a few days later.

Jiang Ning held a press conference as the president of Ning Group and announced that Jiang Group was officially under Ning Group as the domestic branch of NS.

At the meeting, Jiang Ning announced her life experience and explained the reason why she was living outside.

"Ms. Jiang, there is no basis for such words. Who knows that this is not an excuse made up by you to annex the Jiang family?" A reporter questioned in the audience.

Jiang Ning looked directly at the speaker and said with a faint smile: "I own the entire Fu family and personally created a business empire like NS. Why should I spend so much effort on a mere Jiang Group?"

"That's impossible to say." The reporter spoke again, with a hint of provocation in his words.

Then he added: "You first returned to China as an exchange student at Yunnan University, and now you suddenly have so many extra identities..."

Before the man finished speaking, Jiang Ning interrupted: "Who said college students can't have multiple identities? I returned to China as an exchange student just because I needed a reason to return.

"And what you want to say is that I suddenly have so many identities, that is the real Jiang Ning——

"Jiang Ning, who has been planning for many years to regain everything that belongs to him!"

These words were spoken with such force that the whole place fell into silence instantly.

But a minute later, the reporter who caused the trouble spoke again: "Even if what you said is true, Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang are your biological parents!

"But now, they are both in the hospital, and you are enjoying the fruits of your victory. Are you being too cruel?"

The reporter obviously wanted to encourage others present, and there were already people whispering in the audience, thinking that what the reporter said made sense.

Jiang Ning smiled and stared at the audience without saying a word, with no intention of responding for the moment.

However, Shen Lei, the former director of Jiang's public relations department who attended the press conference with her, suddenly said from the side: "Friends from the media, today is the Ning Group's press conference, please don't focus on Mr. Jiang's family affairs! "

"This is not just a family matter. It's clear that you, Mr. Jiang, took away the Jiang Group through illegal means. You, the former directors, only care about your own interests. Have you forgotten what Mr. Jiang did to you when he was in office?
"You are so unjust for profit, are you worthy of Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Ning originally thought that the reporter was Jiang Ying's person, but now it seems that is not the case.

Shen Lei was speechless for a while.

Before this, he had indeed opposed Jiang Ning like this.

During the silence, a coercive and hoarse voice came from outside the venue——

"Jiang Ning is the only heir to the Jiang family, there is nothing wrong with her doing this."

Everyone's eyes were drawn towards it.

At the entrance of the venue, which was dimly lit by light and shadow, a wheelchair slowly drove in.

The woman in the wheelchair is wearing a noble blue velvet cheongsam, with a totem embroidered with gold thread around her waist. The gold and blue correspond to each other, which is eye-catching.

Her long hair was mixed with several strands of silver, and even though her beautiful face was carefully dressed up, it could no longer hide the traces of aging.

Soon, the man pushing the wheelchair also appeared in everyone's sight.

Wearing a solemn black suit, his short hair was neatly styled, and the pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face outlined a somewhat cold outline of his thin face.

There was a strong business atmosphere.

Jiang Tianhua paused after entering the room, and then looked towards the speaker's seat with clear purpose.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but be startled when she saw the person coming, and her originally gentle brows were instantly covered with a light haze.

She ignored the words that sounded on the field just now, and at this moment she only believed that the other party was planning to come over for a final resistance.

The fingers hanging by his sides gradually tightened, and the sharp nails dug deeply into the palms of his hands.

Jiang Tianhua pushed Ye Lan very slowly, as if he was deliberately waiting for the media to take the two of them out of the camera.

Flash lights flashed one after another.At the speaking table, Shen Lei glanced at the gloomy-looking girl next to him with some fear.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to end the press conference first?"

"No need." Jiang Ning responded coldly.

Since Jiang Tianhua doesn't intend to stop, she will still stay with him until the end.

While thinking about countermeasures in their brains, the couple had already walked to the speaking table.

Shen Lei immediately stood up, turned off the microphone, walked around the long table and walked off the stage.

"Director Jiang, can you wait until the press conference is over to talk about anything? I will explain it to you in detail."

The reporters off the court couldn't hear the voices under the stage, but Jiang Ning could.

She turned the microphone back on and said in an indifferent tone: "Director Shen, since this is a press conference, there is no need to hide anything from these media friends."

After saying that, she slowly stood up from the table, walked around the long table and walked down the stage.

Today she was wearing a dress that was not suitable for work.

The upper body is a light yellow short jacket with a cherry pattern, and a white base layer is worn inside; the lower body is a simple and elegant off-white pleated skirt, and a pair of particularly eye-catching colorful graffiti canvas shoes are on the feet.

The girl who was in the early stages of pregnancy walked carefully. When she walked around the long table and was exposed to the public's gaze, her girly dress immediately stunned everyone in the audience.

Who would have thought—

Such a little girl turned out to be the founder of a world-renowned company;

Just such a girl turned out to be a top designer in the fashion and architecture industries, and designed world-class landmark buildings;
The aura exuded by just such a girl's movie is even more powerful than Jiang Tianhua, who has been involved in the intrigues in shopping malls for half his life...

The cameras in the audience were all focused on the speaking booth, and everyone looked like they were watching the show.

Will the Jiang family incident that shocked the entire Yunzhou a while ago have a perfect ending today?
Jiang Ning walked to the wheelchair and stood still, looking down at the woman in the wheelchair.

The blue velvet cheongsam worn by the other party made her eyes freeze. This was Qingchen's first "work".

In fact, it was just the contents of a random sketch she drew when she was six years old.

At this time, Ye Lan made this design into a finished product and wore it on her body. What did she want to express?
He was making random guesses in his mind, and a cool curve naturally appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Jiang, if Mrs. Jiang is not recuperating in a nursing home, why are you coming to my press conference?"

Ye Lan's lips trembled violently, and the hands on her legs were also trembling.

She opened her mouth and tried hard to make a sound, but the long-term sequelae of being controlled by drugs, coupled with her gradually becoming agitated, caused her to be completely unable to speak at this time.

Jiang Tianhua leaned down to calm her down, and then comforted her softly: "I'll talk to her."

Immediately, he took out a brown paper bag from the wheelchair and handed it to Jiang Ning.

"You are the heir to the Jiang family, the only heir.

"You can legitimately inherit the Jiang family, and you don't need to bear the infamy you have now."

Jiang Ning took the paper bag and her beautiful eyebrows were slightly twisted together.

She wanted to open her mouth, but she heard the other party speak calmly: "I know that although you have annexed the Jiang family now, many official documents are difficult to process without my seal.

"In the paper bag are the things you need. Jiang Ying has been keeping them in the past, but these are all yours.

"With these things, you can do whatever you want with Jiang!"

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