The ambulance screamed and stopped in the garden of Jingshan Palace, and Lu Yan was carried into the ambulance on a stretcher.

Lu Cheng, who has been staying out of the matter, received a call saying that the company had an urgent matter and asked him to go there immediately.

Lu Zhigang also left together.

Speaking of which, the current matter belongs to the boss and the third family, so it's better for them not to get involved.

The private doctor helped Qin Shu treat the small wound on her face, and told her to avoid getting wet as much as possible.

Liu Yun was by her side, complaining in her mouth that she didn't know what the old man was thinking.

"Qin Shu, have you heard that the Lu family and the Lin family had an engagement?"

"Second sister-in-law, you forgot that Yingying is still my cousin's niece, how could I not know!"

Liu Yun slapped her head, "Yes, yes, forget about this."

The two chatted about Lin Ying and Lu Yan, guessing what the old man would do next.

On the surface, Qin Shu said let nature take its course, but in his heart he even wanted to kill Lin Ying.

The bureau she carefully arranged, not only did not get any result she wanted, but even cheated her daughter.

And Lu Yu suddenly came back and went crazy, and I don't know what the old man will arrange.

About four or ten minutes later, Wei Lan appeared in the annex building to the west of Jingshan Palace.

Looking at the living room that seemed to have been ransacked by Erha, his probing eyes immediately looked at the man leaning on the sofa.

Putting aside his status as a psychiatrist, he can tell whether the other party is really sick or pretending to be sick just from the perspective of a friend.

Lu Yu looked at him at the same time, and the raised eyebrows explained everything very well.

Wei Lan: "."

He turned his head to say hello to Mr. Lu, and then began to ask about the "patient"'s symptoms.

Lu Yu tapped on the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, and said in a dawdly way, "I'm fine!"

Lu Liting: "Xiao Wei, this living room was smashed by him, it must have been crazy for 15 minutes."

"Grandpa, let me ask, did he get some kind of stimulation again?" Wei Lan asked.

The old man was very clear about how Lu Yu suffered from bidirectional disorder, so at this moment he also understood what the other party meant by "some kind of stimulation".

He shook his head, "Maybe, he hurt Qin Shu's face."


Wei Lan saw that the old man had reservations, so he didn't ask further.

"Whether the old disease has relapsed or not, we still need to go to my clinic to go through the diagnosis of professional equipment before we can make a conclusion. If there is nothing wrong here, I will take him away first?"

Lu Yu: "Why are you going? I'm not done yet! Grandpa, let's make it clear first, if my wife runs away because of what you said, you have to be responsible for helping me get her back!"

Lu Liting's face turned dark, and he had to try his best to give Wei Lan a kind smile.

"Then please Xiao Wei!"

The effect Lu Yu pursued was not achieved, and he refused to leave at this moment, but was forcibly taken away by Wei Lan in the end.

In the Cayenne, Lu Yu sat in the passenger seat with his forehead propped up.

No matter what Wei Lan said, he always had the attitude of "too lazy to talk to you".

"Brother, how did I offend you?"

"I said, why do you listen to the old man so much?"

"It's wrong. In the past, when you played wild in Jingshan Palace and needed me, didn't you always take you away? Who knows that you really want to hang around there today!"


After a few minutes of silence, Wei Lan spoke again.

"Tell me, what's going on? Why do you suddenly want to go back there?"

Lu Yu leaned his head against the car window and remained silent.

When he was approaching Wei Lan's clinic, he called Wu Fei and asked him to go to Jingshan Palace to drive his car away.

Lu Yu spent the whole afternoon in Wei Lan's clinic and told him everything that happened within 24 hours.

Finally, he asked conclusively: "Say... Should I go crazy? The old man can even say that!"

Wei Lan was also a little messy.

Let the grandson divorce and marry another. Is the old man wanting to repeat his son's experience on his grandson?
"Since he already has a candidate for your wife, why did he wait until you got married before singing this song?"

Wei Lan couldn't understand this.

