Chapter 56
Ji Meng is not clear about the relationship between Lu Yu and Xu Yiran, but judging by her strong sixth sense, she always feels that there may be some special opportunity between Lu Yu and Xu Yiran, but it is definitely not a relationship between a man and a woman.

As soon as the word "Pengci" came out, Xu Yiran's face immediately turned green.

She wanted to ask Lu Yu for help, but found that Lu Yu was watching the play with folded arms.

"Miss Xu, please post a Weibo immediately to clarify your relationship with Mr. Lu, and I will help you prove that you won Vn's endorsement based on your own strength."

Xu Yiran didn't make a sound, but looked at the man at the desk with pitiful eyes.

After pondering for a moment, she said softly, "Boss Lu, it's not that I don't want to, but I just feel that if I do this, there will be no silver 300 taels here."

Ji Meng picked up the tablet from the side and stuffed it into her hand, "This is a concern of our public relations department, Miss Xu just do as I say."

Xu Yiran was unmoved, staring in a certain direction.

"Look what I do?"

As soon as Lu Yu opened his mouth, the temperature in the office dropped several degrees in an instant.

He was not in a good mood at this time, and even a little irritable.

Because he saw a man in Xinghai Bay from the surveillance.

Xu Yiran was frightened by the man's aura at this time, so he didn't dare to go against the other party's wishes.

She dawdly took out her mobile phone to post on Weibo, but she heard Ji Meng say: "Miss Xu, I say you write!"

"Miss Ji, I think my language organization skills are good enough."

Ji Meng smiled, "If that's the case, why did you post such an ambiguous Weibo before?"

Xu Yiran turned pale, "You"

Ji Meng: "I am Xu Yiran, an entertainer of Stargate Entertainment, hereby clarify the content of my last Weibo——

"I'm sorry for making everyone misunderstand the relationship between me and Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu is kind to me. I don't want to cause trouble for him because of myself. I hope the rumors will stop with the wise."

After Xu Yiran posted this Weibo, her beautiful eyes were filled with mist.

"Okay, Ms. Xu can take care of you, and leave the rest to our public relations department!" Ji Meng said with a smile.

Xu Yiran left with tears in his eyes.

After reporting some related matters, Ji Meng quickly quit the president's office.

Not long after, Lu Yu received a call from Lu Liting from the hospital——

"It's a good thing that you kid can finally take the initiative to deal with the scandal."

"Of course, they are all married to their wives. It hurts her heart to make such gossip!"

"I asked you to come to the hospital by yourself, why didn't you come?"


"What are you busy with? Are you busy making scandals?"

"Make your great-grandson!" Lu Yusheng responded with a smile.

The old man choked, and cursed "Stinky boy" in a low voice.

"Grandpa, I probably know that you are dissatisfied with Jiang Ning's background, but I like it."

"I have no one here tonight, come here."

"No time tonight."

The old man was very angry, but he was angry, and finally compromised on his "great-grandson".

star bay.

Shu Xin and Shu Yue sat on the sofa very restrainedly, their eyes wandered around, and there was no other expression on their faces except shock.

With luxury cars and mansions, it seems that Jiang Ning is really an invisible rich second generation.


Fu Ye asked Jiang Ning while smoking a cigarette, "Are you really married?"

Jiang Ning pouted, "Do I need to show my marriage certificate?"

Fu Ye had a serious expression, "Even if it's fake, I still think you're crazy."

Jiang Ning smiled bitterly, "What? Am I really unworthy of marriage?"

Fu Ye: "You know that's not what I meant."

Jiang Ning: "Like someone drinks water, I know what I'm doing."

Fu Ye wanted to say something more, but he was pushed into the extended Rolls-Royce by the girl.

The car door was slammed shut.

Jiang Ning smiled into the car window, "Brother, it's been hard work traveling across the whole hemisphere, hurry back and beat the jet lag, bye."

Fu Ye threw half a cigarette out of the window, sighed helplessly, and drove away.

Jiang Ning watched the car go away, then returned to the house.

The two on the sofa stood up quickly.

Shu Xin: "Jiang Ning, is this your home?"

Shu Yue: "What's going on here? Didn't you say that you have lived abroad since you were young and have no relatives in China? This."

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes, and said nonsense, "This is the house of a distant cousin of mine. He doesn't come here often and has a cleanliness habit. I'm afraid that if the house is not cleaned, it will take advantage of me."

Shu Yue: "Then the car and the driver just now."

Jiang Ning: "Oh, he's my friend who works in a car rental company."

Shu Xin listened to a slightly imperceptible look of disappointment flashing behind her.

She whispered: "So it is like this!"

I thought Jiang Ning was a rich second generation, so she might be able to borrow 500 million from the other party.

Jiang Ning didn't notice the change in her expression, but briefly explained her thoughts to them and asked them to stay here first.

Immediately, she cleared out a guest room for the two of them to go upstairs to rest first.

When making the bed, Shu Yue noticed the speckled marks under Jiang Ning's neckline when she leaned over.

She avoided Shu Xin and pulled him to the balcony to ask her what happened in Gold last night.

"Jiang Ning, are you really okay?"

"Do you think I seem to be in trouble? Shu Xin is scared, please comfort her." Jiang Ning responded gently.

Seeing that she didn't care, Shu Yue thought that maybe she was oversensitive.

The two sisters didn't sleep well for several days, and now they took advantage of the short slack to sleep until after [-] o'clock in the evening, and were woken up by a strange sound.

Shu Xin woke up first, she sat on the bed and listened to the strange sounds, blushing and heart beating.

After a while, she woke up Shu Yue and asked her if she heard anything.

Shu Yue held her breath and listened for a while, and couldn't help but flash what she saw under Jiang Ning's collar in her mind.

She pretended to be inexplicable: "There is no sound, Xinxin, you are too tired, sleep more!"

After speaking, he picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and turned on the player.

The soothing soft music slightly masked the blushing voices from next door.

Adjacent master bedroom.

Jiang Ning didn't know what happened to someone Lu today, so he came to Xinghai Bay directly after get off work.

It was fine to kill Xinghai Bay, but he carried her into the bedroom without saying a word, and explained what he wanted to do with a sentence she said last night.

His mood seemed a little abnormal, as if he was sulking.

And this sudden evil also made Jiang Ning collapse a little.

What the hell is this! ! !

Jiang Ning lay flat like a salted fish, her eyes were almost flying to the ceiling, and she was cursing in her heart.

The man beside her was leaning on the back of the bed with his upper body half exposed, an unlit cigarette in his thin lips, and a trace of satiety and laziness floated in his deep black eyes.

"Don't say anything?" Lu Yu bit his cigarette and said.

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes, and responded angrily, "What are you talking about, accusing you of indecent assault by crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself?"

Lu Yu curled his lips into a smile, "We are legal, you said it."

In this kind of matter, Jiang Ning was not too hypocritical.

Once and several times, it doesn't make much difference to her, they are all with the same person anyway.

After thinking about it, she asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

Lu Yu finally picked up the lighter and lit the cigarette, "Ask."

"What's your relationship with Xingmen First Sister Xu Yiran?"

(End of this chapter)

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