Hearing that Mr. Fu picked up a little girl, the curiosity of everyone in the Fu family began to show.

Fu Ye: "Is grandpa crazy? Why dare to pick up everything!"

Fu Yu: "Grandpa is too lonely."

Fu Yi: "Grandpa picked up a cat or a dog again?"

Fu Chen: "Man!"

The four brothers and sisters of the Fu family murmured behind their backs, each complaining that the old man was unreliable.

However, when that young girl with a youthful face but a hostile look appeared in Fu's house, everyone was shocked from ear to ear.

How could this girl look so similar to the deceased Junior Sister?

Fu Sinian said: "From now on, she will be your little junior sister, Fu Xiaoning!"

Hearing what the old man said, the four brothers and sisters started chattering again——

Fu Chen: "The appearance is similar, but she is a fake after all."

Fu Yu: "If she wants to replace my junior sister, what capital does she have?"

Fu Yi: "Fight with me first."

Fu Ye was the last to speak out, and his attitude was also the most indifferent.

He said: "She is not my sister!"

Fu Ye and Fu Xiaoning are brothers and sisters, and they are also Fu Sinian's grandchildren.

Fu Xiaoning was loved by the old man the most during his lifetime, but a sudden accident happened, and the blow to the old man was almost devastating.

Everyone knew that the old man probably wanted to seek spiritual and emotional comfort when he came back with such a girl.


Fakes are always fakes.


After Jiang Ning officially became Fu Xiaoning, she was often excluded by her brothers and sisters in Fu's house.

Fu Sinian asked her, "Can you take it?"

Jiang Ning said: "Heaven will send a great responsibility to the people, and you must first work hard..."

"It's best if you think so, but you also have to be mentally prepared."

Everyone in the Fu family has their own specialties.

For example, Fu Ye is familiar with and can control all the black technologies on the market;

Fu Yu is good at disguise-level makeup;

Fu Yi is a master of fighting;
Fu Chen is a top surgeon in the world.

As for Fu Xiaoning, she seems to be omnipotent except for being unable to bring herself back to life!

If Jiang Ning wanted to become the real Fu Xiaoning, he would have to go through many tests from these brothers and sisters.

One day, Fu Sinian found an excuse to leave home, which was actually a test for his "granddaughter".

The four brothers and sisters teamed up to expel Jiang Ning from the Fu family.

Fu Ye said: "If you can break through the layers of guards in Fu's house and enter the house by yourself, I will admit you!"


Jiang Ning used a small sensor to block all of Fu Ye's black-tech monitors, and then swaggered into Fu Ye's castle by dressing up as an old housekeeper.

The whole process is as simple as playing.

At six o'clock in the evening, when the four of the Fu family sat down in the restaurant, they found that the girl who had been kicked out was showing off their dinner.

As soon as Fu Yi got angry, he fought Jiang Ning directly, and was finally beaten to the ground.

Witnessing Fu Yi being knocked down with their own eyes, the brothers and sisters could only express their admiration.

Fu Chen said: "Even if you prove with your actions that you are no worse than Xiao Ning, there is one thing that you will never be as good as Xiao Ning, not me!"

Jiang Ning knew that he was talking about medical skills, which was really not easy to prove.

After all, to prove this point, there must be patients first.

After a moment, her eyes rolled.

In the end, everyone in the Fu residence, even the watchdog at home, did not escape the "poisonous hand".

Jiang Ning only used a few silver needles to deal with these people. She manipulated various acupuncture points on their bodies to make them respond differently.

Fu Chen's laughing point was pierced, and he laughed so much that he could only roll around and beg for mercy.

Although curious about how the fake Fu Xiaoning acquired these skills in a short period of time, the Fu family finally recognized this little junior sister.

Jiang Ning's personality is quite different from Fu Xiaoning's.

Although the two seem to have the same indifferent personality, under Jiang Ning's indifferent appearance, there is a fiery heart hidden.

She is so indifferent that she can shield everything in the world, but she is always enthusiastic in front of her family.

Her enthusiasm is super contagious and can make people's hearts beat...

Jiang Ning created a law of true fragrance...

From a little junior sister of the Fu family who was ostracized, she became the group favorite Fu Xiaowu by virtue of her strength.


The night was as dark as ink.

Jiang Ning was lying alone on the stone chair in the backyard of the villa, leaning on her arm, looking up at the summer starry sky.

The bright North Star directed her gaze in a certain direction, but it inexplicably made her nose sore.

She would never understand why she was so unpopular even though she was the authentic daughter of the Jiang family.

A handkerchief that smelled of sage suddenly fell on her face.

"Fu Xiaoning, who was able to occupy a place in the Fu family by virtue of her strength, hides here alone and cries? Interesting!"

Jiang Ning suddenly sat up from the stone chair.

Fu Ye sat down on the vacant seat beside her, and also ignored the gazes from beside her.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not sympathizing with you." Fu Ye looked straight ahead and said.

"Big Brother."


"Why are you up so late?"

"I've been seeing you upstairs for a long time, and I'm here to talk to you."

Jiang Ning pouted, "I'm fine."

"Happy birthday." Fu Ye said suddenly.

At this time, it was just after zero o'clock, and it was also Jiang Ning's birthday.

