Chapter 69 My Wife Has Always Been Excellent
What Jiang Ning couldn't understand the most was this Qin Shu.

She didn't know whether the other party was sincerely making a rescue or retreating, so she readily accepted the other party's "good intentions".

"Thank you, Aunt Qin."

Qin Shu's expression froze, and he immediately smiled and said, "Why are you being so polite!"

Jiang Ning made a low-sugar chiffon cake and palace crisp according to the old man's current physical condition.

The moment the oven is turned on, the aroma overflows.

Lu Yi said in amazement: "Wow, how can the chiffon cake be so beautiful? How can this court cake still shine?"

Jiang Ning explained loudly with a smile: "It's oily."

When the dim sum here was almost done, Liu Yun got a call and left first.

Suddenly there was the sound of an iron pan hitting the ground from the red case, followed by a woman's scream.

"What's wrong?" Gao Yue craned her neck nervously to look.

"It's not good, the third lady's leg was burned!" Sister Hua, who was in charge of the water case, ran over and said.

Hearing the sound, Lu Yi and Gao Yue ran over there nervously.

Jiang Ning frowned and stood there.

If it is not a coincidence or accident, then she already has a certain understanding of Qin Shu.

She laughed secretly: It seems that the one in the Lu family hides the most is this one!
When Lu Liting and Lu Yu went downstairs, they heard about the third lady's injury, and the old man immediately asked with a sullen face, "What's going on?"

"I heard that it was the third young lady who wanted to make dim sum for you. The third lady felt that there were too many dim sums on the table, so she went to cook soup for you, but the stove in the big kitchen was different, and she didn't make it well." The housekeeper Tian Defu truthfully put the whole thing together. The matter is stated again.

"Uncle Tian, ​​is my Ningning okay?" Lu Yu asked.

Tian Defu was stunned, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and then he responded: "She's fine."

Lu Yu: "That's good."

Lu Liting gave him a hard look, "Who asked your wife to make snacks? She made her own decision and disrupted other people's plans."

"Grandpa's words are a bit too much. She came to Lu's house for the first time, and you didn't let me accompany her. Now you still blame her for disrupting other people's plans? You suddenly organized a family banquet and disrupted her plans! "Lu Yu retorted.

The old man was so angry that his eyeballs almost popped out, but in the end he was too blocked to speak, so he had no choice but to curse "brat".

Immediately he asked Tian Defu again: "Where is Zhijie? Didn't he go to the company this afternoon?"

"The third master is in the studio, saying that inspiration came to create."

"What are you creating? You've been idle all day, so call him over and say that his wife is injured!"


After Tian Defu left in response, the old man glared at his grandson behind him again.

"You can't inherit some good things? You can inherit your father's not doing a good job!"

Lu Yu raised his lips and jokingly said, "Is he good enough for me to inherit?"

Lu Liting: "Presumptuous."

Lu Yu: "Okay, okay, don't let go, I'll go and see my baby, she must be scared!"

Lu Liting covered his heart in anger, "."

Downstairs, several private doctors were already waiting in front of the door with medicine boxes.

Qin Shu was carried downstairs by a tall chef, and then put her on the prepared push bed.

Seeing such a big battle, Qin Shu said with some embarrassment: "Why did Doctor Gu come in person? I just got burned on my calf, it's nothing serious, just go back and apply some ointment."

"Smear some ointment on it, it's boiling hot oil soup, if you don't handle it well, it will leave scars!" Lu Yi said anxiously from the side, and said to the man next to him with tears in her eyes: "Brother Gu Yan, you Hurry up and help mom look at the wound."

"Yiyi, it's okay, mom is already at this age, if you leave a scar, you will leave a scar."

Beads of sweat were dripping from Qin Shu's forehead, but he still kept a calm expression on his face.

Gu Yan and several other doctors pushed her into the annex building to the west, and Lu Yi followed all the way.

On the other side, Tian Defu stood hesitantly at the door of Lu Zhijie's studio.

