Zhao Xiaoqi was stunned when she heard the name "Jiang Meng".

She didn't like hearing this name. Every time she heard Jiang Tianhua call her "Meng Meng" when she met, she felt like she was being bitten by thousands of insects.

"Jiang Meng, since you are back, and you are here for me, why don't you come to me first?" Jiang Ning asked in as calm a tone as possible.

Zhao Xiaoqi still didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, and her wandering eyes finally fixed on the toes of her shoes.

After hesitating for a while, she finally found her voice——

"I can not."

"Don't you dare? Am I a scourge to you?"

"I'm afraid you'll hate me."

Zhao Xiaoqi's head was drooping in despair. His appearance at this moment was not at all the same as the high-spirited appearance on the stage that day.

Her two hands were also twisted together awkwardly, and her whole body was as tight as a bow.

Jiang Ning didn't understand her answer.

"Why do you think I hate you?"

Zhao Xiaoqi raised his eyes slightly when he heard the sound, quietly spying on the emotions in the other person's eyes.

After confirming that there was no disgust in those penetrating eyes, she replied in a low voice: "You should know that I was not actually abandoned by the Jiang family..."

Jiang Ning learned that she was worried that she would hate her for this reason, and she immediately became dumbfounded.

"In your eyes, my situation is so small?

"Besides, this kind of thing is not something you and I can choose independently. Would I hate you because of something that you can't make the decision yourself?

"Also, the twins are telepathic. I know you would rather be completely abandoned by the Jiang family!"

These words made Zhao Xiaoqi's eyes brighter, with a hint of joy in them.


"Really, so sit down somewhere and explain it to me!"

"Well, go to your house!"


Zhao Xiaoqi's next operation made Jiang Ning dumbfounded. Not only was the other party able to guide her to find her parking space accurately, but he also knew which way she should go home. She even knew which section of the road was under construction. Clearly.

After staring at the construction road surrounded by ice cream cones in front of her for a while, Jiang Ning turned her head with a complicated expression.

"You shouldn't have been targeting me for a long time, right?"

Zhao Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment, then showed a sly smile.

She nodded, "Yeah."

This moment made Jiang Ning feel a little dazed. Looking at the girl who was more than 90% similar to herself, it was difficult for her not to realize that she was actually looking in the mirror.

The corner of her mouth twitched, but she still turned the steering wheel without saying a word.

Star Bay.

As soon as Jiang Ning parked the car, she saw a figure lingering in front of the villa. She squinted her eyes and quickly identified the person.

It seems that the visitor is ill-intentioned.

Seeing that she was stunned and refused to get out of the car, Zhao Xiaoqi asked her what was wrong.


After speaking, Jiang Ning pushed the door open and got out of the car, then faced the figure at the door of the villa with a smile on her face.

"Why is Auntie free to come here today?"

Upon hearing the sound, Gao Yue immediately turned around, raised her hand and called to the other party.

Jiang Ning was on guard and dodged.

"You're such a loser, no wonder Lu Yu treats you like a treasure!

“He’s so good at what he does, no wonder I’m so cruel to you.

"Somebody come!"

Gao Yue gave an order, and a dozen young men who looked like gangsters rushed out from the nearby green bushes.

Each of these young men is holding a defensive stick, and their eyes are more fierce than the other. "Whoever ties up this stinky woman today, I will give you 100 million!"

Jiang Ning smiled, "Auntie, do you want to commit a crime?"

"Hmph! Even if I die, I will use you as my backer!"

After Gao Yue finished speaking, she ducked to the side of the road, and then sternly ordered the group of men she brought to take action.

In the past, it was no problem for Jiang Ning to have more people, but now she has a baby in her belly, which is really inconvenient.

Seeing the defensive sticks with a metallic luster coming towards her one after another, she could only avoid them as much as possible, but her inflexible skills soon made it impossible for her to avoid them.

In desperation, she could only shout loudly towards the parking lot: "Zhao Xiaoqi, you are blind!"

When he got out of the car, Zhao Xiaoqi was rummaging through something in his bag. He was so focused that he didn't notice what was happening not far away.

When she heard the roar, she raised her head suddenly and her pupils suddenly shrank.

When the metal rod, which was thicker than Jiang Ning's arm, fell towards her, there was a muffled sound in the air.

Immediately, the metal rod fell to the ground with a clang.

A flash of blood broke into Jiang Ning's sight, followed by "clang" sounds one after another.

All the gangsters were dumbfounded, except for the man with bleeding wrists who let out a nerve-wracking scream.

Gao Yue on the side also turned pale with fright, especially when the mouth of the pipe, which was smelling of heat and gunpowder, was pressed against her neck.

"You...you...how dare you...dare..."

Zhao Xiaoqi hit her with the mouth of the pipe and said in a sinister tone: "Shut up."

Jiang Ning was also shocked when she saw what she had in her hand, and couldn't figure out where she, a college student studying in China, got such a controlled substance.

The most important thing is that a top-notch silencer is installed at the mouth of the black hole.

"Zhao Xiaoqi, are you crazy? Put your things down quickly!"

Taking advantage of the chaos at the scene, someone had already picked up the phone secretly.

Jiang Ning was blinded and immediately stepped forward and kicked his cell phone down.

"Jiang Ning, this is country Z, you...you dare to hold these things privately!" Gao Yue said loudly.

"Auntie, don't say this. Doesn't your son have it? This thing is very common for you."

Jiang Ning had heard from Lu Yu that Lu Yan was privately involved with an overseas secret organization and had secretly helped the other party transport such controlled items through special channels.

At this time, she mentioned it a little bit, and Gao Yue's face immediately changed color. It was obvious that she knew about the matter.

"Stop spitting on people like that!"

"Whether you're trolling someone or not, we'll find out after an investigation." Zhao Xiaoqi looked disapproving and raised an eyebrow at Jiang Ning and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm legally holding it!"

"You? Legal?" Jiang Ning was a little unbelievable.

You can legally possess such items in the country, unless you are engaged in a special occupation.

And she, Zhao Xiaoqi, is just an ordinary college student working part-time as a singer, and it is impossible for her to have anything to do with a special profession.

Zhao Xiaoqi had no intention of explaining, but asked her how to deal with these people now.

"Handle it privately, or hand it over to the police?"

Listening to her tone, a string in Jiang Ning's brain suddenly became tighter.

Her words "deal with it privately" carry an obvious allusion.

However, when those gangsters heard this, they all shouted that they wanted to "get private".

Although the other party had illegal items in their hands, if the police were to handle the matter, they would inevitably be charged with "intentional injury."

Zhao Xiaoqi smiled meaningfully.

"Okay, keep it private!"

After saying that, she strongly pulled Gao Yue over and raised her chin to signal Jiang Ning to open the door.


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