Lu Group, Office of Marketing Director.

Wei Zhi hurriedly opened the door and ran in, "Brother Cheng!"

Lu Cheng, who was dealing with official documents, raised his head and saw his little assistant following Wei Zhi with a panicked expression on his face.

"President Lu, I'm sorry, I really can't stop Miss Wei."

Lu Cheng stood up, frowned slightly and said to the assistant: "You go out first!"

If the little assistant was granted amnesty, he would leave the office immediately.

Lu Cheng closed the folder on the desk, got up and walked around the desk to Wei Zhi.

"What? Is there another newcomer who doesn't care about life and death that made us angry?"

Wei Zhi is an artist under Guoshi Media. This year, she was shortlisted for Best Actress in the Wanhua Awards together with Xu Yiran from Stargate.

When he chose a brokerage company for his debut, Wei Zhi had intended to join Stargate, but Lu Yu refused to agree, and even promoted Xu Yiran, a third-rate young actor, as the top position.

No matter what the scandal between Lu Yu and Xu Yiran turned out to be, Wei Zhi never believed that it was true.

But now the woman beside Lu Yu gave her an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Lu Cheng is the son of Lu Zhigang, the second child of the Lu family. On the surface, he is very close to Lu Yu, and has a good relationship with Wei Lan's siblings.

He took the girl by the shoulders and took her to sit on the sofa, and made her a cup of rose tea thoughtfully.

"Did you know that brother Yu was entangled by a woman?" Wei Zhi asked after taking the teacup.

Hearing the sound, Lu Cheng's eyes dimmed, and he immediately responded with a smile: "It's not that he was entangled by a woman, he's married!"


The glass in Wei Zhi's hand fell to the ground.

"What did you say? How is it possible?"

"It's true, but Mrs. Lu is still a student at school, so Ah Yu is secretly married to the outside world, so don't say anything."

"I do not believe!"

"If you don't believe me, just ask any of the Lu family members, or your brother may know about it too!"

Wei Zhi immediately took out his mobile phone and called Wei Lan, who answered in the affirmative after connecting.

After a while, Wei Zhi didn't recover from the shock.

"Impossible, how could Brother Yu get married? He is obviously a staunch non-marriage advocate, this is impossible!"

"Zhizhi, many things in this world are hard to explain, maybe that girl is A Yu's fate!" Lu Cheng persuaded.

"No, she is not suitable to meet brother at all!"

Wei Zhi left emotionally, and returned 2 minutes later.

She stood at the door of the office, with some elusive emotions in her eyes.

"Brother Cheng, have you seen that woman?"

"No, I've been busy recently!" Lu Cheng replied truthfully, "But I saw the photos and videos that Ah Yu posted in the group."

"So, grandpa has seen it too?"


Seeing the girl looking lost, Lu Cheng added another word, "But grandpa doesn't seem very satisfied with her family background."

Wei Zhi nodded and left without saying a word.

Lu Cheng followed to the door, watching her sadly leaving back, a gloomy glint escaped from the bottom of his deep eyes.

At the same time, Yunda campus.

The autumn sun at noon pierced through the sycamore leaves on both sides of the campus avenue, and golden light spots jumped on two figures, one big and one small walking.

Jiang Ning was wearing a white sweater with a Winnie the Pooh pattern, paired with sweatpants of the same color and white shoes. Her long hair was tied up in a ball on the top of her head, and she exuded a strong youthful atmosphere.

She was holding a little girl with buns in her hand, also wearing an oversized white sweater, with a Garfield lying on her back.

The little girl jumped up and down, looking quite excited.

Before Jiang Ning came to school, she thought the plaster cast on her foot was in the way, so she removed it at home.

She knew very well that she was only sprained and not fractured. The doctor said that yesterday because of some kind of pressure.

Luo Keke raised his head and looked to the side, "Donald Duck, didn't you mean to take me to cheat my cousin? Where is my cousin?"

Jiang Ning smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry!"

She secretly thought: Lu Yu, if you don't talk about martial arts ethics, then don't blame me for taking your cousin and niece to hang uncle!

Multimedia Classroom.

Sun Mengying used a steamed bun to reserve a seat for Jiang Ning early in the morning, and she was sitting next to the steamed stuffed bun, swiping her phone with relish.

Jiang Ning stood behind her for a long time without her noticing, until a white hand snatched her mobile phone.

"You are so fascinated by such a boring thing!"

When Sun Mengying turned her head, her gaze stayed on the little girl eating buns beside her.

She couldn't help but burst out saying "Fuck".

"Jiang Ning, did you really bring a child?"

Jiang Ning lifted the little girl up from the seat, and hugged her into her lap after taking her seat.

"All the pictures have the truth, how can there be fakes?"

"Who is she? Could it be your illegitimate daughter?" Sun Mengying asked carelessly.

Jiang Ning gave her a gouged look, "I'm not that capable of giving birth to an underage girl!"

"That's true!" Sun Mengying nodded, but immediately said: "But there are rumors that you concealed your age!"

Jiang Ning was almost pissed off.

What a good friend
Luo Keke gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun and mumbled, "Donald Duck, being friends with a mentally handicapped person will lower your IQ!"

Jiang Ning: "Well said."

Sun Mengying curled her lips and didn't dare to ask more, but she had already drafted hundreds of versions of the script in her heart.

On the campus forum, someone posted Sun Mengying's brain-made script——

[Jiang Ning, don't use a trumpet to clear yourself up! 】

[Jiang Ning even has an illegitimate child! 】

[It may not be her birth, it may be a stepmother for a big brother's child! 】

All kinds of comments were fermented endlessly, and many people who had a good relationship with Jiang Ning came to ask her the truth.

Jiang Ning didn't explain a word, only stating that the child belonged to her employer.

This is the truth!
Luo Keke also cooperated, and didn't give her any troubles all day long.

Until the day's courses are all over, one big and one small walk out of the school.

"Donald Duck, I accompanied you to class for a day, you are not lying to me again, are you?" Rococo puffed his cheeks and said dissatisfied.

Jiang Ning took out the phone from her pocket, and then whispered something to the little guy, who actually giggled.

"Will this be too much for my cousin?"

"If you don't like it, then come to school with me every day."

"No, that's too boring!"

"So you want to do what I say?"

"bring it on!"

The two quickly came to an agreement, and then carefully rehearsed their plan.

On the other side, the meeting room of Stargate Entertainment.

Lu Yuzheng is having a meeting with the company's top management to discuss collectively which artist to arrange to participate in Tudou Channel's popular variety show next month.

Recently, several female artists under the banner have broken their heads for these two places.

At this moment, the managers are trying to prove how suitable their artists are.

If it wasn't for the presence of the boss, these women might have started fighting.

Lu Yu supported his forehead and raised his hand to signal Wu Fei who was on the side to come over.

"Mr. Lu?"

"Hurry up and assign someone to fill the position of director of the artist management department!"


While arguing endlessly, Lu Yu's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the caller and immediately got up to answer in the corridor outside——


Before he could open his mouth to ask the other party what's the matter, Lu Yu was directly accused, making him confused.

"Cousin, don't worry, can you tell me what happened first?"

"What else are you asking me? You promised to help me take care of my child for a month. Where did you send Keke? Or did you set up an entertainment company to make my daughter debut?"

"I do not have it!"

"No? Without it, my daughter would almost become an internet celebrity!"

Lu Yu: "???"

The other party hung up the phone angrily.

The next second, Lu Yu received a small video.

After he clicked to read the content, the blood in his body seemed to rush to his brain in an instant.

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