk outside.

Jiang Ning was sitting in a wheelchair, her left foot was already in plaster, and her face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Lu Yu, Lu Sanshao, is it too late for me to regret it?"

Lu Yu paused for a moment before responding softly, "Regret? Reason!"

He thought he was good enough to her, she should be grateful, so why regret it?

Just like this morning, if he hadn't rushed to the principal's office in time, Liu Shiyan might have been unable to resist Qin Dayong's pressure and would have fired her.

Jiang Ning grinned at him with a half-smile, "You're so smart, can't think of a reason?"

Lu Yu didn't face the question directly, but asked back: "Do you know how many graduates of Yunda University want to enter the star gate?"

It's good not to mention it, but it reminds Jiang Ning of the reason why she was hit by a car.

"Yes, why did you arrange for me to join your company?"

"To save Mrs. Lu from getting your idea."

This arrangement at least makes the opponent feel that they are a husband and wife.


The two returned to Xinghai Bay together.

After Lu Yu entered the door, he suddenly didn't know his family.

The big villa that was originally clear and cold didn't seem to have changed much, but there was more smoke and fire for some reason.

There are a few more cartoon pillows on the European-style fabric sofa, and a set of tea sets and some snacks are neatly placed on the coffee table.

The open kitchen bar is full of fresh fruits and vegetables.

There is also a bouquet of elegant yellow daisies on the luxurious dining table opposite, which adds a lot of life to this huge space.

Jiang Ning got up from the wheelchair, tiptoed to the bathroom alone, washed her hands, and came back to prepare dinner.

She thought the man had left, and she relaxed a little.

For some reason, that man would inadvertently give her a great sense of oppression.

Dinner for one is easy.

Jiang Ning had a plaster cast on her feet, so she could not move easily, so she only made a vegetable salad and a bowl of tomato and egg noodles for herself.

While she was putting dinner on the table, there was a strange noise in the living room.

When Lu Yu sat up from the sofa, he dropped something on the ground.

In just over half an hour, he actually fell asleep.

If it weren't for the smell of food, he would probably still be able to continue to sleep in the dark.

The ghost knows how poor his sleep these days is.

When Jiang Ning was surprised, her dinner had already been eaten first.

Lu Yuxuan took a sip of face, then raised his head and showed the girl a naughty smile that he hadn't seen for a long time.

This down-to-earth food made him have a strange idea deep in his heart——

It seems that having a wife is not a bad thing!

Opening his mouth, the same indifferent voice said, "It's a bit salty."


Jiang Ning waited until he finished eating the noodles without making a sound, but just looked at him inquisitively.

What came to mind was the picture of his stomach bleeding after drinking that day, and the story Wei Lan told.

She rested her chin and pondered for a moment, then teased casually as if looking for something to say: "Lu Yu, don't you like me?"

Lu Yu's heart skipped a beat, but his face remained unmoved. At the same time, he drank his noodle soup and asked, "Is there a mirror?"

Jiang Ning looked puzzled, "Yes, what do you want to do?"

Lu Yu slightly hooked his lips, and a light flickered in his gaze, "Take care of yourself."

The corner of Jiang Ning's mouth twitched, and she muttered softly, "Poisonous tongue!"

Lu Yu lowered his brows and eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved deeper.

The imperceptible expression was caught by the girl, but in her eyes it was more like a mockery.

After the man finished wiping his mouth gracefully, Jiang Ning unceremoniously issued the order to evict the guest.

Lu Yu didn't say anything, and obediently picked up his coat and walked out the door.

A "thank you" came from behind him, and he turned around slowly.

"Mrs. Lu, did you forget what I said?"

Jiang Ning's heart was blocked, and she immediately remembered what he said, "There is no need for verbal thanks."

After thinking about it, she stood up again, looked at him with a smile and said, "What did you eat just now? Who made it?"

Lu Yu was choked, but soon pretended to complain: "6000 million for a bowl of noodles, blood loss!"

Jiang Ning's eyelids twitched wildly, secretly wondering what he meant by that.

