Chapter 193 Where is the Jade Piece?
Lu Jingrui quickly jumped downstairs, and then accurately found his target among the crowd.

He dragged Jiang Ning all the way to the parking lot, and then drove the broken pickup truck away.

"Where are you going?" Lu Jingrui asked.

"Chengbei Xueji Rice Noodles."

"Be honest."

"North City Mental Hospital."


Jiang Ning still intends to deal with the Jiang family's affairs in person as soon as possible.

After she gave the address, she propped her head on her hands and closed her eyes to rest in the car, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

When I woke up, the car was almost leaving the province along the provincial road.

She overlooked a big problem——

Lu Jingrui just came to Yunzhou and didn't know his way.

"Brother, can you wake me up if you don't know the way?"

"Sister-in-law, I can't bear to see you sleeping so soundly!"

"I can't thank you enough!"


As dusk fell, the pickup truck turned into an open field along the dimly lit provincial road.

Soon, a separate outpatient building appeared not far away.

After Lu Jingrui got out of the car, he suddenly shivered due to the surrounding environment.

"What the hell is the hospital built in such a deserted place!"

"Critical mental patients will run out and hurt people, so it's safer here."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and called Yan Qing.

A moment later, a man with different pupils ran out of the hospital building.

"Little Lord."

"What's going on with the two of you now?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Ms. Ye was unconscious, and Jiang Ying couldn't open her mouth after being beaten to death.

"But when I mentioned the jade piece you mentioned, she had a big reaction.

"So the thing should be in her hands."

"Well, take me to meet her first."

The two walked side by side, and Lu Jingrui suddenly rushed from behind them into the middle of them.

Yan Qing gave him a look of disgust, "Who are you?"

Lu Jingrui had heard about this pair of different pupils, but he didn't expect that this person of great god level was actually his sister-in-law's younger brother.


"Who am I, don't worry about me!"

Yan Qing cast a questioning look at Jiang Ning, who shook his head and said that he would explain later.

The three of them took the elevator to the top floor.

The whole floor was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and there were strange screams from time to time.

Under the dual stimulation of taste and hearing, coupled with the surrounding environment of this hospital, people inexplicably aroused goosebumps all over their bodies.

Jiang Ying was locked inside the iron gate on the far east side, and two of Yan Qing's men were guarding the gate.

Jiang Ning walked over and asked them to open the door.

"No, you can't go in." Yan Qing stopped, and said that Jiang Ying is crazy now.

"Don't worry, she can't hurt me."

"That's not okay, you are pregnant now, so you can't fight fiercely."

After the words fell, Jiang Ning staggered.

How could even Yan Qing know about this?

Seeing her suspicious look, Yan Qing truthfully told him that Fu Chen had called him just now.

Jiang Ning sighed.

"I don't fight, I just want to ask about the whereabouts of things."

"Sister-in-law, I'll accompany you in. I have 180 ways to interrogate people. I'm sure I can help you find out what you want to know." Lu Jingrui said from the side.

Yan Qing squinted at him, full of curiosity about this person.

Judging from the guy's skin color and attire, he probably came from a small backward country in a tropical area.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

Two guard men opened the iron gate, and the sound of metal clashing alarmed the women in the ward.

Jiang Ying casually grabbed something from the bedside and threw it at the door.


Lu Jingrui was quick, picked up the washbasin on the shelf by the door, and blocked a thermos cup.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Ning with a smile, "Crazy people like to throw things."

Jiang Ning, who was half squatting, straightened up, and looked at the girl in the ward with cold eyes.

Jiang Ying was still wearing the dress she wore at the reception a few days ago, but now she wore a sheet over it.

Her hair was disheveled, withered and dry like a bunch of dry grass after losing its luster.

The originally delicate and pretty face was now exhausted, the eyes were sunken and hollow, and the shadows under the eyes were very thick.

She was stunned for about a minute, then laughed and rushed towards the door.

"Jiang Ning, don't think that you are capable, and don't think that your identities are a big deal!
"Don't think that if you take down the Jiang family now, you are the master of the Jiang family!

"Hahahahaha... naive, so naive!"

Lu Jingrui stepped forward and blocked her two meters away from Jiang Ning.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me? Get out!" Jiang Ying roared angrily.

"Jiang Ying, do you think you still have a chance to come back?" Jiang Ning asked coldly.

"Hmph, let's wait and see!"

Jiang Ning sneered.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to get out from here."

"Jiang Ning, you bitch, this is illegal detention."

"I'm sending you to the hospital for treatment!"

"Bitch, I'll strangle you to death!"

Jiang Ying tried to pounce on the opponent, but was pushed to the ground by Lu Jingrui.

Jiang Ning didn't talk nonsense with her any more, and asked her where the jade piece was.

"If you don't speak, I have 180 ways to make you speak." Lu Jingrui added from the side.

Jiang Ying laughed.

"That's right, the jade piece is here with me, and you will never want to take it back in your life."

After the words fell, a small object was stuffed into Jiang Ying's mouth.

Lu Jingrui squatted beside her, with cold rays of light burst out from his eyes.

"Sister paper, let's see how long you can last!"

While talking, he pressed the timer on his watch, and said with a half-smile: "The current record holder is 21 minutes and 47 seconds, let's see if you can break it!"

Jiang Ning saw clearly the little thing that the other party stuffed into Jiang Ying's mouth, and her eyes flickered.

Night travel micro-recorder - mainly used for shooting and recording in dark environments.

These black technology products are not unfamiliar to her, but she can't figure out why Lu Jingrui did the operation just now.

In the next moment, Jiang Ying's already pale face became even paler in a second, and beads of sweat on her forehead and neck were oozing out in a form visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a controller the size of a matchbox appeared in Lu Jingrui's hand at some point.

Immediately afterwards, something that only medical imaging began to appear on the walls of the ward.

"Sister paper, did you see it? This is your stomach!"

Jiang Ning understood, and at the same time broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

This Lu Jingrui was able to come up with such a trick!
"Sister, hurry up and hand over what my sister-in-law asked for, or I will make my little friend make a fuss in your stomach!"

As soon as Lu Jingrui's voice fell, Jiang Ying let out a shrill scream, which looked extremely terrifying in this gloomy and desolate environment.

Obviously, he has already started to control the aircraft, hitting Jiang Ying's fragile internal organs.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it hurts like this? It's only been less than 5 minutes now, so it will be very difficult for you to break the record."

Jiang Ying looked at the man in front of her, her bloodshot eyes finally showed a little fear.

But she was unwilling to succumb to Jiang Ning, even if she gritted her teeth, she would endure it.

"Jiang Ning, you will only use such despicable means, kill me if you have the ability!

"Even if I die, it won't make your life complete!"

The moment her final note fell, a sharper cry than before resounded through the entire building.

The guards guarding the corridor couldn't help looking into the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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