Chapter 252 Falling out
Hearing that the Meng family wanted to marry the Su family, Su Shenghong and Su Shengrong, although they seemed to resist on the surface, secretly tacitly persuaded their sons to go.

Especially Su Shengrong, he even directly asked Su Jian to take the initiative to pursue Meng Jinsheng's daughter.


Two days later, Meng Jinsheng visited the Su family in person.

Su Bingyu was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed by the housekeeper to the door to greet him. Su Shenghong and Su Shengrong were followed behind him.

Meng Jinsheng was greeted in this row, and even if he thought about it, he wouldn't be able to find any thorns in his side.

The low-key black Phaeton slowly stopped in front of the main building of the Su residence, but the daughter of the Meng family did not get off the car.

When Su Bingyu stepped forward to shake hands with him, he asked casually: "Ling Qianjin didn't come with you?"

Since the other party was an elder, Meng Jinsheng responded politely: "My daughter is currently waiting for delivery in Mozhou and has no plans to return to China in the short term."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of everyone in the Su family suddenly became colorful.

You are already expecting a baby, how can you get married?

Meng Jinsheng didn't expect that what he said on the phone would cause such misunderstandings for the Su family, so he didn't care at all about the teasing expression on the other party's face.

A few minutes after they sat down in the living room, Su Jin simply made an excuse and left.

"By the way, Mr. Su, I've been here for so long, why don't I see Shengchang and Niannian?"

"The second son's company is busy. Niannian is getting married soon. There are a lot of things to prepare for recently."

Meng Jinsheng couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, but in his heart he thought that his son had made a secret decision and never told him.

"Oh? Are you ready so soon?"

"I'm not happy, it's been more than two months since we made the decision."

Meng Jinsheng smiled slightly awkwardly and scolded: "That brat of mine actually told me such an important thing.

"It's really rude. If I had known about it earlier, I would have returned to China for a visit as soon as possible."

Several people in the Su family were confused.

Su Shengrong couldn't help but ask: "What does this matter have to do with Mr. Ling?"

Everyone in Yunzhou knew about the playboy of the Meng family, so Su Shengrong tried hard to hide his dislike on his face when he mentioned him.

Meng Jinsheng finally noticed something was wrong and quickly asked, "What? Is it possible that the person Nian Nian wants to marry is not my Meng Yi?"

The atmosphere fell into silence with this question.


At the same time, Xishan Emperor Scenery.

Su Nian has been hiding here for two days, but she didn't say a word to Jiang Ning these two days.

She needed some time to digest some things quietly, and she didn't want anyone to disturb her.

Jiang Ning looked at her state and thought that some irreversible accident really happened at Huang's house that night.

Jiang Xiaoqi, who had also lived in Xishan Dijing for a few days, saw Jiang Ning's worry, so she kicked open the locked door.

"Sister Su Nian, since you took the initiative to live here, shouldn't you respect the atmosphere of our home?

"You said you were silent and rude, weren't you torturing Jiang Ning? How did she offend you?"

Hearing the noise, Jiang Ning, who was on the phone on the balcony, immediately ran towards the source of the sound.

Jiang Xiaoqi was seen stepping on the entire fallen door panel, looking menacing.

Su Nian stood by the bed with a look of astonishment on her face, holding a pink-white rectangular cardboard box in her hand, with broken glass at her feet.

Seeing Jiang Ning come in, she hurriedly hid the cardboard box behind her back, with a slightly angry look on her face.

"Jiang Ning, since you have taken me in, can't you respect my privacy?"

Before Jiang Ning could speak, Jiang Xiaoqi pushed the person back——

"Who doesn't respect your privacy? Is it possible that your voice is also private? You are a human being, not a ghost. If you don't make a sound, doesn't it feel intrusive? And you have a stinky face every day, who owes... …”

At this point, Jiang Ning stopped her sternly.

"Jiang Xiaoqi, shut up."

"Did I say something wrong? She is really throwing her face at you..."

"Shut up and get out!" Jiang Ning's tone was slightly cold.

Jiang Xiaoqi's expression darkened, and then he turned around without saying a word.

There was still an indifferent voice coming from behind - "This apartment is neither yours nor mine, so please restore the door to its original state as soon as possible!"


A smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Xiaoqi's dim face.

She originally thought that Jiang Ning really fell out with her because of what happened just now, but now she suddenly understood.

This guy has produced enough vinegar in the past two days to open a vinegar factory.

"Lu Yu won't blame me."

Jiang Xiaoqi dropped these words and left without looking back.

Jiang Ning's face became increasingly gloomy, and knives seemed to fly out of her eyes.


The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence, and now it was Su Nian who was embarrassed.

She knew that Jiang Ning had just found her twin sister, but now she was falling out with her sister because of her, which made her feel a little sorry.

Cough cough cough...

After a few coughs, Su Nian said apologetically: "Jiang Ning, you know me, I'm not..."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning quickly turned around and interrupted: "I know, something must have happened to you to want to be alone. It's Xiao Qi who is ignorant."


"It's okay, she went too far."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she left the bedroom and returned with a dustpan and broom in her hands.

Su Nian, who was putting something into his mouth, was startled again, and the box in his hand fell to the ground.

"What are you eating?" Jiang Ning stepped forward and asked.

Su Nian pursed her lips and shook her head, kicking the box that she had just dropped under the bed.

Unfortunately, this small gesture did not escape Jiang Ning's eyes. She quickly pulled him away from the bed, leaned down and took out the small box under the bed.

When she saw the words "Levonorgestrel", she felt that the pores all over her body expanded at the same time.

Jiang Ning had always felt uneasy because of Jiang Xiaoqi's weird behavior in the past two days, so she forgot to ask Meng Yi to confirm whether she had snatched Su Nian back that night.

Judging from what the other party is eating now, I'm afraid he couldn't escape from the clutches of the Huang family that night.

No wonder, no wonder she has been worried these past two days.

destroyed! This life is ruined...

Jiang Ning clenched the pill box into a ball, and the painful inner drama was going on.

The next second, her hands were empty, and Su Nian's gloomy voice penetrated her ears.

"Did you ask Meng Yi to go to Huang's house to rob someone that night?"

Jiang Ning nodded and was about to apologize when she realized something was wrong.

So Meng Yi went to the Huang family?
Could it be that he couldn't snatch the person out even if he tried to attack?
"Nian Nian, what happened to you at Huang's house?" she asked in a low voice.

"Huang Longhai's wife probably spiked my drink. I'm so out of control." Su Nian gritted his teeth.

" and that Huang Feihong...that..."

Jiang Ning hesitated and was finally interrupted by Su Nian's angry voice.

"Bah! What are you thinking? Even if I lose control, I won't pounce on a fool, okay?"

"Then you... you eat this..."

Su Nian grabbed the medicine box swinging in front of her eyes, rolled her eyes and responded, "Thanks to you, I put Meng Datou to sleep!"

This was said so straightforwardly that Jiang Ning was even more straightforward and relieved after hearing it.

"I've always felt that you two are quite suitable for each other. If something like this happened, Yue Lao might not be able to bear it anymore, so he just tied you two up with a red thread!"

Su Nian frowned and said nothing, then walked to the window and stared at the tall buildings in the distance for a while.

After a long time, she spoke in a very small voice, as if talking to herself.

"Growing up, he has always taken pleasure in teasing me, and this time it will probably be the same."


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