She always remembered that Jiang Tianhua once said to Jiang Ying——

"On your 18th birthday, dad will hold a grand birthday party for you, and everyone in Yunzhou City will come to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony for the little princess of the Jiang family!"

Jiang Ying said that she wanted to watch the fireworks, and Ye Lan promised to light up the entire Yunzhou night sky for her.

Back then, 6-year-old Jiang Ning had just been told that she was the real daughter of the Jiang family.

But she wants to act like an outsider, watching other people's family of three enjoying themselves happily.

She laughed to herself.

The little princess of the Jiang family may only be Jiang Ying from beginning to end!
No one remembered when Jiang Ning's birthday was, no one even remembered that her birthday was on the same day as Jiang Ying.

Jiang Ning said that she didn't care, but whenever this day came, she would still feel that she came to this world in vain.

The sudden "Happy Birthday" stunned Jiang Ning for a long time.

She has been in Fu's house for many years, and she has completely lived like Fu Xiaoning, even her birthday has become Fu Xiaoning's birthday.

The birthday party Fu Sinian held for her was definitely comparable to any grand banquet in the world.

Unfortunately, in a corner of Jiang Ning's heart, there was still an unspeakable coldness hidden inside.

After a while, Jiang Ning said with a smile, "Brother, are you stupid? My birthday is not here yet!"

Fu Ye finally turned his face away, his deep black pupils were shining brightly like the North Star.

"Happy birthday! Jiang Ning!"

The moment the voice fell, the entire castle manor was lit up with a large piece of brilliance.

Thousands of drones hovered over the manor, lining up a sentence of blessings——

"Jiang Ning, happy birthday! ——from: Fu Yi"

"May our little princess Jiang Ning always be as beautiful as a flower! ——from: Fu Yu"

"Jiang Er fool, be happy forever! ——from: Fu Chen"

"Jiang Ning, we all love you! ——from: Fu Ye"

"Girl Jiang Ning, you have always been yourself! ——from: Grandpa"

The mist in Jiang Ning's eyes instantly turned into raindrops and rolled down his face.

"This is...how do you..." She trembled and choked up for a moment.

Fu Ye pointed in a certain direction to show her that a specially decorated float was slowly approaching.

In the car, the brothers and sisters of the Fu family headed by Fu Sinian were smiling and waving.

"Little Wu, happy birthday!" Fu Yu shouted loudly.

Jiang Ning stood up and waited for the float to drive towards her.

Fu Ye suddenly said softly beside her, "Xiao Wu, don't live like someone else, you are you, the unique Jiang Ning!"

Within half an hour, there was a dreamlike rain of fireworks in the night sky of Continent S.

The Fu Family Castle also started a summer carnival.

Jiang Ning received a carload of gifts, all of which came from the love of senior brothers and sisters.

Only later did she know that this fireworks rain not only lit up the entire S continent, but also lit up the whole world!
The fireworks that Ye Lan promised to Jiang Ying did not come true, because the fireworks in the entire Yunzhou had already been contracted by a mysterious person that day.


The carnival continued until the next morning.

Fu Yi helped Fu Sinian back to the room to rest, Fu Yu and Fu Chen fell asleep on the manor path after drinking so much.

Jiang Ning was sitting on the head of the float with a glass of red wine, her eyes still drifting in a certain direction.

Fu Ye came over and wrapped a thin blanket around her body.

Immediately, his deep voice sounded in the quiet manor.

"If you still care so much about that side, grandpa and us will be very sad."

Jiang Ning is slightly drunk.

She tilted her head, patted the man's shoulder with a smile and asked, "Why? Why are you so sad?"

"We treat you well and hope that you can forget those unbearable things, but you let us down!"

Jiang Ning raised her head and drank all the wine in her glass, "I don't want to remember them, but I kind of hate them."

After all, she used to long for family affection and the love of her parents so much.

But her relatives gave it all to another girl.

"There is love to hate!" Fu Ye said lightly, and then added: "Jiang Ning, they don't deserve your love!"

"Brother, can I ask you a question?"


"Why...why are you so nice to me?"


Fu Ye didn't answer, but turned to look at her.

Jiang Ning continued, "Actually, I'm used to thinking of myself as Fu Xiaoning, why do you want me to be me now?

"I don't even know who I am now.

"Song Ning? Jiang Ning? Fu Xiaoning?

"I don't seem to be..."

"The name is just a title, you are you, the unique you." Fu Ye said.

Jiang Ning smiled bitterly.

"Brother, when did you become so talkative?"

"I'm not trying to please you, but serious."

"Thank you."

Fu Ye looked at her with pity in his eyes.

"Little Five, you..."

Jiang Ning met his gaze, "Brother, I'm fine!"

As she said that, she raised her hand and patted the other party's shoulder.

"From now on, I know what to do. Thank you, big brother!"

Fu Ye smiled back.

"Well, the Fu family will always be your backing, and you will always be the fifth favorite of the Fu family.

"I, we all... like you very much..."

Jiang Ning leaned her head on his generous shoulder, causing the other person's heart to tremble...

The night was very quiet.

If Jiang Ning wasn't so drunk that she fell asleep, she would definitely be able to hear the beating heart of the elder brother.


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