Jiang Ning was confused, so she got out of the car and called the other party back.

The other end was quickly connected, followed by a loud noise.

"Mr. Jiang, let's think about the solution if there is something wrong, you come here first!"

"Mr. Jiang, please think about your family before you make a decision. Look at Ms. Jiang, her eyes are swollen from crying."

Negotiator Chong Jiang Tianhua's call was transmitted through Jiang Ying's mobile phone.

Although Jiang Ying answered the phone, she didn't talk to the other party immediately, but shouted to Jiang Tianhua: "Dad, come down quickly, the matter will be resolved soon, I beg you to come down quickly!

"Father, I have already looked for my sister, and my sister agreed, you come down first!
"Dad, don't be like this. Think about your mother. She is still in the hospital. If something happens to you, what do you tell her and me to do?"

Jiang Ning waited patiently, and after waiting for a long time, she simply took the receiver away from her ear.

About three to five minutes later, she vaguely heard "sister" coming from the receiver, and then put the receiver back to her ear.

"What do you mean by the message you just sent me? What does Mr. Jiang's goods have to do with me?"

"Sister, I know you have President Lu's backing behind you, but please don't take your anger on me, okay?
"Dad is also a man of destiny, he can no longer experience too many storms, he"

"Get to the point!" Jiang Ning interrupted in a low voice, not wanting to hear such pointless accusations.

There was a pause, and then he said, "Who else can get Dad's emergency goods stuck at the customs, except Lu Yu?"

This information made it difficult for Jiang Ning to digest for a while.

Lu Yu?

Was he doing this for his own sake?
After thinking about it, he thought that he might have dragged him out of the pit in Jingshan Palace that night in order to repay him.

Jiang Ying didn't hear her response, and continued to speak: "Sister, I will do what I promised you, please hurry up now"

"I can only tell you that I don't know anything about this matter now, wait until I ask!"

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she hung up the phone and tried to call Lu Yu's phone again.

She was a little nervous because the other party hadn't answered her calls these days.

In the conference room of Xingmen Entertainment, Lu Yuzheng rubbed his temples nervously.

Recently, due to the delay in making a reality show guest, the operation of various departments has been somewhat affected.

The artist management department was even more aggressive.

After all, in the variety show circle in recent years, there are too many artists who rely on reality shows to become popular.

This time Stargate has two guests, one male and one female.

In the past, Lu Yu just closed his eyes and ordered two casually to deal with the matter, but this time he took it very seriously, so that it has not been settled until now.

Some people suspect that the boss is waiting for newcomers to come in and give newcomers a chance.

For more than half a month, this issue has been debated in the morning meetings every day.

When the phone on the table rang, Lu Yu picked up the phone and left the conference room without even bothering to say "the meeting was over".

Wu Fei once again became the target of group attacks.

As a special assistant, you should let your superiors deal with it according to the priority of the work.

Such an important job has been put on hold at the moment, it is obvious that his special assistant's work has not been done properly.

"Wu Zhu, this cooperation with Tudou Channel is of great benefit to the company. If you miss it because you can't book a guest, it will be a big loss!"

"Xiao Wu, I'm not talking about you. As a special assistant, you can't blindly cater to your boss's wishes. Sometimes your boss needs correct guidance, right?"

Wu Fei was covered in cold sweat, so he could only say yes with a smile.

Inner OS: You can do what you want!Can anyone guide Uncle Lu's thinking?

In the CEO's office, Lu Yu connected the phone, turned on the speakerphone and put it on the table, raised his hand and loosened his tie to sit down.

There was no sound coming from the connected mobile phone, so he couldn't help but glance at it.


On the other end of the phone, Jiang Ning was watching helplessly as the tractor rescued Ferrari, and didn't realize that the phone was connected for a while.

Hearing the voice at this time, she was inexplicably frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

The other party's tone was so cold that she almost didn't recognize who it was.

"It's me." She said.

Lu Yu: "What's the matter?"

"Jiang's matter is related to you?" Jiang Ning asked straight to the point.

Lu Yu didn't deny it.

Jiang Ning asked again: "You also deducted Jiang Tianhua's shipment to Hong Kong today?"

"I did it all, so you need to be straightforward about what I do."

"Let go."

"Did I hear it wrong, or are you sick?"

"Jiang Tianhua is jumping off the building!"

"Wait until he jumps."

"Lu Yu!"

"Don't flood the Virgin Mary, I don't like it."

Jiang Ning choked, and spoke again after a while: "I don't have a Virgin, but Jiang Ying said that she would apologize to me in front of the teachers and students of the school.

"If the matter does not end, Jiang Tianhua's drama will not end.

"If this continues, Jiang Ying will call my sister a few more times, and my identity may be stolen!"

Lu Yu didn't respond, but ended the call on his own initiative.

Jiang Ning: "."

What's wrong!
On the other side, the Jiang Group's top floor.

Jiang Tianhua was originally sitting on the edge of the terrace, but now he was slowly standing up.

There were screams from those watching the excitement downstairs, and the firefighters began to evacuate the crowd.

The negotiator spent a long time talking on the top floor, but the other party didn't listen to half a word in a daze.

"Dad, calm down, don't get excited, sister, sister is already dealing with this matter, you have to trust her!" Jiang Ying shouted anxiously from behind, then took out her mobile phone and said, "I'll call her again Call, let her speak personally."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tianhua's cell phone rang.

"Dad, your phone is ringing, answer it quickly, it must be that Jiang's goods have been released!"

Jiang Tianhua took out his phone and took a look, then connected it immediately.

When the call is over, the farce of jumping off the building will come to an end.

Jiang Tianhua climbed into the inner side of the balcony like a clown, and fled the scene as if he had oiled his feet, leaving behind all the public resources wasted by him.

Jiang Ying stayed to do the aftermath. The anger and humiliation in her heart made her wish she could tear Jiang Ning up right now.

Jiang's seized goods were indeed released, but only half of them were released, and it was only a temporary solution to the urgent need.

Jiang Tianhua guessed that the other half must wait for Jiang Ying to go to school to apologize in public before continuing to let her go.

This dead girl is so scheming now!
Su Nian's car had an accident, so Jiang Ning had no choice but to take a taxi to school, but was still late for the time agreed with Zhao Yali.

At the Academic Affairs Office, Jiang Ning handed in the internship application form.

"I'm sorry Director Zhao, the bus broke down on the way here."

Zhao Yali briefly browsed the application form, then signed and stamped it below.

"It's okay, I just have nothing else to do this morning!"

She put the application form into a folder, then looked at Jiang Ning and said seriously: "Jiang Ning, you can no longer work as many jobs as you did when you were in school after entering the internship unit, you know that?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "I know, thank you Director for reminding me."

"Well, fortunately, Stargate's treatment is good, even if it's just an intern, the salary should be enough for your living expenses in Yunzhou.

"You must cherish this opportunity. If you have any difficulties in life, you can come to me. Don't do part-time jobs in private, you know?"

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