When Jiang Ning saw Ye Lan's emotions with her own eyes, she finally felt compassion.

She walked to the hospital bed, and although her lowered eyes were cold, they were still mixed with some complicated emotions.

His lips trembled, and his voice trembled slightly when he spoke.

“Now do you know what kind of person the precious daughter you have been doting on is like?

"Now that you know the truth, do you owe me an apology?
"Want to die to end my hatred for you?
"Sorry! I - don't - accept - accept -"

The bedside instrument sounded an alarm.

The bed nurse urgently called the doctor and told Jiang Ning that the patient needed rescue and asked her to leave temporarily.

Jiang Ning walked out of the ward and suddenly sat down on the waiting chair next to the door.

When she received a call from Yan Qing and decided to come over, she had confidently thought that she would be able to calm down.

As her biological mother, Ye Lan always regarded her as an enemy and doted on her as a fake daughter like a poisonous snake.

In the end, the cold-blooded animal bit her.

Jiang Ning always felt that she had been waiting for this satisfying moment to arrive, but when it came to this moment, she didn't feel that happy at all.

She felt like there were two of herself split in her body——

One was saying to her: Jiang Ning, she is your mother. She became like this because she was controlled by someone using bad means;
Another voice said: Jiang Ning, even if her thoughts and actions were controlled, if she hadn't insisted on luring the wolf into the house, would all of this have happened today?It's just her fault.

Yan Qing stood quietly and looked at her appearance at this time, but felt extremely distressed in her heart.

Medical staff were coming in and out of the ward, making others tremble with fear.

After hesitating for a long time, Yan Qing suddenly said: "Don't worry, with Lu Jingrui's method, we will definitely be able to bring back the old witch behind her."

Yan Qing personally investigated, and Lu Jingrui's identity was no longer a secret.

No matter where you are or which way you go, as soon as the code name "J" comes out, you will tremble.

Jiang Ning leaned back on the chair, her eyes slightly closed, and her face showed signs of fatigue.

After a while, a somewhat rough voice came from the end of the corridor.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning jumped up from her chair and hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound.

She had asked Fu Chen to guard Xinghai Bay, but when he ran over, it was hard not to give her other thoughts.

Seeing her anxious and panicked look, Fu Chen quickly said, "Don't worry, your husband is awake and the professional escort is here!"

"Professional escort?"

Jiang Ning frowned and quickly realized that he should be talking about Wei Lan.

"How does he look?"

"After all, when I first woke up, I was always a little crazy and a little numb."


"As soon as you wake up, don't say anything, just look for Ning'er!"

The name "Ning'er" once again touched the slightest bit of sensitivity in Jiang Ning's heart.

It's a pity that she really can't distract herself from thinking about the so-called past and present lives now.


About 15 minutes later, the medical staff walked out of the ward one after another, with extremely serious expressions on their faces.

Fu Chen stepped forward to ask the attending doctor, who shook his head with regret.

“I have been practicing medicine for so many years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a difficult and complicated disease!

"I would say she is terminally ill, but her physiological functions are quite good; I would say she is fine, but the speed of her organ failure is really shocking!"

Indeed, ordinary doctors would never see such a strange incident.

Fu Chen said "Thank you" to the other party, and then asked him to leave with his team.

"What do you mean by asking the doctor to leave?" Jiang Ning asked.

"It's useless for them to be here, leave it to me."

"What can you do?"

"If I can't help it, do you think it's useful for ordinary doctors to stay here?"

Jiang Ning remained silent, as she knew exactly what Ye Lan was doing now as well as Fu Chen.

The two returned to the ward again.The face of the woman on the hospital bed had almost turned dark brown, and the spiderweb-like blood lines on her face were still faintly undulating.

Fu Chen glanced at the detector on the bedside, then turned around and asked, "Hasn't the boy named Lu been contacted yet?"

Jiang Ning shook her head, "The phone has been unreachable."

"I'm going to use needles on her now to seal some of her important acupuncture points. I hope she can last a little longer!"


Jiang Ning lowered her head and didn't say anything again.

After Fu Chen completed a set of acupuncture techniques, she asked casually: "Do you know the witch doctor?"

The man was startled by her question and quickly walked to the door of the ward and closed the door.

This profession that she said was not a profession not only did not exist in China, but was also taboo.

Once such remarks are heard by someone who is interested, and they make up something randomly, they will definitely cause trouble for her.

"Xiao Wu, are you crazy? You are not afraid of Jiang Ying's people in this building!" Fu Chen shouted.

Jiang Ning stiffly raised her lips and said with a smile, "Am I still afraid of her?"

"That's what I say, but you'd better be careful about certain remarks!"

"you have not answer my question yet."


Fu Chen thought for a moment and answered truthfully: "Even if I know him, I'm afraid it will be too late to wait for someone to come over!"

After all, the kind of people they are talking about now can only be found in remote and backward ancient primitive tribes, and those places require at least 48 hours of transportation from Ningcheng.

"Borrow grandpa's plane." Jiang Ning's voice suddenly became hoarse.

After the words fell, Fu Chen opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Even a private jet cannot be so efficient.

But there is a saying that "do your best and obey fate", so let's do it!
He knew that if Ye Lan really left like this, there might once again be an insurmountable obstacle in Jiang Ning's heart.


That night, Fu Sinian's private plane departed from Yunzhou Airport.

At the same time, a military green old-model small special plane landed at Yunzhou Airport.

In the cabin, Princess Lance dragged her awkward legs towards the cabin door.

Lu Jingrui was so anxious that he directly carried the old woman on his shoulders and got out of the cabin.

Running all the way, talking as he ran.

"I tell you, old witch princess, today is your last chance. If you save her, your lover will be saved too;
"If you can't save him, I'll kill your old sweetheart right there!"


The jeep picking them up was already waiting outside the terminal. A Biao, who was following the two of them, quickly ran forward and opened the door for them.

Lu Jingrui stuffed the old woman into the back seat and felt his back was wet.

"Biaozi, is it raining?"


"Why is your back wet?"

Lu Jingrui muttered as he sat in the car, and saw the old woman beside him sticking her head out of the car window.


"If I go, you won't puke on my back, right?"

Lu Jingrui roared and quickly took off his shirt.

After confirming the situation, he threw the clothes aside in disgust, but did not forget to ask A Biao to get a bottle of water for the old woman.

After Lance finished vomiting and got back into the car, Lu Jingrui ordered the driver to drive.

Lance was a little moved and said: "J, I will definitely do what I promised you."

Lu Jingrui looked at the night outside the window and sighed.

"I hope it's in time."

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