Chapter 72
Qin Shu didn't know who kicked her under the table, just on her wound.

This kick was so hard that she burst into tears involuntarily.

Seeing this, Lu Liting immediately asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Lu Zhijie also frowned and looked at his wife, and asked in a reproachful tone: "What are you doing?"

Before he learned that the old man organized a family banquet, he privately warned his wife: Don't provoke Lu Yu, let alone his wife!
He even suspected that her injury today was intentional, otherwise, how could it be explained that Gu Yan could rush from the city to the suburbs in 20 minutes?

Seeing his son's attitude, Lu Liting immediately said angrily: "Bastard, don't you see how ugly your wife's face is?"

Everyone else was also concerned about what happened to Qin Shu, except Lu Yu's eyes showed a fierce look.

Qin Shu gritted his teeth and got up from the seat, but he couldn't stabilize his body due to the burning pain from his calf, and fell directly to the ground.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yi got up nervously and ran to her side to lift off her skirt. The gauze wrapped around her calf was already soaked, and the yellow liquid was mixed with a little light powder.

After the family doctor came for an examination, he said that the wound was suppurated due to impact, and he needed to go to the hospital immediately for treatment.

"Call an ambulance." Lu Liting ordered.

"No, I'll take her there." Lu Zhijie said.

After speaking, he picked up the woman and walked out, Lu Yi also left with him.

If a good family banquet is made like this, even if the old man is in a good mood, it will be ruined.

Liu Yun blamed herself for taking Jiang Ning to the kitchen.

"It's all my negligence, Ning Ning came to Lu's house for the first time, she shouldn't have been allowed to go to the kitchen.

"Qin Shu felt sorry for her daughter-in-law, and wanted to let Ning Ning do the simple work, but she didn't expect that she would
"Hey, blame me, blame me!"

As she spoke, she changed the subject again, and pointed her finger at Jiang Ning.

"If I had known that Ning Ning could control the stove so well, Qin Shu wouldn't need to do anything extra."

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat.

Oh ho, blame her for not making it clear?

"Second Aunt has wronged me by saying that, Ah Yu has already mentioned in the family group that I know how to cook, and my cooking skills are very good.

"I also agree to go to Bai'an to cook big dishes, but there is a word called 'Great kindness is hard to turn down', Aunt Qin insists on not letting me, the bride, get greasy, wouldn't it be too hypocritical if I repeatedly evade?

"If I get excited at that time and cook a few more dishes that Lu's cooks can't cook, everyone may think I'm showing off on purpose again!"

When Jiang Ning finished speaking, Liu Yun's complexion changed like a revolving lantern.

Looking at the silly girl, I didn't expect to be so sharp-tongued.

She said with some embarrassment: "How is this possible? If you can develop new dishes, grandpa can improve the taste! Grandpa has been in the hospital for a long time, so he wants to try something new."

Lu Yu was about to speak, but the girl's slightly resentful voice sounded next to him again.

"Second aunt, I'm actually quite embarrassed."

Jiang Ning showed an aggrieved expression.

Anyway, I have played White Lotus once, and it is not difficult to do it again.

"Grandpa has been in the hospital for a long time. There must be a nutritionist under the control of his dishes. If I make some special dishes for grandpa to eat at will, it's okay. If my dishes cause grandpa's stomach discomfort or Anything else, the responsibility will be on me then.

"I believe it's because of this that Aunt Qin insisted not to let me cook. She is really well-intentioned!"

Liu Yun was choked into silence, and her face turned even greener.

Especially because of the old man's sentence "Qin Shu is thoughtful".

After speaking, he immediately said to Jiang Ning: "But girl, after all, Qin Shu was injured because of you, you have to remember her in your heart!"

Lu Liting knew that Lu Yu was having trouble with his stepmother, so he probably wanted to use Jiang Ning to ease the relationship between them.

"Grandpa, I remember."

"Okay, okay, let's make a good family banquet like this, let's finish the meal quickly."

After speaking, Lu Liting sat back in the chief seat, and the others also returned to their seats.

Lu Yu stared at his daughter-in-law with a hint of secrecy in his eyes.

She played this trick very well.

In terms of scheming and rank, she seemed to be on par with his two aunts and stepmothers!
On the other side, the infusion room of the hospital.

Qin Shu received a message about what happened after she left Jingshan Palace.

Knowing what Jiang Ning said in front of the old man, her face instantly became extremely ugly.

Dare to feel that I have suffered such a great crime, but I have gained nothing?

No, she absolutely can't leave Jiang Ning as a scourge in the Lu family.

If she really allowed her to give birth to the fourth generation of the Lu family, then the entire Lu family would be completely owned by Lu Yu.

She absolutely cannot let this happen.

Fortunately, she has another plan today.

Thinking of some things at home waiting for her to go back to deploy, she hurriedly adjusted the infusion volume to the fastest.

Lu Yi poured her a cup of hot water, and when she saw her complexion, she immediately asked her what was wrong with concern.

"It's nothing, it might be hypoglycemia, where's your dad?"

"I went outside to smoke." Lu Yi pouted.

Qin Shu frowned.

She noticed that something was wrong with her husband today. First, he didn't save face for her when eating, and then he didn't care about her after sending her to the hospital.

Although there is no vigorous love between them, at least they have always respected each other as guests.

Lu Zhijie has always played the role of a perfect husband.

Tonight he was a little too abnormal, could it be that he discovered something?
Qin Shu became uneasy.

It was all because Jiang Ning who appeared suddenly disrupted her original rhythm.

"Yiyi, the drip is almost over, you go out and call your father, and rent a wheelchair by the way, don't let your father carry it, I'm sorry."

Lu Yi chuckled, "What's there to be embarrassed about, Dad is happy with it!"

When the other party left, Qin Shu immediately picked up the phone.

"Are you at the villa?"

"Whether you can become the mistress of the Lu family is up to you tonight!"

Putting down the phone, she edited another message and sent it——

[No matter what method is used, keep them in Jingshan Palace overnight! 】

Lu Zhijie returned to the infusion room, but he said that the doctor said that her wound was infected and it was best to stay in the hospital for observation.

"I have completed the hospitalization procedures for you."

Qin Shu firmly disagreed with the hospitalization, and said that Lu Yu was finally willing to stay at home for a night, how could she, an elder, not stay at home!

Lu Zhijie was a little surprised, "What did you say? Ah Yu lives at home?"

"Mom, are you serious?" Lu Yi also had a look of disbelief.

Qin Shu gritted his teeth and took a gamble.

"Yes, Liu Yun sent me a message just now."

It was past ten o'clock at night, and the entrance of the main building of Jingshan Palace was bustling like never before.

Jiang Ning was drunk and was staggering in the arms of the man.

Inside the silver ghost waiting outside, Luo Li received a message: Stay here, see what happens!
He squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the main building, and his spirit immediately became concentrated.

The moment Lu Yu was "drunk" with Jiang Ning, he knew that today's trap was unavoidable no matter what.

If you insist on going back, maybe there will be even bigger pits waiting.

Rather than maintaining a high degree of vigilance all the time, it is better to make a quick decision directly.

Moreover, he found that the picked-up wife cooperated with him quite tacitly!
(End of this chapter)

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