Jiang Ning's attitude and her meaningful words made Xu Yiran sit up suddenly.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Ning's eyes were cold, "Does Miss Xu have hearing problems? Now that I have taken over the job of Special Assistant Wu, I will be in charge of your affairs. Why make things difficult for Special Assistant Wu?
"If Ms. Xu is dissatisfied with me, she can call Boss Lu in the future, but Boss Lu is very busy now, as I said just now!"

Wu Fei stood aside seemingly calmly, but in fact his temples were throbbing wildly.

Two women in one scene, he thought to himself that Mrs. Lu didn't seem to be a good person.

This formation is obviously intended to give Xu Yiran a bad impression.

Xu Yiran's face flushed red with anger, and he cast a questioning look at An Ying at the end of the bed.

Just now, she clearly heard from the other party that Mr. Lu came here in person.

An Ying explained with a guilty conscience: "Lu always goes to see the old man of the Lu family."

Xu Yiran: "..."

"Miss Xu, I see that you have a ruddy complexion and red lips and white teeth. You must be fine. Special Assistant Wu and I will not bother you with this."

Jiang Ning finished speaking with a smile, and then suddenly turned around when she left and added: "By the way, I will tell Mr. Lu that you look good, so don't worry!"


The door of the ward was closed, and Xu Yiran's crazy appearance was also blocked inside the door.

She picked up a glass next to the bed and slammed it against the wall, and the fragments that bounced back splashed on An Ying's face.

"Before you figure it out, what nonsense are you talking about!"

An Ying covered her face, "I didn't expect that Mr. Lu didn't come in when he got to the door."

She was a little dissatisfied, and she was also slandering in her heart: If you can hold Boss Lu a little tighter, you don't need to suffer like this now!


On the other side, the intensive care unit.

Lu Liting did not expect his grandson to come to visit him suddenly.

The two chatted for a while, and then the old man was going to calmly tell him about the relationship between the Lu family and the Lin family.

However, as soon as this matter was mentioned, Lu Yu opened his mouth, but it was the end of the chat——

"Master, it's up to Lu Yan whether he wants to marry someone else's wife, but I won't marry a woman someone else has used. I have a clean-fetish-"

After leaving these words, he got up without hesitation and opened the door of the ward.

Outside the door, Jiang Ning smiled at her, not paying attention to the angry old man on the bed.

"I might have pissed off Miss Xu. Do you want Mr. Lu to take a look?"

Lu Yu's tense face did not change much until the old man's call came from behind him.

"Ayu, let your wife come in."

Jiang Ning had just heard the last conversation between the two of them, so she was at a loss at the moment.

She wanted to enter the door in response, but the human wall in front of her didn't intend to move away;
He wanted to turn around and leave, but he was completely immobilized by this complicated line of sight.

After hesitating for a long time, she laughed and said, "Grandpa is calling."

Lu Yu withdrew his gaze from her, then turned his head, and resumed his calm tone when he opened his mouth.

"Grandpa, I still have to take her to the obstetrics and gynecology department, so I won't go in!"

Jiang Ning: what?


In a quiet elevator.

The man who was silent all the way finally took the initiative to speak: "How did you make Xu Yiran so angry?"

Jiang Ning shrugged, "I hate other people treating me too much!"

The hazy figure of the girl was reflected on the elevator door, and Lu Yu stared at that figure thoughtfully.

After a while, he asked again: "No explanation?"

Jiang Ning thought for a while, then asked back: "Boss Lu, I don't need to serve her, do I?"

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at her indifferently, "What? Did she order you to do something?"

Jiang Ning shook her head.

"That's not true, it's just that I don't like her acting like a boss in front of me!"

After a pause, he added: "No matter how you look at it, she and I are equal, right?"

Lu Yu: "Not equal."

The elevator door opened the moment he finished speaking, and he walked out without any explanation.

Jiang Ning:? ? ?
With this question of "Where is the inequality?", Jiang Ning spent the whole day wandering, and Lu Yu's attitude also made her unable to figure it out.

He only said that he and Xu Yiran were not in the relationship rumored outside, but why did he give the outside world the illusion that he only favors Xu Yiran?
The president runs the front desk.

Jiang Ning muttered as she photocopied the materials, "What the hell is wrong with this?"

The printer didn't output paper for a long time, so she asked Xiao Zhang to come over and take a look for her after fumbling for a long time without any results.

However, Xiao Zhang, who was still polite in the morning, suddenly changed his face.

He sat in front of his computer with his forehead propped up, and he didn't even glance at the printer out of the corner of his eye when he heard the call.

"Jiang Zhu, everyone is doing their own job, please do what you should do, and don't keep thinking about asking others to help!"

Jiang Ning choked for a moment, then chuckled and said, "Okay!"


A loud noise shook the entire floor.

Jiang Ning probably spilled all of today's depression on this innocent printer;
At this time, the printer also surrendered to violence;
The paper at the paper outlet is constantly spewing out paper like a production line...

"Jiang Zhu, are you sick?" Xiao Zhang stood up and said angrily, "Do you know how much this printer costs?"

Wu Fei ran out in a hurry when he heard the noise.

Looking at the printer that kept spitting out paper and emitting black smoke, he asked Xiao Zhang with a gloomy face, "What's going on here?"

Xiao Zhang responded with disapproval: "Angkor, she can't use it blindly, and even kicked the printer!"

Jiang Ning wiped her face with ink-stained hands, and spoke innocently again.

"You have wronged me, I asked you for help because I don't know how to use it, but you said that you can't always think about asking others for help in your work, right?

"The printer I use at school can be used without paper, so I tried it. I didn't know that Stargate's printers are so expensive..."

"You don't even know how to use a printer for any work?" Xiao Zhang said disapprovingly.

Wu Fei was about to speak, but heard a slow voice behind him——

"Wu Fei, what does the front desk do?"

"Receive visitors and make registration, assist the president's daily work, including sorting out, sending and receiving documents..."

"Does organizing documents include photocopying?" Lu Yu interrupted.

Wu Fei immediately understood what he meant, and broke into a cold sweat for Xiao Zhang.

He nodded and said truthfully, "These tasks were all done by Xiao Zhang before."

After the words fell, Xiao Zhang's face immediately turned pale.

He hurriedly said, "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I'll call the technical department for repairs."

"No, take it down and throw it away when you leave later."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he asked Wu Fei: "Notify the financial manager to pay him an extra garbage cleaning fee when he settles his salary."

Wu Fei: "Uh...yes!"

Xiao Zhang already looked like he was about to cry.

He cast a look at Wu Fei asking for help, but Wu Fei could only shake his head.

It's not good to offend anyone, but the proprietress.

Jiang Ning didn't expect that such a trivial matter could make people unemployed.

Although she was a little sorry, she felt that this man was not wronged.

At first glance, it looks like a fool who doesn't understand the rules of the workplace.

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