Chapter 94 Report to Stargate

Jiang Ning clenched her fist with the urge to hit someone, and then gritted her back molars.

Beside him, Rococo suddenly yelled into the bathroom: "It's not a strawberry pig, it's a bear, a bear..."

A moment later, a man's calm voice came from the bathroom——

"Assistant Jiang, I'm ready..."

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes, then took out a brand new bath towel from the cabinet, and muttered, "I'll wipe your body...I'll wipe...I'll wipe, I'll wipe..."

In the bathroom, Lu Yu was sitting on the edge of the bathtub with his upper body half exposed.

Hearing the click of the door lock, his eyes immediately fell to the door.

Seeing the things on the girl's hands, he couldn't help teasing: "Jiang Zhu really wants to help me take a bath?"

Jiang Ning choked.

The man went on to say, "Come here, wash my hair first, it makes me uncomfortable in the rain."

Jiang Ning hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped forward without saying a word and picked up the shower next to her.


The warm water is irrigating the scalp, and the force between the girl's fingers is very light and soft, and every inch of scalp that has been walked seems to be instantly relaxed.

At the same time, Lu Yu's heart seemed to be wrapped in a soft cloud, peaceful.

He asked softly: "What did you do? My aunt seems to like you very much."

Jiang Ning paused between her fingers, and responded softly, "Maybe I saw that she was suffering from a cold, so I made her a cup of jujube and ginger tea!"

"Do you really know medicine?"

"Learned some fur."

Lu Yu remained silent.

I remember that when the doctor checked the wound on his leg in the morning, the other party was surprised by the perfect suture that could be called art.

He said that the person who can achieve such a perfect suture must be a top surgeon.

After washing his hair, Jiang Ning wiped his back with a warm wet towel.

When she came into close contact with this broad and solid back, she realized that there were some fine and dense small scars all over the healthy wheat-colored skin.

Although the scars have faded to the point where they are almost invisible, she thinks these injuries must have been shocking at the time.

She couldn't help but lighten her movements...

After coming out of the bathroom, Rococo has fallen asleep holding Strawberry Bear.

In order not to disturb the children, Jiang Ning took the man to the balcony to dry his hair.

The air after the rain is exceptionally fresh, but it also has the chill of late autumn.

Jiang Ning took a blanket to cover the man, and then began to help him blow his hair.

There are no extra words, only the whirring of the hair dryer and the rustling of the treetops being blown by the breeze outside in the quiet night...

After returning to the house, Lu Yu consciously lay on his side on the sofa, "Luo Keke wants to sleep with you."

What he meant was obvious, so Jiang Ning had no choice but to bite the bullet and climb onto the bed.

Although it wasn't the first time that she spent the night in the same room with this man, this night made her feel extraordinarily long.

Every breath from the sofa was like a spring breeze stirring a pool of still water, making her unable to sleep all night...

Early the next morning.

When Jiang Ning woke up, the little milk ball beside her and the man on the sofa were all gone.

She lazily got up to brush her teeth, and made a face at herself in the mirror with her smoky makeup.

"Hello, life assistant, what the hell!!!"

When she went to the cloakroom to change after washing, she finally realized that she still had nothing prepared.

Looking at the pile of luxury shoes, clothing and bags that can cure all the diseases of girls, Jiang Ning just let out a long sigh.

"What sin did I do..."

Helpless, she had no choice but to choose the most low-key black and white matching suit among these things, and made some modifications to the details of the suit.

After changing her clothes, she put on light makeup, chose a pair of high heels that were not too high for her, and went downstairs.

On the first floor, Lu Yugang brought Rococo into the house after walking the dog.

One of the traction ropes was not grasped firmly, and Erhasa's hands were gone.

Immediately afterwards, a painful groan came from the stairs.

"Lu Yu——can you take care of your dog!!!"

Jiang Ning is not used to wearing high heels. When she came downstairs, she was like a toddler walking carefully.

However, the Erha actually rushed towards her like a runaway wild horse, causing her to fall backwards in fright.

Luo Keke walked over, the tip of his little nose moved slightly, and asked, "Auntie, you have a smell that snow wolves like..."

Erha: Woman, did you steal my dad's perfume?
Lu Yu also smelled the faint scent of ebony, and he couldn't help frowning.

If everything is a coincidence, isn't that too much of a coincidence?

He calmly helped the girl to the sofa, "Sorry, Snow Wolf has a bit of a wild temper."

Jiang Ning tilted her head with a look of bitterness and hatred.

"A little bit?"

Did he misunderstand the term?
During the silence, Lu Yu's expression suddenly became a little strange.

He hurriedly got up and walked out, but still experienced an embarrassing death.

The intestines are unobstructed, but it seems to be too unobstructed.

Luo Keke covered his nose and said with disgust on his face, "Cousin, how many beans have you eaten?"

Lu Yu responded with a dark face: "This has nothing to do with Douzi!"

Jiang Ning held back her laughter, and the anger caused by being thrown down by Erha just now dissipated a lot.

She said with a lingering smile, "Congratulations, you can have some porridge."

When she was about to get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen, she sadly found that her ankle was swollen and turned into a steamed bun.


Eight o'clock in the morning.

Wu Fei showed up at Xinghai Bay on time as ordered.

Lu Yu carried Luo Keke into the car, and then turned back to the house.

"What are you still dawdling about? Want to be late on the first day of work?"

Jiang Ning glanced at the man, then picked up the bag on the table and limped past him, but she didn't walk towards the Hummer waiting outside the door.

Lu Yu chased after her and asked her sullenly what she meant?
"Brother? I'm going to work in the same car as you, what do your employees think?"

"You still don't know what a life assistant is?"


"Or is it that Mrs. Lu also wants me to hug? It's fine to hug, but who cares if the wound hurts?"


Jiang Ning bit the bullet and got into the car, then secretly took out her phone and sent Su Nian a message——

[Have you heard of the life assistant?What are you doing? 】

The other party replied in seconds——

[Personal nanny. 】


Half an hour later, Stargate Entertainment.

Jiang Ning realized that she was thinking too much. It was impossible for anyone in the company to see her going to work in the president's car.

Get out of the parking lot.

Lu Yu directly took the president's special elevator upstairs, while she went down to the personnel department under Wu Fei's leadership.

Although it's an entertainment company, the employees don't seem to gossip very much, and no one cares about her as the president's life assistant.

After Jiang Ning completed the entry procedures, she entered the elevator with Wu Fei.

"Jiang Zhu, although this building belongs to star gates, not all floors are interconnected, so when you take the elevator alone in the future, be careful not to go to the wrong floor!
"The president's office is on the top floor, on the 66th floor. You need to swipe your card to open the door after getting out of the elevator. Your job number plate has already been activated. Remember to swipe it when you go upstairs later."

After Wu Fei finished speaking, the elevator door opened on the 63rd floor.

"Jiang Zhu, I still have other jobs, so I won't go up with you for now!"

Jiang Ning nodded, "Thank you, Special Assistant Wu!"

 Something happened in the morning, the update is a bit late, and there is still a chapter to wait...

(End of this chapter)

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