Zhao Xiaoqi asked Jiang Ning if it was not convenient for him to disclose the address of Xinghai Bay to others.

After getting a positive answer, she called someone, who arrived at Xinghai Bay an hour later.

Lu Yu's car and the police car arrived almost at the same time.

He was not surprised by the police car showing up at his door, but he was still quite shocked by what happened next.

Gao Yue was taken away by two criminal policemen in civilian clothes, still cursing when they left.

She thought she was arrested for "inciting to hurt others," but she didn't know that her family had been targeted by Interpol for a long time.

Zhao Xiaoqi graduated from the police academy last year, and a year before she graduated, she was arranged to go to the imperial capital to conduct an in-depth investigation of an underground organization called "Yan Fei".

This Yanfei organization has always had business dealings with the local port. On the surface, it transships some aquatic products, but secretly it transports some domestically controlled items.

Zhao Xiaoqi confessed all this in front of Jiang Ning and Lu Yu.

"Actually, I came to Yunzhou recently because I had evidence of the connection between the Yanfei organization and the Lu family."

At this point, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, she had been worried that these things about the Lu family had something to do with Lu Yu. If this was the case, Jiang Ning would inevitably be implicated.

This is the result she least wants to see.

Fortunately, after this period of observation, Lu Yu's suspicion has been ruled out.

Jiang Ning thought that she might have been stupid during her pregnancy, so she secretly thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out what the other party said.

"Forgetting everything else, I don't understand. Since you have always been in contact with the Jiang family, why did you register at the police station that you were looking for your biological parents?"

"The Jiang family doesn't want me to know your existence, nor does it want you to know my existence, so they created the identity of Zhao Xiaoqi for me.

"I can't take the initiative to find you, but I hope you can know my existence.

"As a singer, I also hope that one day I will be famous and you can see me on TV or other channels. I believe that when you see me, you will definitely investigate me and find me!"

Jiang Ning was silent for a moment, then asked: "Then...then why did you go to Jiang Yaoping for a showdown first?"

Zhao Xiaoqi lowered her head and replied in a voice that almost only she could hear: "Because you have slapped them hard, I just want to add insult to injury!"


This answer feels quite childish, but it also fully expresses Zhao Xiaoqi's hatred for the Jiang family and Jiang Yaoping.

Jiang Ning asked her what she planned to do next.

After all, after Zhao Xiaoqi went to Jiang Yaoping for a showdown, the old man was so frightened that he directly begged him to let her stop.

Zhao Xiaoqi smiled, and the accumulated clouds in his eyes dispersed a little, and his eyes became particularly clear.

She finally dared to look directly at Jiang Ning and said, "You are the boss, I listen to you!"

Jiang Ning scratched her forehead in embarrassment, "Uh... I went after you went to see the old man, but do you know what he said to me?"

"Crying bitterly and saying that he was wrong, but he would still make that choice if he had it to do over again! He said that he was sorry for you, but now he has been punished, and the Jiang family is also yours, so I hope your hatred will end here !

"Then I will tell you that there is another you in the world. I hope you find this 'other you' and beg her to stop here."

Zhao Xiaoqi finished speaking in one breath, and his attitude was so calm and relaxed.

After speaking, he raised his chin at the other party, "right?"

After Jiang Ning heard this, she was so shocked that she didn't close her mouth for a long time. She was stunned for a long time before asking her how she knew so clearly.

"Hey, he said the first words to me, and the last words were made by me asking him to beg you!

"I told him that as long as you can forgive, I will listen to you! But I don't think you can forgive."


"Can we not talk about those unpleasant things first? I know you have a lot of questions to ask me. Let's ask something else first." Jiang Ning did have a lot to ask, so much that she didn't even know where to start.

She thought for a long time but couldn't make a sound, and Zhao Xiaoqi didn't take the initiative to explain anything.

The atmosphere was so silent.

In the end, Lu Yu, who was listening in, spoke first——

"Interpol has obtained information about Yan Fei. Are they going to arrest him domestically now? If my guess is correct, now is not the time to reveal your identity, right?"

Zhao Xiaoqi said nothing because he was right.

If she hadn't seen that metal rod falling on Jiang Ning's head today, she would never have used the weapon.

Although her master didn't say anything when he came over just now, a warning and punishment would definitely be inevitable.

"Will there be trouble?" Jiang Ning also asked worriedly.

"Oh, it's okay!" Zhao Xiaoqi waved her hand nonchalantly, "Leaving aside the other charges, the crime of paying for a murder to injure someone is enough for her to drink."

"But you just said that your main target is Lu Yan. Now that you have captured Gao Yue, won't you alert him?"

Zhao Xiaoqi finally showed a slightly troubled expression.

After all, I had been keeping an eye on the case for several years, and when I was finally close to closing it down, my plan was disrupted because of my own impulse.

The punishment is small, but if it really hurts the organization's ability to successfully close the network, her crime will be huge.

The atmosphere fell into silence again and was interrupted by Lu Yu——

"I will contact the domestic police and ask them to take over Gao Yue's case and find ways to block all contact between her and the outside world.

"At least Lu Zhifeng and Lu Yan have no time to pay attention to these things in the past two days."

Zhao Xiaoqi said that this was not what she was worried about, but that she was not sure whether the Yanfei organization was related to Gao Yue.

“Our people once contacted the Yanfei organization and tried to establish a cooperative relationship with the other party by purchasing large quantities of supplies to obtain evidence of their crimes.

"But the other party acted very cautiously and finally chose not to cooperate without knowing our details..."

"Tell me the point, what exactly are you worried about?" Jiang Ning interrupted a little anxiously.

"The person Yan Fei contacted us was a woman, and her voice sounded like a middle-aged woman. I'm worried..."

"Are you worried that this person is Gao Yue? If you catch her and the Yanfei organization loses contact with her, all operations will be suspended?"


Jiang Ning's face turned serious, but there seemed to be another voice in her subconscious telling her——

"Gao Yue shouldn't have such careful thoughts to engage in those activities."

Although she didn't have deep contact with Gao Yue, the feeling he gave her was that of a big-breasted and brainless type, otherwise she wouldn't be stupid enough to come to trouble her at this time, after she knew her identity.

Lu Yu expressed her unspoken thoughts, but Zhao Xiaoqi was still a little worried.

"What if someone pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger?"

Although both Lu Yu and Jiang Ning thought it was unlikely, they still helped them think of countermeasures to ensure nothing went wrong.

ten minutes later.

Two voices suddenly sounded in unison——

Zhao Xiaoqi: "There is a way!"

Jiang Ning: "Follow me!" (End of chapter)

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