Chapter 283 The dust has settled
What Tang Ning received was a lot of doubts.

These questions come not only from the media, but also from Interpol.

She thought for a long time, then took a deep breath and made her final decision.

"My name is Tang Ning. My father, Jenny Tang, is a Z-national businessman engaged in the gem business in Africa. My mother, Yun Nianhe, was the ex-wife of Su Heqiang, the former leader of Yanfei..."

Once Tang Ning's life story was made public, not only the Interpol and media reporters present were surprised, but even Jiang Ning was curious about how Fu Ye had the chance to pick up such a great treasure.

After introducing her own life experience, Tang Ning recounted in detail how she had been imprisoned in Yan Fei's organization for half a year.

“Parrot…Oh, that’s Lu Yan, he actually helped me a little.

"When my sister and I returned to China, we were captured by Su Heqiang. He wanted to use us to threaten my grandfather, Yun Xiaohe. He wanted to use us to threaten my grandfather to cooperate with him, but all the businesses my grandfather did were legitimate, and everyone knows what kind of person Yan Fei is.

“It’s natural that my grandfather would not cooperate with him, so his real purpose is to force my grandfather to hand over all the business to him.

“After learning about these things, I tried to escape with my sister, but was caught several times.

"On the day when Su Heqiang took my sister and me to negotiate with grandpa, my sister and I ran away and were caught again. But the parrot happened to come back that day. After learning about my sister and my identities, he strongly opposed Su Heqiang's action.

“Because of him, my sister and I didn’t end up becoming weapons to hurt grandpa.

“But after that day, Parrot would come to me every day and ask me to sign an asset transfer contract. He wanted me to transfer the mine that my father left to me for free.

“It sounds ridiculous, and I think it’s ridiculous too, but he said that as long as I transfer the mine, he will ensure that I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life.

"I never agreed, but later... later they used... used many... many methods to force me... to force me to submit, and I... I..."

Although she had prepared herself mentally, Tang Ning's voice still trembled violently when she said this.

Fu Ye guessed what was going on and quickly stepped forward to tell her not to say anything more.

As she hadn't finished her words, Lu Yan burst into laughter.

"Why don't you continue making it up? It's ridiculous, it's complete nonsense!"

Tang Ning still didn't say anything, but in the picture, she took off the necklace from her neck and put it in the hands of the man next to her.

Fu Ye lowered his eyes and took a look. The chain was a very ordinary gold-plated chain, but the shape of the pendant was somewhat special.

He looked beside him suspiciously, and Tang Ning pursed her lips and nodded at him.

The pendant is a USB flash drive, which completely records the images and recordings of every time Lu Yan meets her.

Once these things are made public, Lu Yan's identity will no longer be hidden.

Before releasing these videos, Fu Ye thought they were just ordinary meetings and conversations, but he didn't expect that these things were Tang Ning's real psychological trauma.

At the beginning of the video, there were indeed just some ordinary conversations, and Lu Yan didn't even show his face.

"Tang Ning, you are a smart girl and you should know what choice is best for you.

"If you sign this asset transfer contract, I can take you two sisters back to Country Z and guarantee that Su Heqiang will never come after you. I can also send you back to Yun Xiaohe safely, and Su Heqiang will never bother you again in the future.

"No matter which path you choose, you won't be able to use the mine your father left you, and you can also avoid Su Heqiang's plot forever. No matter which path you choose, you will win."

"But do you know the value of that mine?"

"No matter how great the value is, it's useless to you, right?"

In the video, the man who spoke never showed up, but his shameless remarks were widely discussed.

Even though the voice sounded very similar to Lu Yan's, we couldn't just rely on the word "similar" as evidence when investigating a case.

The video continued to play, and the true identity of the "parrot" in the conversation was finally revealed.

Lu Yan walked into the scene in a suit and tie, holding a crumpled brown paper bag in his hand.

Seeing this, Lu Yan's face turned pale as paper, and he was like a deflated ball. The arrogant face just now was now filled with a look of compromise. It was all over!
He had planned everything, but he didn't expect that the one who would ruin his whole plan in the end would be a little girl named Tang Ning.

The picture being played seems to be in a small and cramped bedroom, and the dim yellow light looks a bit weird.

"Do you think you can hide?"

Lu Yan threw the paper bag in his hand away, unbuttoned his suit buttons one by one and took off his jacket.

The man in the video looks different from usual. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and his neat short hair is neatly combed behind his head, which perfectly reflects his temperament of a gentleman but a villain.

"Tang Ning, come out!"

There was no second person appearing in the picture, and the man lost his patience and walked straight to the simple wardrobe in the corner.

The closet door didn't open the first time, but the whole closet shook violently.

He used greater force when he pulled the door the second time. As the door was opened, two girls, one big and one small, were thrown out.

When everyone at the scene saw this scene, they couldn't help but gasp.

The two girls were wrapped in only a piece of gauze as thin as a cicada's wing, looking extremely miserable.

The little girl quickly crawled under the bed, while the other one curled up in a ball.

In an environment so quiet that you can hear a pin drop, the rustling sound of leather shoes stepping on the carpet is infinitely amplified.

Lu Yan paced slowly around the girl, his half-smile revealing endless evil.

He picked up the coat he had just taken off and put it on the girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect those idiots would treat two children like this."

The girl's body trembled when he touched her. "What...what do you want?"

“My goal was clear from the beginning.”

“My answer is also very clear.”

"So you still don't want to sign with me? Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Kill me if you can."

"Die? Hahaha... How can I let you die when I haven't gotten what I want yet?" Lu Yan said as he gently wiped her pale face with the back of his hand.

The girl almost curled up into a ball, but still couldn't escape the other party's infrared scanner-like scan.

"Little girl, you've grown up well! But don't blame me for not reminding you, my subordinates are not as gentlemanly as I am. They will do anything to please me!"

"Shameless." The girl cursed in tears, "Unless you kill me, when I get out one day, I will ruin your reputation no matter what method I use!"

"Okay, you go out first!"

After Lu Yan finished speaking, he raised his hand and pinched the girl's chin, stuffed something into her mouth and forced her to swallow it.

Over the next few minutes, the girl's skin color gradually began to change, and her entire condition became uneasy and strange.

Everyone present is an adult and understands what they should understand.

"Oh my God! What kind of demon is this, feeding that kind of thing to a little girl?"

"Young Master Lu really taught us a lesson, telling us what a beast in human clothing is!"

Soon, a loud "bang" was heard in the video.

The glass window in the bedroom was smashed to pieces...

The girl's head was covered in blood and she fell limply to the ground.

Behind the shattered glass windows were tightly nailed wooden boards...

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