Chapter 54

Blue Sky Ranch.

Lu Yu parked the car at the door of the hotel the girl mentioned, then looked at her inquiringly and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Just now on the way here, he received a call from Yao Kun, saying that the whole of Gold was caught suddenly, and that Huang Ye, who was behind Gold, personally came out to cooperate with the police.

Jiang Ning was startled when she heard the sound, "What do you want to ask?"

"Are you related to Huang Laifa?"


This blunt answer made the man narrow his eyes coldly, and a gleam of coldness jumped out of him.

Lu Yu felt that what he had been wondering about was about to come out.

If she was really involved with Huang Laifa, then she must have another purpose for getting close to him, after all, Lu Yan and Huang Laifa got so close in private.

"Tell me."

Jiang Ning stared at her side intently, the questioning in the other's eyes made her feel very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the corner of her mouth curved slightly, and she asked softly, "Do you think I'm his goddaughter or godsister?"

"I want to hear from you."

"I told you to believe me?"

"Tell me."

"In terms of seniority, I'm his aunt."


Jiang Ning's attitude was very serious, but the man had a look of being played with.

"I can't explain too much to you, and the relationship between you and me doesn't allow me to reveal too much to you. The only thing I can tell you is: I really didn't approach you on purpose, and I didn't have any purpose for you."

"Jiang Ning."

Lu Yu wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted.

"Listen, the night at the Ritz was an accident.

"And on the night of my grandfather's birthday party, I don't know why I acted that way towards you, but I really don't have any wrong thoughts about you, please forget about that!
"And last night.
"However, although"

Speaking of last night, Jiang Ning was a little evasive, because she found that there were too many accidents between them.

This can't blame the other party for being suspicious.

After thinking about it for a moment, she said seriously, "I don't have any other thoughts about what happened last night other than thanking you. You can also put 120 hearts at ease."

After finishing speaking, she didn't give the other party a chance to speak, and directly opened the door and got off the car and ran to the poorly decorated hotel.

Lu Yu hesitated on the spot, with a somewhat dazed look on his face.

What is the background of this girl?
How deep is a person who cannot be found except for the most basic identity information?
The identity of a designer before had already made him unbelievable, but now she is involved in an important figure in the country.

These had to make him vigilant.

After a while, he received a call from Wu Fei and returned to the Nantang Street Police Station.

Yao Kun was about to leave the office when Lu Yu came in, so he asked him about Gold's case.

"Ma Lincai and his son should be the ones who offended Master Huang. I don't know the details yet. The Gao team from the Municipal Bureau informed me to go there."

Yao Kun also participated in the case of the Ma family when he was a criminal policeman before, so this time Ma Lin was arrested and needed him to assist in the progress of the subsequent case.

After finishing speaking, he said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Lu, I will hand over the civil disputes on Shuhe's side to Chang Yi. Since you and your wife are one of the parties involved, and your wife is not here now, you may still need to Go and cooperate."

Lu Yu nodded, he came back to finish this matter.

In the inquiry room, Zhang Guilan wanted to negotiate with the director, and threatened to report the director for favoritism and violation of discipline.

The interrogators Chang Yi and Xiao He were sprayed with saliva, but there was nothing they could do.

"Ms. Zhang, if you continue to make such unreasonable troubles, we can directly place you in administrative detention within 15 days."

As soon as Zhang Guilan heard this, she was about to continue spitting, when the door of the inquiry room was pushed open.

Police officer Zhang Feng sent in the transcript signed by Shu Dayou, "Officer Chang, Shu Dayou admitted that he smashed the dessert shop, and also admitted that Zhang Guilan's mother and son intended to blackmail."

Chang Yi glanced at the things on the table and breathed a sigh of relief.

And when Zhang Guilan looked at the name her husband signed stroke by stroke, she looked like a deflated ball.

Her ignorance made it impossible for her to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

Shu He was involved in Ma Ziqiang's casino, and now that Ma Ziqiang was arrested, he was also sent to the Municipal Bureau to cooperate with the investigation.

When Zhang Guilan learned that her son had been taken away, she lay down on the ground in the police hall of the police station and cried.

"You gang of officials who bully the weak and fear the hard will only bully us small people from the countryside. When you meet the rich and powerful, you don't even dare to fart."

Her words got worse and worse.

Chang Yi, who had just finished the formalities for them, had black lines all over his head.

There are so many wonderful things in the world.

"Ms. Zhang, if you continue to talk nonsense like this, I can't guarantee that Mr. Lu, who was blackmailed by you, can still be so magnanimous.

"And your son has solid evidence of illegal gambling. The City Bureau asked him to cooperate with the investigation in the hope of giving him a chance to make up for his mistakes."

Before Zhang Guilan could speak, Shu Dayou stepped forward and dragged the man off the ground, and then dragged the woman out like a dog.

Chang Yi shook his head, "Wonderful!"

At the gate of the police station, Lu Yu and Wu Fei were preparing to leave one after the other.

Hearing the noise behind them, the two turned their heads at the same time.

I saw Shu Dayou grabbed Zhang Guilan's hair, gritted his teeth and asked, "You actually colluded with your son to let your daughter sell herself, what on earth are you thinking, you poisonous woman!"

Zhang Guilan kicked the other party and shouted: "Who am I doing this for? Lao Shu's family has such a son, can you bear to watch him being chopped off?

"I gave birth to those two losers. If I don't stay in the village and get married, I have to go out to study. So what if I go to school? Is there money to study?

"It's her blessing that the village chief's son sees Shu Xin. Do you know how much dowry the village chief will give as long as she nods?"

"Thanks to you woman, Xinxin was only 16 years old, and the son of the village chief's family was a fool!"

"What's wrong with the fool? The fool is easy to deal with!"


Another loud slap fell on the woman's face.

"Heart is your own!"

"What's the matter with my own? I worked so hard to give birth to her, shouldn't she do something to repay me?"

At this time, Lu Yu didn't know what to think of, and there were a few dim lights in his deep eyes.

"Wu Fei, send someone to continue to investigate how Madam got to State S back then."

Wu Fei was taken aback, "Huh?"

Lu Yudan glanced at him, "You've been a little slow to react recently."

Wu Fei thought to himself: Your old man has been too impermanent recently, okay?

"Mr. Lu, haven't you already checked Madam's life experience?"

"Then why was she sent to State S?"

"Study abroad."

"Six years old, stay from kindergarten?"

"Eh, or cultivated from a young age?"

Lu Yu's gaze gradually became sharper, making Wu Fei's scalp numb.

"Do you believe it yourself?"

Leaving those words behind, Lu Yu strode towards his sports car.

Wu Fei scratched his head.

If the Jiang family really cultivated Jiang Ning from an early age, how could it be possible to conceal Miss Jiang's identity from the outside world?
The silver Pagani galloped away, and the quarrel between Zhang Guilan and Shu Dayou continued behind him.
Wu Fei was stunned for a long time, and the phone ringing in his pocket brought him back from his thoughts.

He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, then ran across the road and drove quickly.

"Master Boss, why don't you take care of the company's affairs first."

On the way back to the company, Wu Fei drove the car until it was about to take off, nagging endlessly.

"Crazy, crazy, what does Xu Yiran want to do this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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