Chapter 271 Don’t go to S Continent

Jiang Ning was sitting in the lounge, looking at Qin Shu who suddenly broke into the camera, and felt that something was wrong.

Until she received a call from Lu Zhijie, who told her on the other end——

"Qin Shu's outfit belongs to Ping Ping. You should be optimistic about A Yu and don't let him lose control!"

Jiang Ning suddenly understood.

The opponent seized on Lu Yu's weakness and wanted to anger him in public, and then confirmed that he had serious mental problems and even violent tendencies.

"Don't worry, I will take control of the scene."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and immediately called Jiang Xiaoqi.

The person who answered the phone was Fu Chen, with a hint of complacency in his cheerful tone.

Jiang Ning didn't have time to listen to his nonsense, so she bluntly asked him to give the phone to Xiao Qi.

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Xiaoqi snatched the phone back from the man's hand.

"I received this video, I..."

Jiang Xiaoqi's voice was still interrupted.

"Xiao Qi, how much information do you have about Yan Fei's organization now?" Jiang Ning asked.

"According to the information you helped me decipher last time, it's pretty much the same."

"Now, as long as it is proven that Lu Yan is related to the Yanfei organization, will you be able to close the network directly?"

"Yes, I plan to tell you about this in a few days, because I need your help."

"It won't be a few days, it's now!"

"Now? How is it possible? We still..."

"I don't have time to tell you in detail. If you believe me, I will quickly inform your team to send people to Yunzhou Convention and Exhibition Center."

"But you have to give me a reason to convince our captain. They won't act easily based on my words alone. If the enemy is alerted, our deployment in the past few years will be in vain."

"It's a long story and I don't have time to explain it now, trust me!"

It's not that Jiang Xiaoqi doesn't believe it, but that she feels she can't persuade her teammates with empty words.

"I believe you, but now I can only tell you that I will try my best to convince them."


Fu Chen personally escorted Jiang Xiaoqi to their temporary office, nagging Jiang Ning behind her back all the way.

After all, he had only been single for less than an hour, and his girlfriend was taken away before he even held her hand.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaoqi was busy contacting the team all the way and turned a deaf ear to the murmurs around him.

When they got out of the car, the man took her arm and jokingly asked her for a kiss goodbye. Unexpectedly, when he got closer, she was directly hit by the palm of Tathagata.

All Jiang Xiaoqi was thinking about was how to tell her master later, and she had not yet adapted to having a blue friend, so she subconsciously slapped her friend as a gangster.

When she calmed down and saw the other person's confused face, her face turned completely red.

"There are urgent matters, let's go first."

After Jiang Xiaoqi finished speaking, she ran out of the car like a rabbit, and the look that chased her behind was like the spring breeze blowing across the wheat field, extremely gentle.

Fu Chen waited until the girl's figure disappeared from sight before driving away.

Although he didn't hear what Jiang Ning and Jiang Xiaoqi said on the phone just now, he was alertly aware that something was probably wrong with Jiang Ning.

He quickly called the other party to ask what was going on.

"Has Fu Ye been looking for you? See if you can contact him. I called him more than a dozen times but his phone was turned off." Jiang Ning asked anxiously on the other end.

"What happened to be so anxious? Didn't Mr. Lu hold a press conference today? Was there something wrong with the press conference?"

"Can you please stop asking so many questions and contact Fu Ye quickly!"


Fu Chen frowned and immediately dialed Fu Ye's number after putting down the phone.

The situation is the same as Jiang Ning said, shut down.

He said "hell" to himself, then called Fu Sinian and learned a strange thing from Fu Sinian.

"Fu Ye borrowed your private jet? Where to go?"

"How do I know? Ask him yourself!" Fu Sinian replied in a bad tone.

"..." Fu Sinian's private plane was equipped with an emergency contact device, and Fu Chen contacted the other party through the emergency contact device.

"Fu Ye, did you make a mistake? Could it be that just because Xiao Qi chose me and not you, you just left..."

"You're overthinking, I'm just in a hurry." Fu Ye interrupted.

"What emergency is more important than Xiaowu? She's looking for you!"

"Apologise to Xiao Wu for me and tell her I will call her back in two hours."

"Two hours? Her two-hour press conference is over. Did you promise her anything before?"


"Hey Hey hey……"


On the other end of the phone, Fu Ye had put down the receiver.

He patted his head in annoyance, seemingly forgetting all about what Jiang Ning asked him to do.

After thinking secretly for a moment, he asked the pilot how long it would take to fly from Sarati City.

"Salaty? Master Ye, aren't you going back to Continent S?" the pilot asked curiously.

"The things Xiaowu asked me to do haven't been finished yet. I have to contact her as soon as possible."

"Can't you use this?"

"No, the data cannot be transferred."

"Sarati will be there in twenty minutes at the earliest."

"Okay, standby."


The next moment, Tang Wan's clear voice came from the cabin——

"Sister, you finally woke up. Don't be afraid. Shumao will take you to see a doctor!"

Fu Ye heard the sound and walked over, looking down at the sick face of the girl who was half lying on the seat.

"Your disease cannot be cured at home, so I will take you to S Continent."

As soon as she heard S Zhou, the girl's already pale face turned a few shades paler, and there was a hint of panic in her dull eyes.

The chapped thin lips trembled slightly to make a sound, but another voice sounded in front of her.

"Shu, my sister and I ran away from S Continent."

Tang Wan's innocent little face also showed a look of fear at this time, and a pair of small hands with nowhere to rest were tightly intertwined.

She shook her head violently, "No, no, no! We don't want to go to S Continent."

Seeing the sisters' reaction, Fu Ye couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Although the reputation of S Continent is not very good, it is not enough for such young children to be resistant to the name of this place alone, and the fear on their faces is more like the fear radiating from their bones.


When Fu Ye asked the reason, he didn't look at the little girl in front of him, but looked at Tang Ning with inquiring eyes.

He was met with continued silence.

It wasn't that Tang Ning didn't want to answer, but that she couldn't honestly tell her nightmare experience.

Fu Ye didn't ask any questions and just sat down on the seat next to him without saying a word.


Tang Wan wanted to say something, but Tang Ning suddenly raised her hand and grabbed her arm.

The silence lasted until 20 minutes later, when the plane landed at Salati Airport.

"Tang Ning, can you walk now?" Fu Ye asked.

The girl nodded, then stood up from her seat with difficulty.

As a result, before she could stand firm, she stumbled and fell forward due to her unstable center of gravity.

Fu Ye stepped forward without hesitation and hugged the person directly, then turned to the little girl behind him and said, "Tang Wan, follow me!"

The little guy scurried forward with a smile on his chubby little face.


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