Chapter 12
Pei Wenzhao rode on horseback for a day and came to Wangqiao Town, Xihe, on the outskirts of Hangzhou.He led the horse to the river to drink water, scooped up water for himself, washed his face, and filled the kettle with water.

The warm sun in spring is shining down, which makes people feel warm.Pei Wenzhao felt a little hungry, so he took out the biscuits made for him by his elder brother, and ate it with the water in the kettle.

Halfway through eating, I suddenly heard a group of female voices laughing loudly not far away.

Pei Wenzhao looked up and saw five or six young girls, laughing and laughing while washing clothes.

There were also many people washing clothes by the river, Pei Wenzhao and the group of girls were about twenty feet apart, a little farther away.Originally, Pei Wenzhao didn't care too much, and was about to lower his head to eat his biscuits again, but saw one of them, a girl in an ai-green blouse, stood up after washing her clothes, waving a piece of cloth about ten feet long in her hand.

I saw the girl in the green shirt swaying her waist softly, but her hands were waving the white cloth vigorously.While the clothes and socks fluttered, the girl lowered her waist, twisted her body, and twirled, hovering and flying in the air like light white feathers.

Thanks to the girl's ingenuity, the long cloth never fell to the ground.When the long cloth dances, it brings up little drops of water in the river, against the setting sun, it shines like gemstones.

The girl did a neat side somersault for the last time, her feet landed firmly on the ground, and she pulled her hands back with all her strength, the white cloth turned back like a spirit snake, and lay back in the girl's hands gracefully.

"Wow! That's amazing!"

"That's awesome, Lingling, you really deserve to be Aunt Lan's daughter."
"Lingling! Lingling! Teach me, I can't practice this swing well, the cloth often falls down."
When the other girls saw her dance, they all admired her and surrounded her for advice.

The girl in the green blouse who was called Lingling was not arrogant either, she was smiling and discussing dancing skills with them.

Along with the sound of admiration, Pei Wenzhao was also stunned by the girl's dancing posture. He was still holding the leftover cake and stared blankly at the girl in green shirt.

Pei Wenzhao has been practicing martial arts with his master in Mount Taihe since the accident happened at home. Except for going home to visit his mother during Chinese New Year every year, he seldom goes down the mountain.

He has never seen a woman dance. He has been in contact with and lived with Liao Changxin and the others since he was a child. The company of Qu Le still attracted my attention.

The movement technique displayed by the flying girl seems to be familiar, where has he seen it before?

The group of girls discussed enthusiastically. A girl in a yellow shirt saw a young man out of the corner of her eye. Seeing that he seemed to be looking at Lingling all the time, she pursed her lips and snickered, "Lingling, look, there's an idiot over there Looking at you stupidly! It seems that I was also stunned by your appearance and dancing posture.

The other women also looked over, covered their lips and sniggered, mocking Pei Wenzhao's stupidity in a low voice.

The girl named Lingling turned her head and saw a young man in navy blue cloth looking at her, smiling nonchalantly, adding a bit of beauty to her face like a jade lotus.

Seeing the bright spring-like smile of the green-shirted girl, Pei Wenzhao's heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his head embarrassingly.

Lingling saw the young man blushing and lowering his head shyly, she found it interesting, so she took a few more glances.He said to several companions around him: "It seems that he is not from our village."
As soon as the words fell, the other girls wanted to take a closer look.Suddenly, Pei Wenzhao's expression became frightened, and he suddenly raised his head, looking in the direction of the village.

He stood up slowly, with a solemn expression, frowning tightly, and his whole body began to tense.

Ling Ling and the other women watched the originally stupid man's expression suddenly become serious, and the aura around him completely changed, so they followed his gaze suspiciously.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman in a faint yellow dress ran towards the river, shouting while running, the distance was a little far away, and she couldn't hear what she was shouting clearly.

The girl in the yellow shirt looked at the woman running, frowned and said, "It's Aunt Mao, what's wrong with her? Why is she running so fast?" The other girls were also confused.

When she got close, everyone could hear her cry clearly, "Help~, help! It's terrible, help!"

The girls panicked for a moment, and other families by the river also put down their laundry baskets and gathered in the direction of Aunt Mao when they heard the shouts.

"What's going on? Why did Aunt Mao call for help?" Lingling frowned and asked her companions beside her.

"Help! There are bandits. The bandits came to the town to rob and kill people~!" Aunt Mao shouted as she ran.

As soon as the words fell, everyone's heart rose to their throats.

"What? Bandit? Robbery?"

"And killed someone?"
"Let's go, let's go back to the town and have a look." Lingling said to everyone with a pale face, anxious and frightened when she heard the news.

"Be careful!"

Pei Wenzhao, who had been watching intently, suddenly yelled, then jumped up, and also ran in the direction of Aunt Mao.

Everyone was startled by his yell, and they didn't understand what happened, when they suddenly saw six or seven people in black clothes and black cloth covering their faces from behind Aunt Mao.

While everyone was in awe, a man in black had chased after Aunt Mao, and with a "cha", a shining sword pierced through his chest.

With a sound of "Ah!", Aunt Mao seemed to be tapped to her acupuncture points, and she kept her running posture fixed on the spot.

With another "cha", the man in black drew out his sword, the blood was still dripping, and Aunt Mao fell forward silently.

The sound of "touch" woke up the stunned townspeople.


"Aunt Mao~!"

"Wow~! Killed people, who are they?"

The men in black ran towards them quickly, all of them were murderous. The townspeople panicked and wanted to escape, but there was nowhere to hide because there was a river behind them.They could only stay in place with trembling legs, and some townspeople quietly hid behind the group of girls.

Even though Pei Wenzhao had already moved like a rabbit and ran towards Aunt Mao, he was still a step too late, and could only watch helplessly as the aunt was stabbed to death with a sword.

Pei Wenzhao was furious, and immediately rushed to the group of men in black.

Seeing someone rushing forward without fear of death, the group of men in black couldn't wait for them. One of them lifted the long sword in his hand and slashed at Pei Wenzhao's neck.

Pei Wenzhao turned around to avoid the sword facing the door, and then ran to the side of the man in black, raised his hands to support the wrist of the opponent holding the sword, pushed and pulled, and there was a "click", the man in black The wrist bone was dislocated, and with a muffled grunt, the sharp sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of the victory, Pei Wenzhao pursued and wanted to hit the man in black on the back of the neck with the saber, but when he was about to hit him, his eyes blurred and the man in black disappeared.

 After growing up, the hero and heroine meet again, please collect

(End of this chapter)

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