After Lu Liting finished the call, Jiang Ning didn't wait for the other party to ask any questions, but directly spoke out——

"There is no doubt, Beishan Island is mine, and I have indeed listed it for sale.


"The Lu family can't afford it!"

There was a gleam of cold light in Lu Liting's sunken eye sockets, and there was also a chill in his somewhat yellowed eyes.

"Miss Jiang is too confident. Your Wuming Group is not alone in the world!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your bid!

"Please get out of the way now, I'm going to the hospital to see my husband!"

"Do you think I'll let you see him?"

"Do you think your people can stop me?"

Just as Jiang Ning finished speaking, Bai Feier sent her a message——

[Your husband is OK, he didn't touch his waist, and his life is out of danger! 】

Immediately afterwards, Su Nian also sent a message——

[The Lu family sent people to surround the hospital, you should not be able to enter.Fortunately, your husband 6, he has already woken up, let you concentrate on handling the Jiang family's affairs. 】

That's fine, after dealing with the Jiang family's affairs, go to the Lu family's affairs!


Jiang's reception was no longer a reception, but a scene of a large accident.

As the heads of the Jiang family, Jiang Tianhua, his wife, and Jiang Ying had already been taken away from the scene, leaving only Jiang Yaoping in control of the situation.

Those guests who wanted to leave but couldn't, could only bite the bullet and chat and greet at the scene.

The unpleasant conversation between Jiang Ning and Lu Liting ended, and Jiang Yaoping walked over.

"Lingling, you..."

"Grandpa, you asked me to consider the interests of the Jiang family. I thought about it carefully. Driving out the moths of the Jiang family is the real protection of the interests of the Jiang family, isn't it?"

Jiang Yaoping's expression was indescribable, his lips moved for a long time, but he only said "your father has a bad heart".

"Is it my fault?" Jiang Ning raised her eyebrows and asked back, and then added: "I haven't lived in Jiang's family for so many years.

"So his physical condition is not within my jurisdiction?"

When she decided to return to China, she moved back to Jiang's family in the hope that she could do a little bit of filial piety.

But how did her father treat her?
He personally sent himself to the old man's bed!

She also asked herself for the favor of giving birth with a straight face.

"2 million is the price Jiang Tianhua offered, so at the moment of transfer, I have completely drawn the line with the Jiang family!
"It's you who have been holding on to me.

"Later you found out that I was no longer the stray dog ​​you threw out, but a profitable hack, and you wanted to get me back.

"How can there be such an easy thing in this world?"

Jiang Yaoping faltered and couldn't say a word.

He had to admit that he and Jiang Tianhua did have this kind of thought, but not all of them.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and all explanations are pale and powerless.

"Want me to come back? Good! What I want is your entire Jiang family!

"No, all of this should belong to me!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ning walked straight to the temporary stage.

When the figure wrapped in black flames approached, the waiter took the initiative to hand her the microphone.

In the next moment, the girl's crisp voice resounded in the audience——

"Dear distinguished guests, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the Jiang Group Appreciation Reception!
"I'm Jiang Ning, and I'm also Fu Xiaoning who sent you another invitation letter!"

The moment the voice fell, Jiang Yaoping seemed to suddenly understand the reason why there are so many big shots at the scene today.


Those people did not come for the Jiang family, but for the nameless group.

"Before I announce something, I want to tell you a story..."

After a story about a true and false daughter was completely restored, Jiang Yaoping was "attacked by the crowd".

They were confirming the authenticity of this incident with the owner of the Jiang family.

Jiang Yaoping closed his eyes in compromise.

He explained that it was family ugliness that should not be publicized, so he chose to hide it.

"How can this be considered a family scandal?"

"That's right, Jiang Ning was originally born to the Jiang family, so it's only natural to take her back to the Jiang family."

"Boss Jiang and Mrs. Jiang are too weird! It's okay for the real daughter to come back and not be favored, but to hold a fake daughter as a treasure, isn't it sick!"

"Mr. Jiang, are you also confused? How can you let them leave such a young child abroad alone?"

Everyone was chattering, but Jiang Yaoping was speechless.

But there was one thing he couldn't understand, and Jiang Tianhua couldn't understand it before.

Why does Jiang Ning always say that after she was sent abroad, the Jiang family left her to fend for herself?
At that time, Jiang Tianhua arranged for someone to go abroad to take care of her, but she never admitted this after she came back.

That's why Ye Lan kept talking about "an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf".


After Jiang Ning finished talking about her relationship with the Jiang family, she officially announced that she would return to the Jiang family.

"Even if it's something I disdain the most, I don't want anyone to spoil it!
"From now on, the Jiang Corporation will be officially merged into the Ning Corporation, and I have already prepared the contract."

As she spoke, she looked not far from the stage, and said again: "Chairman Jiang, please come over and sign the contract!"

Ning Group is a new term to many people.

"Is there a company like Ning's Group in Yunzhou? Even if there is, it probably won't be able to swallow Jiang's, right?"

"That's right, isn't she the heir of the Wuming Group? Why don't Jiang's be merged into the Wuming Group?"

"It's probably at Xunjiang's house."

Jiang Yaoping didn't have the energy to struggle anymore, so he could only pretend to be calm and walked up to the podium.

"Ning Ning, I know the Jiang family hurt you too much, and I understand that you hate the Jiang family, but you can't let Jiang..."

"Chairman Jiang!" Jiang Ning interrupted.

"If you know Jiang's financial situation now, you won't say that I'm destroying Jiang's."

Jiang Yaoping was stunned, "Financial situation?"

Immediately, he immediately ordered the chief financial officer to be called over.

"Mr. Jiang, Gu Yanzhi is on a long vacation, so I can't contact him now." The assistant responded.

Jiang Yaoping's nerves tightened.

Vacation at this time?
Things didn't go as Jiang Ning expected.

Since the incident between Jiang Ying and Qin Zihao came to light last time, Jiang Ying has been very close to Jiang's chief financial officer.

Gu Yanzhi is young and promising, it is not uncommon for him to fall in love with the group's daughter.

Jiang Tianhua also knew about this, and he didn't stop their contacts. Presumably, he was satisfied and recognized this "future son-in-law".

Of course, he never thought that his daughter would join forces with outsiders to plot against the entire Jiang family.

Jiang Ying encouraged Gu Yanzhi to embezzle the company's funds, registered an investment company overseas, and had many unexplained transactions with Jiang's accounts.

Doing so is tantamount to laundering Jiang's money into their pockets.

"Chairman Jiang, whether the Chief Financial Officer is on a long vacation or running away with money, we should find out more." Jiang Ning said lightly.

"Secretary Li, hurry up and check it out." Jiang Yaoping ordered in a stern voice. .

The secretary hurried to the side to pick up his laptop.

After checking the company's accounts, his face suddenly turned pale.


Secretary Li stuttered and couldn't speak.

Jiang Yaoping grabbed the computer and took a look, he almost couldn't stand up.

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