It was true that Lu Yu hadn't seen Jiang Ning for a week, but it was all because the other party seemed to have evaporated this week.

In the early morning, Yujing Mountain on the outskirts of the city.

After Jiang Ning walked out of the tent, she began to pack her luggage. The one-week retreat made her mind extraordinarily clear.

She turned on the phone, and one message after another made the phone ring for five or six minutes.

Most of the information came from Su Nian and Sun Mengying. The former asked her where she died, and the latter sent her daily class notes.

There were also a few messages from Lu Yu that she ignored.

But what made her feel strange was that neither Shu Xin nor Shu Yue had sent her a single message within a week, only a missed call from Shu Yue three days ago.

Jiang Ning called Shu Yue back while going down the mountain, but the phone was turned off.

She called Shu Xin again, but it was a man who answered the phone, his tone was extremely unfriendly, and even swearing.

"Sorry, wrong number!" She said and was about to hang up.

"That's right, it's that dead girl Shu Xin's call. What do you want her to do?"

"It's okay, I'll call her later when it's convenient for her!"

The words fell silent, but the other end said quietly: "It won't be convenient for her in the future!"

"What do you mean?"

The only answer to her was a long beeping sound.

Jiang Ning's heart tightened, and she quickened her pace down the mountain.

After returning to the city, she went straight to the dessert shop in the old city with her heavy equipment without even returning home.

A notice of business suspension was pasted at the door, and through the transparent glass window, one could see the messy tables, chairs, benches and glass shards all over the floor.

Jiang Ning had a bad premonition, and quickly took out her mobile phone to call Shu Xin again.

But before she got connected, she immediately hung up the phone and called another pastry chef who was working in the shop.

Soon, the call is connected.

Without waiting for Jiang Ning to open his mouth to ask, the 50-year-old pastry chef let out a sigh, and then like a cannonball, he completely restored what happened in the shop three days ago.

After finishing speaking, he said sadly: "I have lived half my life, and this is the first time I have seen such vicious parents, and the tiger's poison doesn't even eat its children!"

Shu Xin and Shu Yue came from a small rural village. They have an elder brother in their hometown who is over 30 years old and still unmarried. He doesn't even have a serious job. He depends on his parents and two younger sisters for subsidies.

Recently, the dessert shop has expanded, and Shu Xin told her family that the living expenses for the family have to be halved temporarily for the past six months.

When she talked to her parents on the phone, she didn't hear any comments from the other party. After all, they still had enough living expenses for the family before that.

However, three days ago, their elder brother Shu He and his parents came directly to the store to ask for living expenses.

Shu Xin explained the actual situation to them, but Shu He went berserk and smashed things, and said that it was unfilial to not support a family because of opening a broken shop.

"I thought that parents should pull this bastard out a bit. I didn't expect that the old couple shamelessly asked their daughter to close the store and gave their son money to pay off his gambling debts!"

The other end of the phone complained with righteous indignation, but Jiang Ning listened, but her heart was still.

She has long known: not all parents are worthy of being parents!

She knew this firsthand.

After the other party finished scolding that bastard, Jiang Ning asked softly, "Master Zhou, do you know where Shu Xin and the others are now?"

"I don't know about it, but I heard that bastard said the other day that he would sell his sister to a casino to pay off the debt! Tsk tsk, it's really crazy, crazy."

"Thank you Master Zhou, you should take it as a vacation for a while, I will send you your salary, and the dessert shop will not be closed!"

"Ning Ning, do you have any plans? I advise you not to go into this muddy water. The three of the Shu family are definitely the best of the best, so be careful not to be entangled." Master Zhou kindly persuaded.

"Well, I have a clue."

There are not many underground casinos in Yunzhou, Jiang Ning visited a few casually and found out the name Shu He.

After inquiring, I found out that this kid has been in the gambling circle for several years, and owed millions in gambling debts.

At dusk, Gold Casino is at its busiest time.

Jiang Ning appeared in the security check passage wearing a black leather jacket, and her appearance instantly attracted countless salivating eyes.

Slim leather pants and short boots outline slender and straight legs and a sexy waist. Under the jacket with the upper body open is a slim black sweater.

A dark brown wavy hair hangs down on the shoulders, showing a mysterious and charming luster under the dim light.

"That girl is nice, I have to sit at her table tonight."

"It's strange, let's touch the background first, beautiful women are usually poisonous!"

"Then poison me to death, hahaha."

The surrounding discussions were wanton and reckless, as if they wanted the person concerned to hear them.

Jiang Ning glanced at the direction of the loudest discussion, her sexy red lips were raised to one side, charming and seductive.

After passing the security check, she wandered around various poker tables, but never participated in it.

A 30-year-old bald man stuffed a brightly colored cocktail into her hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Beauty, it's so boring to just watch and not play!"

"Brother, I'm looking for someone!" Jiang Ning took the cup and said.

"Give me a face, drink the wine and play a game with me, I will help you find the person you are looking for!"

Jiang Ning doesn't dare to drink the things in this place, she smiled and shook the wine glass, and said softly: "It's such a beautiful color, it's a pity that I don't know how to drink, but I can play a game with brother!"

The other party had no objection and invited her to the poker table.

After the croupier introduced the rules, Jiang Ning said that she was not very good at playing, and said to the man across from her red lips, "Brother, please be merciful!"

The bald man smiled meaningfully, "Be merciful, be merciful"

Jiang Ning is indeed not very good at playing domestic cards, but she learned some skills when she played with Fu Ye in Las Vegas.

She lost miserably in the first few rounds, but the onlookers watched with great interest.

"It seems that this beauty must have lost herself to Brother Qiang today!"

"Brother Qiang is also inevitable."

The bald head looked at the few chips in front of Jiang Ning, his turbid eyes became explicit, and his Adam's apple frequently slid up and down.

Jiang Ning, on the other hand, looked like the mountain collapsed in front of her and her face remained unchanged. She said that she had bad luck with gambling, but then asked the other party if she dared to play a show hand.

There was a sigh of relief all around.

In addition to being stunned with a bald head, there was even more excitement on his face.

"Have courage, it's better to decide the outcome in one game, save time!"

Jiang Ning pushed all the chips in front of him to the center of the table, "If I win, these chips will still belong to my brother, I just hope that my brother can find someone for me!"

"Was lost?" The bald head asked with a drawn out tone.

Jiang Ning curled her red lips, "Then I will listen to my brother."

Bald head: "Dealer, deal the cards!"

During the showdown, everyone held their breath.

A few drops of sweat dripped down from his bald, shiny head, and his hands trembling when he looked at the calm face of the girl across from him.

When he spread the last card in his hand on the table, the people next to him had already started applauding him.

"Beauty, are you still driving?"

Jiang Ning raised her eyebrows, and slowly showed the last hole card in her hand.

"If I don't open it, I will lose?"

The moment the card was revealed, the bald head suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "How is that possible!"

The onlookers were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell to the poker table.

What luck it was that the only remaining Ace of Spades fell into her hands!

"Brother, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat!"


Jiang Ning has calculated everything, but she has not calculated that people are unpredictable and villains are in power.

When she got up, her bald head winked at two bodyguards in black suits not far away.

The next moment, two tall men imprisoned her, one on the left and one on the right.

The bald head stood up unhurriedly, "Little girl, you dare to make money in my territory, you are brave enough!

"Take her to the basement!"

Jiang Ning: Fuck!

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