When Lu met her speechless, he went on to say: "It's a loss, it's a loss, anyway, I spent 5 million to marry you"

Jiang Ning was a little overbearing, raised her hand and interrupted impatiently: "What do you want?"

Lu Yu wanted her to implement the internship as soon as possible, but for some reason, he responded in a strange way: "Let's find out about the deed?"

Jiang Ning: "Get out, 5 million, right? At worst, I'll pay you back!"

When the work in her hands is done, these are trivial matters.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, and said in a drawn-out tone, "That's fine, what's the deadline? How do you calculate the interest?"

Jiang Ning seemed to sense that this man was a little abnormal today.

Could it be that after eating a bowl of down-to-earth noodles, the whole person becomes down-to-earth?

Although the innate sense of oppression is still there, the tone is obviously much gentler than before.

So she also inadvertently showed her sharpness slightly, and looked at the other party with a little more sharpness in her eyes.

She raised her chin and asked with a smile, "What about my youth?"

There was a brief standoff between the two until the cell phone in the man's pocket rang.

He picked up his phone and glanced at it, then left with a sullen face.

Before leaving, he left a sentence——

"Complete the internship procedures as soon as possible!"


At night, Jiang Ning tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

She simply got up and sat down at the desk to turn on the computer, checked the time and immediately clicked on a certain software.

The interface for the video connection lights up.

After waiting for more than a minute, an old man with silver hair appeared on the screen.

The old man looked to be in his seventies, and although his face was full of wrinkles, he was still in good spirits.

He was wearing a cotton gray home clothes, playing with a string of red sandalwood bracelets in his hands, and was sitting lazily on the large massage sofa.

"Smelly girl, thank you for remembering me, an old bastard!"

"Grandpa, what did you say, I'm busy with schoolwork recently!"

"I think you are busy dating! But I don't agree, that kid from the Lu family doesn't catch my eye!"

Jiang Ning's face was indescribable, more embarrassing than being exposed to a lie on the spot.

She didn't know how to explain it for a moment, so she could only tell the truth about her contractual marriage with the Lu family boy.

I thought the old man wouldn't ask in detail, but he hit the point directly.

"So how did you two get involved?"

Jiang Ning let out a violent cough, and then explained dryly: "I just met by chance, by chance, by chance! Hehehe."

"Hmph, that bastard Jiang Tianhua can do such nasty things to his own daughter, see if I don't find a chance to deal with him!"

"Forget it, Grandpa, I have basically disassociated myself from the Jiang family!"

"You can swallow this breath, but I can't swallow it, old man!"


"And you damn girl, why don't you ask me to get the money if you want it, and why do you have to engage in an agreed marriage with the Lu family boy?"

"Grandpa, let's not talk about it, it's just a series of coincidences."

Jiang Ning didn't know how much the other party knew about what happened to her in China, so in order to avoid further discussion, she quickly ended the topic.

The old man pouted like an old urchin, then turned his head and let out a cold snort.

Then, he asked angrily, "So why are you looking for me so late?"

Jiang Ning thought about it, and confessed to him about Jiang Yaoping's birthday a few days later.

"Haven't you already decided to attend? Do you still want to ask my opinion?" The old man's tone became a little colder.

"Grandpa, it's boring for you to chat like this!"

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

Jiang Ning was at a loss for words, and her breath was blocked in her chest.

This happened twice in one day, and she was a little overwhelmed.

"Grandpa, shouldn't your surname be Lu as well?"

"My surname is Fu!"

It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was supposed to be time for Mr. Fu to rest.

However, it was rare for him to chat with his granddaughter once, and he broke his biological clock.

"Okay, let's talk about something serious. If you haven't encountered any particularly troublesome things, you shouldn't think of me, an old man!"

As soon as the voice fell, a few crisp doorbells rang in the quiet villa.

"Girl, why is someone looking for you so late? Who is it?"

How did Jiang Ning know, she quickly ran to the balcony to take a look, and when she came back, she hurriedly said "good night" to the old man and ended the video.


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