Chapter 67 Can I tear it apart?
"Little Wuzi, what are you doing with such an aura?"

"I pulled out a white lotus, what's the situation with you?"

On the other end of the phone, Fu Yu told her with a smile that "information" sold for 50 yuan.

"What information?" Jiang Ning asked puzzled.

"It's your information!" Fu Yu added after finishing speaking: "But I'm really curious who is checking you, and it's so generous!"

The corner of Jiang Ning's mouth twitched, and she asked angrily, "My information is worth 50 yuan?"

Fu Yu: "Hey, how can we say that we have professional ethics? Selling a fake document for 50 yuan is already unconscionable!"

Jiang Ning was speechless, and it took a long time before she opened her mouth to say: "Three to seven points, 35 hit my card, thank you!"

Fu Yu: "I knew it would be 100 million, anyway, the other party doesn't seem to be short of money."

Halfway through the call, Lu Yu's call came in, and Jiang Ning hurriedly ended the current call.

"Keep me waiting for so long, who are you talking to?" Lu Yu asked a little dissatisfied.

"A friend, what are you doing?"

"At the gate of your school in 10 minutes, wait."


The tone on the other end of the phone had already turned busy, and Jiang Ning cursed crazy with her lips curled up.

Just as he was about to walk towards the subway station, his phone vibrated continuously.

Looking up, she found that she had been dragged into a WeChat group called "Lu".

Lu Yan: @卫邦@卫城, don't be late at 8:[-] p.m.!

Lu Cheng: On the way.

Lu Yi: @LU Yu, can brother come earlier?I miss my sister-in-law a little bit, when will I bring my sister-in-law into the group?

Lu Yu: @刀死恁

Jiang Ning looked at her weird WeChat name and secretly sweated.

Immediately, she quickly changed the WeChat name to her own name, and changed her wolf profile picture to a little angel.

As a result, her hungry wolf profile picture was still exposed.

Lu Yi probably checked her profile for the first time, and then saved her profile picture.

The picture of the wolf looking up to the sky and howling loudly was displayed in the group.

Lu Yi: Sister-in-law is so domineering!
Jiang Ning replied with a blushing expression, and attached the text: Young and frivolous.

Through the content of the chat in the group, she probably knew why Lu Yu asked herself to wait for him.

It seems that they are going to cooperate again!

Stargate Entertainment.

Lu Yu came out of the elevator and strode directly to the silver Gust who was parked at the entrance of the company.

Because he was going back to Lu's house, he didn't let Wu Fei be the driver.

But as soon as he left the company, Wu Fei followed him like the wind on his back.

"Mr. Lu, your elephant, your elephant has fallen!"

This rough voice attracted several curious eyes, and when they saw the Dumbo-shaped hot water bottle in Wu Fei's hand, they all turned their eyes away.

Lu Yu paused, waited for the other party to deliver the hot water bottle to his hand, and then ordered in a low voice, "Aunt Liu, the cleaner, took five days off due to illness, and you will be in charge of her work during these five days!"

Wu Fei was stunned, "Huh?"

Lu Yu: "Yes."

Gust drove past him, rolling up a few bleak yellow leaves by the way.

Wu Fei: "But Aunt Liu is in charge of the women's restrooms of the whole company."

Lu Yu sat leaning against the rear compartment with a hot water bottle in his mouth, looking up from time to time to meet the weird gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Just say something." He finally couldn't help but speak.

"Boss, your hot water bottle is very cute!"

After the words fell, Lu Yu flew a sharp eye at the rearview mirror.

"Rowley, you seem to have gained weight recently."

This made Luo Li a little puzzled, and he asked with a smile: "Boss, what do you mean?"

Lu Yu: "I should give you some work."

On the surface, Luo Li is his bodyguard and life assistant, but in fact, he has another identity as the helm of a certain part of his power.

It's usually not a big deal, and this person is usually not needed.

But to go back to Lu's house tonight, he needs to have such a pair of eyes staring at him secretly.

