Jiang Yaoping thought that the old man came here to move Jiang Ning's household registration, but the fact was still beyond his expectation.

"A mere Jiang family is nothing compared to my Fu family.

"I promised that girl the entire Fu family, and although she accepted it, I know that's not what she wanted in her heart.

"She once told me that those things didn't belong to her, and she just wanted to get back everything she wanted!"

Jiang Yaoping was somewhat confused by Fu Sinian's words.

The literal meaning of this statement is that Jiang Ning wants the Jiang family, but the fact is that the Jiang family is now hers.

After pondering for a moment, he pushed a small celadon cup towards the other party.

"What Mr. Fu wants to say, you might as well say it clearly."

"Do you think the things she snatched are really what she wanted?"


Jiang Yaoping finally understood.

The melons that are forced are not sweet, and the things that are stolen are not that valuable.

Jiang Ning said she wanted to take back everything that belonged to her, but what she wanted to take back was not only everything in the Jiang family, but also the family ties she had lost.

The old man sighed helplessly.

“But now, no matter what the Jiang family does, it’s too late.

“Whether it’s me or my son and daughter-in-law, they have all suffered the consequences they deserve.

"What else does she want us to do?"

"She is your granddaughter, the daughter of Jiang Tianhua and Ye Lan. Perhaps only you can understand what she wants!"

Fu Sinian left a few meaningful words for the other party to think about.


Jiang Tianhua's physical condition improved and he was discharged from the hospital after half a month of recuperation.

He did not go home immediately, but went to the nursing home in the northern suburbs of the city to visit Ye Lan.

In the ward, the nurse was feeding Ye Lan.

After seeing the person coming, the woman with frost-stained temples cried like a child.

"Old Jiang..."

Jiang Tianhua hurriedly walked over and took the lunch box and spoon from the nurse, and politely asked the nurse to go do other things first.

The nurse left after giving some notes, but still looked back a few times with some uneasiness.

As soon as she left the ward, she quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

"Ms. Jiang, Mr. Jiang has come to the nursing home."

On the other end of the phone is the Jiang Group's large conference room.

The ongoing meeting was interrupted, and Jiang Ning left the conference table while answering the phone.

"How is she doing today?"

“One moment I am awake, another moment I am confused, another moment I am chanting your name, and another moment I am chanting your name again…”

The nurse didn't dare to answer truthfully, but Jiang Ning knew in her heart who the other name Ye Lan mentioned belonged to.

After all, the two words "Jiang Ying", no matter what angle you look at, are the names engraved in Ye Lan's heart.

"You don't need to avoid anything. Apart from talking about me and Jiang Ying, did you say anything else?"


Ye Lan has received many treatments and is currently in the recovery stage.

Except for the moment when she first woke up, she and Jiang Ning exchanged a few words.

Later, apart from chanting the names "Jiang Ning" and "Yingying", he seemed to have lost the ability to speak and said nothing.

"I understand, please stay outside the room. If they need anything, you can help them!" Jiang Ning ordered softly.

"Okay, Miss Jiang."

Jiang Ning ended the call and returned to the conference room.

"Everyone, I have made it clear to you about Jiang's current financial situation.

"Jiang Ying and the financial director were swept away. Although the relevant departments are trying their best to recover it, it is still unknown how long it will take.

"The Jiang Corporation is now an empty shell. If you are willing to spend so much effort to keep this empty shell, then I can declare Jiang Corporation bankrupt now.

"If all shareholders agree to the plan I just proposed, I can guarantee that Jiang...

"Ah no, it's Ning!
"In the next year, the Ning family will reach another level!"

These words were so resounding that all the shareholders participating in the meeting fell into silence.At Jiang's cocktail party, the company's financial situation was made clear, and Jiang Yaoping also signed the merger agreement given by Jiang Ning in public.

Just because of various subsequent problems, the matter of regaining control of the company was put on hold.

Now that she returns to the company, her first thing is to reorganize the group——

Change Jiang's name to Ning's as the domestic branch of the world-famous NS Group.

The company changed its surname, and most shareholders opposed it.

At the meeting just now, the so-called company veterans accused Jiang Ning of being ambitious.

It is said that her surname was originally Jiang, but she changed her mind when she saw something different. She was only interested in profit and would even change her surname for the sake of profit.

Some people even use the phrase "recognizing thieves as fathers" to express their dissatisfaction.

Jiang Ning accepted these accusations in full.

In the continued silence, she could tell that some people were beginning to waver.

"You may think that I am cold and ruthless, and I am not merciless even to my relatives.

"But if I don't show mercy, Jiang will sink to the bottom without even a chance to fight!
"Everyone think carefully, I have to leave beforehand."

A group of shareholders were left behind, and everyone looked at each other in shock.

“Actually, she did the right thing.

"The unequal treatment she received in the Jiang family and the feeling of being alone abroad all year round caused her to have no affection for the Jiang family.

"Now that the Jiang family is in danger, it is the greatest kindness for her to help."

"Old Liu is right. If it were anyone else, there is a high probability that Jiang's family would be wiped out directly. Jiang Ning's failure to do this is equivalent to reducing losses for us old guys!

Not long after, Jiang Ning received a call from a shareholder representative.

Shareholders unanimously approved what she proposed at the meeting.

"Okay, inform the public relations department and hold a press conference tomorrow."


After leaving the company, Jiang Ning went straight to the underground parking lot.

When she opened the door of her silver Hummer, she was startled by the man in the driver's seat.

"How did you get in?"

Lu Yu frowned slightly, with a trace of hard-to-catch reproach in his cold eyes.

"Mrs. Lu, have you forgotten something again?"

Jiang Ning was confused, "Forgot something?"

Lu Yu pinched her small chin helplessly, and said with some distress: "My wife is so pregnant!"

In the past, he always liked to pinch her cheeks with a little baby fat, but a series of troubles recently made her annoyed. Coupled with her poor appetite in the early stages of pregnancy, the flesh on her face had disappeared.

At the prompt of a certain word, Jiang Ning still couldn't understand what the other party meant.

"What have I forgotten?" she asked repeatedly.

"The dispute between the Lu family and the Lu family is in full swing now. Do you think there is anything else that can distract me from work now?"


Jiang Ning hesitated for a long time, then smiled and said a long "oh".

"Obstetrical examination."

"Do I need to carry you into the car?" Lu Yu asked with raised eyebrows.

Jiang Ning tilted her head and spread her hands, "Yes."

The man stepped out of the car with his long legs and picked her up like a child.

Jiang Ning put her hands around his neck, her steamy eyes filled with a sweet smile.

Seeing no one around, she quickly left a lipstick mark on the man's face.

"My husband is working hard."

Lu Yu smiled evilly and glanced at the elevator door that opened not far away.

All the shareholders who had attended the meeting stood in the elevator, and strange eyes fell on them.

Who would have thought—

One second she was the devil wearing PRADA, and the next she became a clingy sweetheart!
Jiang Ning couldn't help but follow the man's gaze, and then her head was covered with black lines.

"My character is broken!"

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