After Lu Yu returned home, he was ordered to rush into the kitchen. He was standing in front of the messy bar, watching the video tutorial and concentrating on kneading the sticky dough on the chopping board.

The man who once thought he was omnipotent finally felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

He never thought that one day he would encounter a problem that he couldn't handle at all, such as——

How to keep the dough from sticking to your hands?

He followed the video tutorial and tried more than a dozen times before finally pressing out something that could barely be called "dough."

After groping until late at night, the impressive-looking dumplings were finally put out of the pot, but unfortunately what came out of the pot was meatball noodle soup.

In this regard, Mr. Lu is quite satisfied with his results.

He took a bite and found that it was at least edible.

After searching around the villa, from the second floor to the third floor, I didn't even see the girl.

When Jiang Ning heard something coming from the bedroom outside, she quickly ended what she was doing and lay down behind the door panel to listen to what was going on outside.

After confirming that the other party had left the bedroom, she walked out of the secret compartment in the cloakroom.

The phone rings.

After the call was connected, a man's anxious inquiry came from the other end.

"Where have you been?"

"I'm in the bedroom."

Ten seconds later, the bedroom door was violently pushed open.

Jiang Ning sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the man who came in. She saw that the white shirt on the other man's chest was soaked with sweat.

"I didn't see you when I came in just now." Lu Yu said with a slight frown.

"That's why you're blind."


There was obvious confusion on the man's face, and his eyes on the bed were very searching.

He seemed to detect a hint of teasing in the girl's sparkling eyes.

He opened his mouth to question, but when the words came to his mouth, he changed his mind and asked the other party to eat the dumplings.

"The result of my own work is that I can't look at it, but I can eat it."

When Jiang Ning saw the bowl of noodles called "dumplings", she couldn't help but feel her stomach churn.

She covered her mouth and nose and rushed to the bathroom.


Lu Yu stood there with a dark face, his eyes wandering around subconsciously.

After a while, the girl's helpless voice came from the direction of the bathroom——

"Hey, it's not that I dislike you, it's that your son can't stand it anymore."


"But I don't dislike you. Come here and eat."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she walked towards the bedside with a smile, but when her hand touched the big bowl, the man's big hand took the lead.

"Forget it, although I tried to eat it, I can't guarantee that your current stomach can adapt to the food from my hands." The man said softly.

These words came from the bottom of his heart. When it came to his wife's diet, he would not tolerate any sloppiness.

Therefore, after working hard all night, all the food ended up in the trash can.

Lu Yu called a restaurant and asked the other party to prepare a luxurious meal for pregnant women and deliver it to Xinghai Bay.

However, when those exquisite and expensive takeaways were delivered, Jiang Ning had already fallen asleep on the bed.

late at night.

Lu Yu received a call from Fu Sinian. The other party knew what happened today and called specifically to question him.

"Xiaowu ran down the mountain for you, but you made her work so hard on the first day down the mountain. How could you promise me?"

"Sorry, Mr. Fu, it's my fault."

Seeing that the other party had no excuse and his attitude was sincere, Fu Sinian didn't have the nerve to blame him any more.

"Has she rested?"


"Well, remember your kid, don't make her angry."

"rest assured."


That night, Lu Yu stayed up all night in the study. His wife's vests caught him off guard every time, so he simply dug deep and dug out all her vests.

He never expected that the wife who fell from the sky was actually a big shot in high-end games.

Spending 5 million to marry her was a real advantage to me.

The next morning, Jiang Ning received a call from Sun Mengying, saying that she had made an appointment with her uncle to meet at 9 a.m.

When Jiang Ning heard this, she quickly got out of bed and looked at the time. It was past seven-thirty.

She didn't delay much, and didn't care if there was no one around her. She just finished washing, changed her clothes and went out.

Nine o'clock, Yunzhou Household Registration Management Office.

Sun Mengying was waiting on the roadside in advance. When she saw the belated girl, she immediately rushed toward her excitedly.

However, when she saw the other person's slightly bulging belly, she changed the hug to holding the other person's hands.

"Jiang Ning, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!"

"I'm sorry, Yingying, I hid a lot of things from you." Jiang Ning sincerely apologized to the other party again.

"Hey, what's the point of hiding this? You're not just hiding it from me, and you can still think of me now. I'm really happy!"

Sun Mengying didn't give the other party a chance to speak, and spoke a lot in one breath.

"But I really didn't expect that your relationship with Jiang Ying, the Jiang family, and the things Jiang Ying did would really shatter my outlook.

"By the way, what's going on with the Jiang family now? Have you really inherited the Jiang Group?

"There are rumors outside that you forced your grandfather and parents to leave Yunzhou. These are not true, are they?"

Jiang Ning just kept smiling and did not respond.

Since she took over Jiang's company, the company has been handed over to special personnel, and she has basically not asked much about the company's affairs, nor has she paid attention to how the outside world evaluates her.

As for the Jiang family members, they left just out of guilt for her.

Seeing that Jiang Ning chose to remain silent, Sun Mengying stopped asking any more questions and pulled her towards the hall of the household registration office.

The two found Sun Shaodong, who took them to the archives room.

"Excuse me, Uncle Sun." Jiang Ning politely thanked him.

Sun Shaodong said that he was not doing this favor for her, but that the identity of the person she wanted to check seemed special.

"Special status? What does it mean?" Jiang Ning asked.

"You'll find out later when you look at the files."

"Oh, uncle, you have brought us here, why are you so tight-lipped? Just talk to Jiang Ning directly." Sun Mengying interjected from the side.

Sun Shaodong ignored her, but glared at her briefly before walking to a shelf against the wall and raising his hand to take down a brown paper bag.

Immediately, he handed the paper bag to Jiang Ning again.

"Xiao Jiang, please see if this is the information you want."

Jiang Ning immediately accepted it and quickly opened the paper bag. Inside was Zhao Xiaoqi's household registration file, but it was obvious that these files were incomplete.

After quickly browsing the file, Jiang Ning looked up at Sun Shaodong with a serious face.

I remember he said before that he was doing this favor for himself because he just happened to be able to help him, so what did he mean?

"Uncle Sun, Zhao Xiaoqi's household registration is in the orphanage?"

Sun Shaodong nodded, and then asked her to see the date when Zhao Xiaoqi was sent to the orphanage.

After hearing this, Jiang Ning quickly lowered her head and found the date on the information, and then her face turned pale.

This date exactly matches her birth date.

"Look at the place where she was abandoned." Sun Shaodong added.

Maoxian Hospital, this place name once again made Jiang Ning's heart skip a beat.

Ye Lan's physical condition was not very good when she was pregnant, so Jiang Tianhua took her to an ecological village near Maoxian County to recuperate.

She had originally calculated the time to return to the city, but she didn't expect that Ye Lan's amniotic fluid broke before the due date, and she had to give birth in a county hospital.

It was precisely because of this that her and Jiang Ying's lives were misaligned.

But now, this Zhao Xiaoqi who looks exactly like me...

"Xiao Jiang, what is certain now is that the date Zhao Xiaoqi was sent to the orphanage is her birth date. Because it is winter, if such a small baby is not discovered in time, she will not survive at all."

There was obviously some deep meaning in Sun Shaodong's voice.

This means that Zhao Xiaoqi and Jiang Ning were born on the same day, month and year of the same year, and were most likely born in the same hospital.

Jiang Ning squeezed the information in her hand and fell into silence for a short time.


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