Jiang Ning observed the woman in front of her calmly, her facial features were exquisite and cold, her figure was tall and slender, and her temperament was even more elegant.

Her black hair was coiled up in a noble way, and although she looked over fifty years old, she still exuded a kind of beauty all over her body.

"My name is Hua Jing, Aunt Lu Yu."

During the words, the woman had already walked in front of Jiang Ning, and her smile became deeper.

"Miss Jiang, won't you invite me in for a sit down?"

Jiang Ning kept saying sorry, "Please come in quickly."

After speaking, he reached out to take the dripping umbrella from the opponent's hand.

After Hua Jing entered the room, she took off her damp coat, and wandered around the huge living room.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that this house was not quite like the one Lu Yu lived in before.

Jiang Ning went to the kitchen to make tea, looking at the living room from time to time.

She couldn't figure out the purpose of this aunt's sudden appearance in Xinghai, and she had never heard Lu Yu mention her aunt.

Rococo hid at the corner of the second floor and called his cousin——

"Crooked, uncle? My grandma is here..."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Yu, who was about to get out of bed with Wu Fei's support, almost fell over.

"Who?" He confirmed to the other party.

The reply was a long beeping sound, but a video request popped up in the next second.

Lu Yu quickly connected, and a familiar figure appeared on the screen.

"Look, cousin, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"Ke Ke, tell Silver Wolf to go down and stand beside them."


Silver Wolf did go down, but just when he got to Jiang Ning's side, he was dismissed by the other party, "Let's go play."

Lu Yu: "..."

After devoting so much painstaking effort to researching such a thing that recognizes a thief as a mother!
"Wu Fei, go through the discharge procedures."

Wu Fei was startled, "Boss Lu, are you serious?"

"When did I stop being serious?"

Lu Yu covered his injured thigh with one hand, and gently put his other hand on his abdomen as he walked towards the closet.

"But the doctor said that you need to rest recently." Wu Fei said after him.

"Do you think if I don't go to the company tomorrow, I can rest?"

Wu Fei couldn't answer for a while, so he had to go through the discharge procedures obediently.

When he came back, Lu Yu had already changed out of his hospital gown and returned to his suit and leather shoes.

Except for the messy hair and slightly pale complexion, it was impossible to tell from his handsome figure that this was a patient who hadn't been discharged yet.


star bay.

Hua Jing picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip, her face slightly surprised.

"Miss Jiang, why are you making ginger tea for me?"

Jiang Ning frowned, and said in a soft voice: "Your voice is a little nasal, I think you've got some wind and cold, and it's raining again today and the temperature is relatively low. It's suitable to drink some ginger tea to keep out the cold."

Hua Jing raised her eyebrows and remained silent, continuing to sip her tea with her head down.

As the only relative of Lu Yu's natal family, she has been paying attention to her nephew's life, and sincerely hopes that he can live a real and happy life.

She knew Lu Yu well, knew his psychological problems, knew how much he resisted marriage, and knew better about his current situation in the Lu family.

When she heard the news of his sudden marriage a while ago, Hua Jing didn't feel relieved by it, but became more worried.

She was worried that her nephew was forced to marry a wife because he was surrounded by the Lu family's wolves and tigers and leopards.

So before she came, she didn't have any affection for Lu Yu's wife.

But at this moment, the feeling that the girl in front of her made her feel inexplicably comfortable.

"Miss Jiang, can I ask you a few questions?"

"You don't have to be so polite, just speak up if you have something to say."

"Okay, then I won't go around in circles. How did Miss Jiang and Xiaoyu meet?"

Jiang Ning didn't expect the other party to come up and throw a problem.

How should she answer this?

Seeing her distressed face, Hua Jing narrowed her eyes coldly, "What's the matter? The process of your acquaintance was very complicated?"

"It's not complicated, but it's rather weird." Jiang Ning responded neither humble nor overbearing.


Hua Jing crossed her legs, with an expression on her face that she would like to hear more about it.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a few seconds, and then told the truth about how she and Lu Yu met.

In the end, he concluded: "Maybe it sounds unreliable to you, and you will think that Lu Yu is just taking responsibility for me, but that's not the case.

"Because sometimes the gratification after falling in love at first sight comes so suddenly!"

After hearing what she said, Hua Jing was not only surprised, but also admired her frankness.

"Thank you for your frankness, then can you also tell me frankly whether you have anything to do with anyone from the Lu family?

"As far as I know, that man named Lu Cheng has unusual feelings for you."

"Before I married Lu Yu, I didn't know anyone in the Lu family! As for Lu Cheng you mentioned, he did say some strange things to me that I couldn't understand, but I don't think his target is me. !"

The hints in Jiang Ning's words were a bit heavy, and Hua Jing's eyebrows arched after hearing this.

From this point of view, does the other party want to put his hand on Mrs. Lu?

The two chatted for more than an hour, and the sky outside became darker and darker as night approached.

The rain has lightened a lot, Hua Jing got up and prepared to leave.

"Jiang Ning, don't look at Xiaoyu's cold, ruthless and domineering exterior, but his heart is actually very fragile, even vulnerable.

"No one has been able to make him open up all these years. I hope you are a miracle!"

The woman smiled softly, and said frankly: "I know that you and Xiaoyu are still hiding something from me, but no matter what, I hope you two are well."

Jiang Ning was startled, and quickly explained: "Auntie, I didn't..."

Hua Jing raised her hand and interrupted: "You don't need to explain, I know Xiao Yu better than you!"


A blinding beam of headlights lit up outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu still staggered into the room with one hand on his thigh and the other on his stomach.

His already disheveled short hair clings to his scalp with some rain, his pale face is more gloomy than the sky outside.

Seeing this, Jiang Ning quickly took a dry towel and stepped forward to wipe his hair.

"Is there no umbrella in the car? Why is it raining?"

Lu Yu's eyes didn't linger on her, but fell straight to the woman who had just picked up her coat and stood up.

"Auntie, I've already told you everything you want to know, why did you make the trip yourself?"

Hua Jing looked at his nervous look with some amusement, which made her believe Jiang Ning's statement of "two people are in love with each other" just now.

"What's the matter? My niece and daughter-in-law can't see people or something? You want to hide like this?"

"I just don't think it's necessary!" Lu Yu said coldly.

This was the first time he treated Hua Jing with such an indifferent attitude, but he also quickly noticed his attitude problem, so he changed the subject and said: "If my aunt is free, why not take Rococo back first."

The voice fell, and protests came from the second floor——

"Biao uncle, you don't talk about Wude!

"I tipped you off, and you actually sold me out!


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