A club in the city.

The deafening music is accompanied by the constantly changing colors of the lights, and people on the dance floor sway to the music.

After Lu Yu entered the club, he went straight to the central dance floor, and his stunning appearance also attracted the accusations of countless beauties.

In the past, Third Young Master Lu would have a few words with each other with his trademark smirk, but today everyone was on the point of gunpoint.

The cold word "roll" almost froze the entire dance floor.

The owner of the club, Meng Yi, was dragged by the collar from the dance floor to a quieter corridor next to him.

When he turned around and saw the person coming, he immediately stepped forward with a dog-licking smile and said, "Master, who made your old man angry again?"

"Old rules."

Lu Yu dropped these three words, and walked towards the stairs around the corner.

Meng Yi is one of Lu Yu's close buddies and the owner of this Ra club.

At this time, the "old rules" in Lu Yu's mouth also made him put away his casual attitude immediately.

This guy, it looks like something is up again.

He grabbed a bartender casually, "Two bottles of tequila, three cases of beer, send to 301."

After the confession, Meng Yi strode towards the stairs.

Within a minute of sitting in the box, Wei Lan sent him a message asking if Lu Yu had gone to the club.

Meng Yi secretly glanced at the figure hidden from the light with the corner of his eye, and bowed his head to reply to the message:

[Yes, and it's scary! 】

Although he was beaten, Wei Lan couldn't worry about his friend, and the other party was a patient after all, so it was understandable.

So he sent another message and replied:

【Look at him, I'll be right there! 】

This is not the first time Lu Yu got drunk.

In the eyes of his friends, he looks reckless on the surface, but in fact he is a very self-disciplined person.

If it wasn't for those pains that ordinary people can't understand, how could he indulge so far?

When Wei Lan arrived at the club, Lu Yu had already shown off a bottle of tequila.

"Such a drinking method, are you crazy?"

Meng Yi cautiously asked from the side: "Old Wei, what's wrong with this guy?"

But when he saw the bruise on the opponent's face, he seemed to understand a little bit.

"The nightmare has begun again, and today I suggest that he try trauma-facing therapy!"

After Wei Lan finished speaking, she looked helplessly at the man in the dark and shook her head, "It still doesn't seem to work!"

Mansion No. [-].

Jiang Ning calculated the time when Jiang Tianhua and his wife went for a walk and went home to pick up their luggage. Jiang Ying was sitting in the living room alone eating dessert.

"Sister, you are finally back!"

Seeing Jiang Ying rushing towards her, Jiang Ning hurried to hide aside, she didn't like the other party's touch.

"I'm coming back to get my luggage."

"Sister, are you going to move out? Don't be angry with your parents. They are also doing this because of the company's troubles."

"Jiang Ying, I don't belong to this family, and you don't want more of me in the family, do you?"

Jiang Ning didn't want to get entangled with the other party, so she went upstairs as quickly as possible to pack her few pieces of luggage.

When coming down from the second floor, Jiang Ying was still waiting at the corner.

She stepped forward to stop her and said, "Sister, don't go! Even if you want to go, I should go. Put your things down, okay?"

Jiang Ning's eyebrows twitched, and she thought to herself: Here we go again!
She is bored.

"Jiang Ying, aren't you tired of talking? If you really want to leave Jiang's house, no one will stop you, get out of the way!"

After the words fell, an angry voice came from downstairs——

"What are you talking about, you bitch?"

Accompanied by this voice, Ye Lan's distraught face also appeared in front of her eyes.

Jiang Ning's face was cold, "I'm telling the truth, she will leave as soon as she wants, as straightforward as I am, don't always let thunder and rain fall!"


A crisp sound stopped Jiang Tianhua's footsteps on the stairs.

"Mom, why are you beating your sister? My sister is about to run away from home!" Jiang Ying said in a crying voice.

"Leave if you want, don't make Jiang's house a mess!"