Lu Sanye looked kind on the surface, but when he was concentrating on painting, he hated being disturbed. Once disturbed, he would become extremely irritable, more terrifying than anyone in the Lu family.

But he had to obey the old man's order.

After hesitating for about five or six minutes, Tian Defu knocked on the door very lightly.


"Third Master, Third Madam got her foot burnt in the kitchen, the old master asked you to go and have a look."

The studio door was opened, and Lu Zhijie stood behind the door with a gloomy expression, dripping water.

"If you're injured, don't call the doctor, can you find me to treat it?"

"Doctor Gu has already rushed over, the old man may want you to go and accompany him."

"No time."

Lu Zhijie dropped two words and was about to close the door, then immediately remembered something and added: "I will be down on time at 8 o'clock, don't bother me!"

Tian Defu's face was a little ugly, so he could only say yes.

At the end of the corridor, Lu Yuleng watched this scene with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

This man is naturally fickle, and he treats everyone like this.

Qin Shu was sent into the bedroom lying on the push bed, and Lu Yu followed him expressionlessly.

"Ningning didn't understand the rules when she came to Lu's house for the first time, which hurt Aunt Qin. It seems that I have to punish her when I go back!"

The appearance of Lu Yu made Qin Shu's expression tense. He didn't expect this man to be willing to step into her and Lu Zhijie's residence.

After a moment of astonishment, she immediately showed a gratified expression on her face.

"Ayu is here, please don't say that, this matter has nothing to do with Ning Ning, but she gave me emergency treatment for my burns, Doctor Gu said that fortunately, it was treated in time, and there should be no scars. "

"Well, my wife has always been excellent."

Lu Yu looked at the other party with a half-smile, and there were icicles in his eyes that only Qin Shu could understand.

After finishing speaking, he added: "Since you are fine, don't mention it when you have dinner later, so as not to make grandpa unhappy!"

Although Qin Shu maintained a gentle smile, there was still a cold light in his eyes.

"It's all trivial, why should I bring it up, don't worry."

Lu Yu curled his lips and turned around, "This is the best!"

Just after seven o'clock, Lu Zhifeng and Lu Zhigang returned to Jingshan Palace one after another.

Lu Cheng posted a photo of the traffic jam in the WeChat group, saying that he had to be late.

Except for Lu Cheng and Lu Zhijie and his wife, all the members of the Lu family gathered in the living room of the main building of Jingshan Palace, but the atmosphere was like a pool of stagnant water.

The old man was dissatisfied with Qin Shu's injury, and said that it was rare for him to organize a family banquet and encounter such unlucky things.

What he said didn't sound like he meant to accuse anyone, but what he expressed between the lines was his dissatisfaction with Jiang Ning.

Others could understand, and Jiang Ning was not stupid, but she refused to accept it.

The most "heartless" person present was Lu Yu.

He hugged Jiang Ning and squeezed on the single sofa, playing with her little hand, turning a deaf ear to the old man's weird words.

And when the girl was about to speak, she spoke first——

"Baby, are you stupid? I can't bear to let you cook at home. Why do you have to come here to prank with my chef? Can you pass it?"

Jiang Ning raised her eyes to look at him, her blinking eyes were full of questions.

Lu Yu didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Tsk tsk, I can't bear your pitiful eyes the most? What hurts? What hurts? My husband will rub it for you!"

Jiang Ning calmly soothed the goosebumps on her arms.

Lu Yu: "Your arm hurts? My husband will squeeze it for you!"

As he said that, he really lifted the girl's slender arms, covered them with his big palms and kneaded them gently.

Now Jiang Ning's goose bumps all over her body stood at attention.

The other people were all disgusted by these two people, their expressions were so colorful.

Jiang Ning was thinking: what scourge is there in the Lu family that can drive such a high-altitude flower into a bum?

 Update in advance~

  I wish all the book friends a happy weekend!Comparing heart *~*
(End of this chapter)

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