Luo Li responded with a smile: "I'm not working for you right now!"

Lu Yu: "Tomorrow you and Wu Fei will take over Aunt Liu's work together."

Rowley: What did I do wrong?
Silver Gust slowly stopped on the Wutong Avenue at the gate of Yundamen.

The rear door was half down, and the handsome profile in the window was vaguely shadowed in the evening light.

Jiang Ning, who was looking around, didn't recognize her at a glance. Her eyes swept across, and then immediately drifted away.

The main reason is that she looks at cars and not people.

Lu Yu was depressed.

It was the first time for Luo Li to meet Mrs. Lu. He was not amazed by the girl's beauty, but was impressed by her cold personality.

"Boss, isn't Madam waiting for you to get out of the car and open the door for her?"

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth twitched imperceptibly, and he said in a deep voice, "Who will open the door for me?"

The implication is: what do you do as a driver?

Luo Li understood in seconds, and immediately pushed the door and got off the car.

However, after he got out of the car, it was the door on Lu Yu's side that he opened.

He doesn't seem to fully understand!

Lu Yu looked at him for a while as if he was mentally retarded, and regretted letting him follow today.

"Aren't you going to get out of the car, boss?"


After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yu took out his phone from his pocket.

At the same time, Jiang Ning's cell phone rang, and she quickly picked it up.

"Isn't it 20 minutes? It's all"

"Go back."

Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment, then turned around, and saw a bony hand sticking out from the back of the silver Gust and waving at her.


Rowley really understood this time—

It turns out that the boss is more colder than his wife, so he is determined not to get out of the car!
But he couldn't figure it out: this creature who is allergic to the opposite sex suddenly got married, isn't it because he met true love and was healed?

Jiang Ning looked around, and then ran into the luxury car like a rabbit.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Family dinner."

"Where's Special Assistant Wu?"

Lu Yu raised his eyes and said softly, "Lao Li will be responsible for your pick-up and drop-off tasks in the future."

"What loli? Where is there a loli?"

The man who had just returned to the driver's seat turned his head slightly, "Ma'am, I'm Luo Li!"

Jiang Ning looked horrified, "Lolita? A man?"

Rowley: "."

Lu Yu stuffed a tablet into the girl's hand.

"This is the relevant information of my uncle and aunt, you can find out as soon as possible, good evening to accept the recruitment.

"We will arrive at Jingshan Palace in a while. Grandpa may look for you alone. Don't worry about what he says."

Jiang Ning let out a long voice, and then the carriage fell into silence.

When approaching Jingshan Palace, Lu Yu suddenly answered the phone.

Jiang Ning distractedly listened to the content of the call, heard words such as "violent tendencies" and "schizophrenia", and combined with the men's glances at her from time to time, she could probably be sure who was investigating her in S state.

Lu Yu's expression gradually became weird, and the line of his jaw tightened.

"Reliable?" he asked.

The answer given by the other party made his expression more complicated, but at this time the car had already parked in the large garden of Jingshan Palace.

"Send a copy of the details to my email."

After finishing speaking, he put down his mobile phone and looked beside him generously.

"Do you understand clearly?"

Jiang Ning returned the tablet to him, "I have a general understanding, but I have a question."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Lu Yu thought she was going to ask about Lu Zhijie and Qin Shu again, so she was a little impatient.

"I just want to ask: If your aunt is acting like a demon or trying to make things difficult for me, can I tear it apart?"

Seeing the serious look of the girl, Lu Yu frowned first, then sneered and said, "The premise is that you can tear it apart, I can't help you if you don't have the combat power!"

Jiang Ning was lucky, and murmured in a low voice, "It's fine if you can tear it!"

This slightly playful little move fell into Lu Yu's eyes, as if something was disturbed inside.

In the next second, Jiang Ning suddenly remembered something, stood up on the spot, and hit his head hard on the roof of the car.

She said slightly angrily: "Lu Yu you six 250"

(End of this chapter)

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