Jiang Ning touched her cheek with the tip of her tongue, her face remained calm, but the mockery in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

"Thank you for this slap, for interrupting the last sliver of my gift of fertility to you! I wish you well for the rest of your life!"


"Lemon, Lemon"

"elder sister."

Jiang Tianhua and Jiang Ying chased to the door together, but the other party had already boarded a taxi waiting outside the door.

Under the protection of the night, a smile floated in Jiang Ying's eyes, but when she spoke, she was full of anxiety.

"Dad, my sister has taken all her luggage away, what should I do? Will she come back?"

Jiang Tianhua sighed, "She has too many ideas, let her go!"

What he thought was that anyway, the [-] million he got so far solved the current predicament, and the follow-up matters would be left to talk about.

But he was also very curious, where did this girl get such a large sum of money.

In the taxi, Jiang Ning raised her hand to touch the hot half of her face, her nose felt sore for no reason.

She thought that she had long been used to the Jiang family's indifference, but they intensified and broke through their bottom line step by step.

"Girl, are you okay?" the taxi driver asked concerned from the front.

Jiang Ning recovered, only to realize that tears had slipped out of her eyes uncontrollably.

She raised her head and responded with a chuckle: "Master, there is something in your car that is particularly eye-catching!"

"Oh, maybe it's my refreshing oil, hahaha!"

Sometimes when you are hurt by the person closest to you, it is often a stranger who comforts you.

Jiang Ning was warmed by the taxi driver's response.

There was no smell of cooling oil in the car at all, the other party just respected the secret she didn't want to tell, and at the same time diverted her attention.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the Xinghai Bay villa area.

Jiang Ning thanked the driver, opened the door and got out of the car, then dragged her 28-inch suitcase and strolled along the path in the villa area.

The light and shadow of the street lamp stretched her figure even more slender, but the light yellow warm light rendered a trace of desolation around her.

As soon as he walked to the door of the villa, the Cayenne that he left before appeared again.

Wei Lan got out of the car and quickly ran up to the girl walking across.

"Mrs. Lu? We met more than two hours ago!"

Jiang Ning was startled, then smiled at the other party.

"I'm Jiang Ning!"

"My name is Wei Lan. I'm A Yu's friend and a psychiatrist. Could you please go somewhere with me first?"

The other party's colorful face was full of anxiety, and Jiang Ning judged that his relationship with Lu Yu should be very good.

Thinking of the scraps of newspaper that had been cleaned up before, she didn't ask any more, but nodded slightly at the other party.

"I'll take the luggage into the house first!"

Jiang Ning threw her luggage at the entrance, then went to the bathroom to wash her face, and put some powder on her swollen face before going out.

Sitting in the back seat of the Cayenne, she could feel the glances falling from the rearview mirror from time to time.

Knowing that the other party was curious, she took the initiative to respond: "Lu Yu and I are not the husband and wife relationship you imagined!"

Wei Lan was startled, and chuckled again: "Based on my years of psychological research, no matter what kind of husband and wife relationship you and A Yu have, you should be special to him!"

Jiang Ning didn't make a sound, but lowered her eyebrows and smiled secretly.

If the other party knew how he and Lu Yu got involved, would he still say that?
Wei Lan drove the car very fast, and turned into the parking lot of the Ra Club in less than 10 minutes.

After getting out of the car, what Jiang Ning saw at a glance was the window glass of the Hummer next to him that was torn apart but still stuck together.

She followed Wei Lan into the elevator, "Doctor Wei, what do you think I can do?"

Wei Lan hesitated for a moment, then looked at her seriously and said, "Maybe... just for company!"

In fact, when he saw this girl for the first time, his shock was not because of her beautiful appearance, but because of that healing smile.

Maybe, this girl will be a good medicine!
The moment the elevator door was opened, several medical staff in white coats were hurriedly carrying a stretcher towards the elevator.

When Jiang Ning saw the man on the stretcher clearly, her eyes froze suddenly.

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