Jiang Ning hurried to the Academic Affairs Office.

As soon as I reached the corner, I heard director Zhao Yali using her duck-like voice to train people——

"Jiang Ning, you shouldn't choose the media department, you should go to the performance department.

“No, no, that’s not right, you shouldn’t go to this university.

"Do you know what a university is? It is a place for students to study, not a vest for you people in society!

"Fortunately, I sympathized with you because of your life experience. It turns out that the clown is myself..."

When Jiang Ning heard her name, her heart that was already hanging in the air suddenly sank again.

Could it be...

Just as a certain thought occurred in my mind, I heard another defensive voice coming from the office——

"Director, right? Is it time to listen to me after you finish speaking?"


“First of all, I am not Jiang Ning, I am also here to find Jiang Ning;

"Secondly, although I know Jiang Ning is a genius, she really shouldn't study in such a shabby school, but people should always do specific things at a specific age!

“She’s going to college at college age, there’s nothing wrong with her, you have no right to interfere!

"Besides, she didn't go to your school originally, she was just an exchange student, not to mention she doesn't owe you tuition!

"One last correction, she is not a social worker, she is just a young and famous entrepreneur who owns several large companies. She chooses to go to university, but she is just keeping a low profile!

"One more thing, I don't care if you are a clown or not, but I want to thank you for choosing to believe in her and not falling for Jiang Ying's poisonous snake."


Jiang Ning stayed in the corridor outside the door for a long time, and then she heard Zhao Yali's unsure question.

"Classmate Jiang Ning, have you been stimulated and lost your mind? I know you are now the leader of the Jiang Group, but you won't go back to school to show off in this way, right?"

"I do not……"

"Director Zhao!"

The office door was pushed open unexpectedly, and Jiang Ning stood at the door holding an information bag.

Zhao Yali was stunned, "You...Jiang Ning?"

After she finished speaking, she immediately turned to look at the sofa beside her, "Then who are you?"

Jiang Ning followed her and saw that Zhao Xiaoqi had stood up.

She wore a gray-black short windbreaker and a pair of black cigarette pants that outlined her slender chopstick legs. The overall look was quite satisfactory.

There was obviously a wave of emotion on Qingjun's face, and the slightly opened pink lips trembled slightly, as if there was something he wanted to say but couldn't say.

"Director Zhao, she is my sister, twin sister."

Jiang Ning thought it would be difficult for her to tell this fact to others, but she just said it so lightly.

After speaking, he paused for a moment, and while Zhao Yali was still in shock, he politely apologized to her.

"Director Zhao, I apologize for concealing personal information from you and the school before, but there are really reasons why I can't tell you.

"The relationship within the Jiang family is complicated. Jiang Ying and I have had our fates swapped for so many years. Even if I returned to the Jiang family, the Jiang family has never acknowledged me to the outside world, so I can only live with my own identity.

"You must have heard about what happened to me and the Jiang family after I left school, so I won't explain it here.

"My sister..."

As Jiang Ning spoke, she turned her gaze to her side and found that the waves in Zhao Xiaoqi's eyes were getting more intense.

She gave the other party a slightly comforting look, then looked at the confused Zhao Yali again, and continued: "I just learned that I have a sister, and also learned about the suffering she has endured over the years.

"What she said to the director just now was indeed not polite, but I hope the director can understand.

"Perhaps the twins are telepathic, and she can also sense the difficulties I have experienced over the years.

"Now that she is back, she just wants to do her best to protect me!"

Zhao Yali finally came back to her senses, and her eyes began to wander back and forth between the two of them.


"Yes." Jiang Ning nodded.

"So you asked her to come to school to make trouble for you?"

Jiang Ning nodded subconsciously and said yes, but then suddenly realized something was wrong. She quickly raised her head and said, "What? Making trouble? Who is making trouble?"

"Hey...can we talk about this in private later?" Zhao Xiaoqi couldn't help but speak at the side.

Jiang Ning ignored her and waited for Zhao Yali's answer.

Zhao Yali pondered for a moment, then turned back to her desk, lowered her head and rummaged through the drawer to find something. "Have you completed the procedures?" Zhao Xiaoqi walked to Jiang Ning and asked in a low voice.


"Then why are you waiting here? Let's go quickly!"


Zhao Yali found the special disk to enter the campus surveillance system, but when she looked up, she found that the two people in the office were missing.

"What the hell is this!"

She mumbled and picked up the landline phone on her desk and made a call to the dean of the department.

"Jiang Ning is here to apply for withdrawal from school today, but I won't do it for now."

"What? Is it done? Don't you want such a big thing to go through my Academic Affairs Office?"

"Signed by the principal himself?"

"Even if this is the case, will our school allow people with connections like this to climb to the top? What's the principle?"


Zhao Yali put down the phone angrily and slammed the door angrily.


On the campus avenue planted with sycamore trees, two similar figures walked quickly.

Jiang Ning was dragged by Zhao Xiaoqi and ran away from the Academic Affairs Office towards the school gate. The opponent's eccentric behavior made her really confused and she could only run along.

She would never be out of breath on such a short journey before, but the situation is different now.

"Hey, hey, hey, before you run away, please consider the physical limits of a pregnant woman!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xiaoqi's footsteps stopped immediately.

The moment she turned back, her eyes became evasive again, and she didn't know how to speak.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she stammered an apology.

Jiang Ning took a breath and said quietly: "I think instead of apologizing to me, you might as well give me an explanation."

Zhao Xiaoqi lowered his head and twisted his two small hands together awkwardly.

After a long time, she opened her mouth to ask a completely unrelated question.

"Have you met the old man?"

Jiang Ning was taken aback for a moment and answered frankly, yes.

"So are you going to do what he says?"

"What if it were you?" Jiang Ning asked.

Before Zhao Xiaoqi could answer, Zhao Yali chased after her at the top of her lungs.

"Jiang Ning, come back first and tell me clearly."

Jiang Ning's face was filled with confusion, but in her heart she subconsciously felt that Zhao Xiaoqi might have caused some trouble in school today.

This just explains why her classmates felt like they had seen a ghost when they saw her.

"What on earth did you do at school today?" She squeezed out a little sound through her teeth.

Before Zhao Xiaoqi could respond, Zhao Yali had already run up to the two of them.

The next moment, Jiang Ning was pulled to the side by a strong force.

Zhao Xiaoqi thought that Director Zhao was here to cause trouble, so she took the initiative to stand up and admit that everything that happened today was her own decision and had nothing to do with Jiang Ning.

"If you want to call the police or something, come to me! Jiang Ning really doesn't know anything."

Zhao Yali scanned her from head to toe, and seemed to finally see the similarities and differences between the two sisters.

After pondering for a moment, she pushed up her glasses and said: "Ha! Now you know that one person does something and another person takes responsibility? Then why didn't you think about whether it would implicate Jiang Ning when you hit someone?

"You are doing things with her face in front of her. People only recognize her face, not her name!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Ning flashed out from behind.

"Hitting someone?"

Then he turned to look at Zhao Xiaoqi, and when he spoke again, his voice became louder.

"Who did you beat?" (End of Chapter)

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