Chapter 191 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
After Lu Zhijie listened to the recording, his complexion immediately became more gloomy.

Having been caught with such a big handle, Lin Ying must have decided to attack Lu Yi.

"Little Mo, you must protect Yiyi well."

"President Lu, don't worry."

In the car, Lu Yi and Lu Zhigang sat in the back seat.

From time to time, Lu Yi secretly glanced at the rearview mirror out of the corner of her eye.

The face in the mirror was indifferent and handsome, and his temperament was also outstanding.

Mo Liangsheng, if you don't talk about his identity, just looking at his temperament, no one will think that his identity is just a bodyguard.

When Mo Liangsheng met the gaze from the rearview mirror, his eyes darkened involuntarily.


Imperial First Hospital, the door of the emergency room.

Except for Lu Yu, everyone in the Lu family has arrived.

Lin Ying looked at Lu Zhijie and his daughter with some apprehension, but the latter seemed to be okay.

"Yiyi, try calling your brother." Lu Zhijie said.


Lu Yi took out his mobile phone slowly, and went to the stairwell to make a call by himself.

In fact, before the call was made, she had already sent the recording on the phone to Lu Yu.

Sensing footsteps approaching behind him, Lu Yi turned around unexpectedly, and then let out a scream.

For the first time, she also felt that she could still learn some skills after watching too many Gongdou dramas.

When Lin Ying wanted to exit the stairwell in a panic, Qin Shu had already blocked the door.

Seeing her daughter rolling down the stairs, Qin Shu asked angrily what was going on.

"Mom, she pushed me." Lu Yi shouted loudly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I never touched you!" Lin Ying argued.

"I'm here to make a call, what are you doing here?"


Lin Ying couldn't distinguish between words, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Lu Yi lay down at the corner of the stairs, her eyes filled with tears.

Qin Shu walked down quickly to help her daughter up, and asked her if she was hurt anywhere.

"I can't seem to straighten my back."

Lu Yi's voice was full of tears, but his eyes filled with tears were extremely cold.

On the way here, she listened to some conversations between Lu Zhijie and Mo Liangsheng.

Although they couldn't fully understand it, they could at least tell that the Miss Lin family they were talking about was a bad woman.

She thought to herself: Even if there is no way to drive her out of the Lu family now, at least she has to find a way to get her to drink a pot.

No matter how much Qin Shu favors Lin Ying, her daughter is her treasure after all.

Lu Yi's fall just now was also real, and his waist suffered a lot.

When several nurses came to carry her down on a stretcher for an examination, Qin Shu wanted to go with her, but Lu Zhijie asked her to stay and deal with the matter.

As for what to do, how could Qin Shu not get his hint.

"Aunt Qin, I didn't..."

Just as Lin Ying opened her mouth to explain, Qin Shu's slap resounded throughout the stairwell.

"I know that Yiyi targets you everywhere at home, but how could you do such a thing?
"Do you think that now everyone revolves around grandpa, and no one cares about your fights?

"With your kindness, you still want to be the mistress of the Lu family?"

Qin Shu said the last sentence very quietly, which can be regarded as teaching the other party some experience in dealing with things.

"To be in this kind of family, you have to be tolerant and accepting of everything.

"Like me, no matter what kind of attitude that bitch treats me, I can accept it like a loving mother.

"Why do you think?
"Because I don't have a son, I have to rely on him to come back to the top position, and I can officially contact the company when he inherits the Lu family!

"Now that the old man dominates the company, my daughter-in-law is an outsider, understand?

"You can't even bear Yiyi's little temper now, how can you bear Lu Yu in the future?

"Besides, don't forget that there is such a strong opponent standing in front of you.

"That little bitch Jiang Ning would be easy to deal with if she was really an ordinary college student, but she has so many identities!"

Qin Shu talked so much that Lin Ying had no chance to defend herself.

However, Lin Ying admitted that what the other party said was correct, but it was not directly related to what was happening now.

What she is most worried about now is whether Lu Yi made any recordings when he eavesdropped on her phone calls;

Mo Liangsheng's sudden appearance was because Lu Zhijie knew something!
After a while, there was a noise from the corridor outside the stairwell.

Mr. Lu was sent out of the emergency room.

Qin Shu's heart sank when he heard the voice outside.

How can it be so fast?

Shouldn't it be...

She hurriedly led Lin Ying out to check the situation.

The doctor said that the old man's current physical condition is not suitable for emergency surgery, and he needs to be observed in the ICU for a while.

The Lu family began to discuss the old man's escort, and who should deal with the company's current problems.

"I don't know if Yiyi can contact Ah Yu."

After Lu Zhifeng finished speaking, he immediately turned to look at his son, and asked him if he could take Beishan Island down as soon as possible.

At present, only the Haishan Islands project is basically ready-made. As long as the Beishan Island is taken down, the project can continue.

In this way, at least the immediate predicament can be solved.

Lu Yan had no choice but to twitch the corners of his mouth and tell the truth who the owner of Beishan Island is.

Gao Yue remained silent, but when her eyes rolled back and forth, several thoughts came to her mind.

She didn't show her face in front of everyone, but took out her mobile phone and sent her son a WeChat message.

Lu Cheng lost his soul because of Wei Zhi's going abroad, and his mood has been depressed for the past few days.

Therefore, he is not in the mood to participate in the discussion of company affairs for the time being.

Lu Zhigang was in charge of contacting the Imperial Hospital. At this time, one of Lu Zhigang and his wife went to the doctor's office, and the other went to go through the admission procedures.



Lu Yi was pushed out of the studio after filming.

The doctor said that fortunately no bone was injured, only a slight strain, and no hospitalization was required.

However, Lu Zhijie insisted that his daughter be hospitalized, and there was no need for a single room.

He thought that there were so many people in the hospital that even if Lin Ying wanted to do something, she probably wouldn't be able to find a chance for a while.

"Xiao Mo, help me arrange two unfamiliar female bodyguards to accompany Yi Yi to the hospital."


Lu Yi was sent back to the ward, just as Lu Yu called her back to ask what happened to the recording.

"Brother, can't you hear that? This Lin Ying wants to marry into the Lu family for the sole purpose of swallowing up the entire Lu family. Grandpa and mother were deceived by her."

Lu Yu asked where she was now, and she told the truth about Lu Liting's transfer.

"You don't answer other people's calls to you, brother, can you come over now?"

Lu Yu didn't make a sound, but fell into deep thought secretly.

He knew that Lin Ying belonged to Qin Shu, and he also knew about Qin Shu's ambitions.

But after listening to the recording, he was a little confused——

Are these two allies now, or are they "the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind".

Lu Yi kept asking him if he could go there.

"Aside from telling me, have you told anyone else about this? Have you told your mother?" Lu Yu asked.

"I haven't had time to say yet."

"Yiyi, don't tell anyone about this, especially your mother! Did you hear that?"

Lu Yi was confused.

"Why? Why did you say that when Dad said that?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Did Lu Zhijie also know?
At this time Lu Zhijie just walked into the ward, saw his daughter on the phone and asked who it was.

"Dad, it's my brother who called me back."

As soon as Lu Zhijie heard it, he immediately reached out and snatched the phone from her hand.

"A Yu."


(End of this chapter)

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