Lu Yu rolled his eyes coldly, "It's hard to understand?"

Before Jiang Ning appeared, the word "marrying a wife" was a taboo for him.

Wei Lan thought for a moment, then suddenly realized, "Oh yes, I almost forgot about your problem!"


"Ayu, there is a problem you must face right now."

"Do I like Jiang Ning?"

Wei Lan froze for a moment, "Oh, it seems that you already have the answer."

Lu Yu nodded, "Take the kidney!"

This is tantamount to the end of the chat, Wei Lan has nothing to ask further.

After a long silence, Lu Yu took the initiative to speak again: "When the old man suggested to her that she should divorce me and remarry Lu Yan, she actually said that she would consider it."

He couldn't understand, and he didn't want to face Jiang Ning again for the time being.

He didn't go back to Xinghai Bay in the evening.

Nine p.m.

Jiang Ning dumped a table of dishes into the trash can, then went back to the room and turned on the computer to connect to S state.

"Senior sister, help me check someone again!"

"Little Wuzi, what happened to you recently?"

"It's a small matter, so I invite you out."

"Tsk tsk, tell me."

"Forget it, don't check people, you can check for me first, if there are any buyers from Yunzhou who bought 'Drunken Night' and 'Phantom' recently."

Jiang Ning felt that for these things to appear in the Lu family, there must be someone who is closely related to an organization in S state.

After she finished speaking, she added: "By the way, there are also white fireworks."

If her judgment is correct, the man in Lu Yi's room was drinking a foreign wine called "White Fireworks".

The other party hesitated for a long time, and when he spoke again, there was a little worry in his voice.

The things Jiang Ning mentioned are forbidden items, and can only be accessed through the dark web or some special middlemen.

"Xiao Wu, tell me honestly what you are looking up for!"

"Just check it out, as soon as possible."

When Fu Yu opened her mouth again, a thin old man in a gray coat appeared behind her.

Jiang Ning saw it through the video screen, and immediately said, "Then please, senior sister, say hello to grandpa for me!"

In the next second, Fu Sinian's serious face appeared on the screen.

"What a fart! Damn girl, why have you been bullied in Yunzhou recently? I have sent Ah Ye back to China, so you can find him if you need anything."

Seeing the old man puffing his beard and staring, Jiang Ning immediately felt very friendly.

She responded with a playful smile: "Grandpa, I have already met the elder brother, don't worry, I am the only one who bullies others, no one can bully me, your granddaughter!"

"Don't bully me, don't think that I don't know anything about domestic affairs, Xiao Huang has told me everything!" Fu Sinian said.

"Little yellow?"

Jiang Ning raised her eyebrows, and then remembered what happened to Gold not long ago.

"Hey, since Xiao Huang told you, you also know that Gold's old nest has been taken away!"

"Xiao Huang refused to tell me what happened, did you explain it on purpose?"

"It's not a big deal, so don't make you feel bad about it!"

"Girl, you have something on your mind!"

Jiang Ning grew up with Fu Sinian, and the old man could perfectly interpret every subtle expression on his granddaughter's face.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the other party's eyes were wandering, and there was a bit of disappointment in them.

He was sure that this girl had something on her mind, and it was not a trivial matter.

Being poked in the center of his mind, Jiang Ning felt a sense of sadness inexplicably.

I don't know if it was because of Lu Yu's refusal to make an appointment, or because he met Jiang Tianhua in the afternoon.

She said softly, "Grandpa, I miss you!"

Fu Sinian's expression froze, and then he growled sullenly, "If you miss me, get the hell out of here."

Jiang Ning failed to act like a baby, so she yawned and said she was going to sleep.


After the call ended, Fu Sinian turned to the girl beside him, "What did your junior sister ask you to check for her?"

"The buyers of Zuiye, Phantom, and White Fireworks are in Yunzhou." Fu Yu replied truthfully.

Fu Sinian's eyes lit up, "Book me the nearest flight to Feiyunzhou."

Fu Yu: "Yes."

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