Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 128: Convincing people with virtue

Pei Min half-turned to look at Gongsun Ling. Only then did everyone notice that there was another person behind Pei Min, and she was a woman.

Everyone stood up and looked at Gongsun Ling curiously.

"Who is this?" Guo Ziyi asked on behalf of everyone.

Pei Min: "Her name is Gongsun Ling. She is from Liyuan now. She is mine."

For a moment, he didn't know how to describe his relationship with Gongsun Ling.

Gongsun Ling finally stopped laughing and coughed lightly.

In fact, she didn't know how to describe it.

Immediately, a thoughtful person said loudly: "Oh~, it turns out to be my sister-in-law!"

The person next to him pushed him and said, "Can you call me sister-in-law? According to seniority, you should call me aunt."

"Yes, yes, she is the boss's sister-in-law, so she should be called aunt."

"Then, boss's boss, what should we call him?"

"Yeah, you can't always call me boss's boss, that's weird."

"How about calling me old man?"

"How can you be so old?"

"What's that called?"

"Or should I call you Taibo?"

A group of people began to discuss the names for Pei Min again. Each name was weirder than the last. Pei Min and Gongsun Ling both had three black lines on their heads.

"You should call me by my professional title - General Zhonglang." Pei Min couldn't bear it anymore.

"That's right, my name is Gongsun Ling, you can just call me that." Gongsun Ling couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't want to become an "aunt" at such a young age.

"No, it's against our rules."

A group of people still refused to let go.

Guo Ziyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She kicked a few people's butts and said in feigned anger: "Okay, you shameless people, stop yelling and screaming. We'll call you Lord Zhonglang and Lady Gongsun. As for me, You can do whatever you want, I'm used to not following the rules anyway, as long as Mr. Pei doesn't mind."

"I don't mind, I don't mind at all." Pei Min and Gongsun Ling were afraid that something would happen again, so they hurriedly shook their heads in agreement.

"Oh, okay."

"Oh, that's how we'll be called from now on. The boss will still be the boss."

Seeing that these people were finally willing to stop eating, Guo Ziyi hurriedly clapped her hands a few times, "Okay, okay, didn't you notice that Master Lang and Lady Gongsun have something to say? Let's go down."

"Yes, boss."

"Sir, we are going down, you can chat slowly."

Someone else started to smile playfully, "Hey, sir, it's a wonderful spring. You must talk slowly and we will never disturb you."

Guo Ziyi kicked him again, "He's gone."

"Hey Hey."

The group of people dispersed laughing and joking, completely forgetting that they had been beaten black and blue just yesterday. Hearing their ambiguous words, Pei Min could only cough a few times in embarrassment.

Gongsun Ling couldn't help but burst out laughing again, "Haha, what kind of treasures are these people? It's really hard for you."

Pei Min was afraid that she would be angry, "They were just joking, don't mind."

Gongsun Ling smiled and said: "What do I have to mind? I am worried about you, but seeing that you can subdue these high-minded Jin Wu guards, I feel relieved. After all, you have no foundation in the court and no strong background." Being a backer and becoming their boss as soon as you take office is very difficult to convince the public."

Pei Min: "It's not like I don't have a backer. Master's reputation in the court is extremely high, and he also holds great weight in the hearts of the saints. Come to think of it, they don't dare to really embarrass me."

Gongsun Ling looked at the Xuan Qing Sword in his hand and handed it to him with a smile, "If you hadn't defeated them, do you think you could really "conquer people with virtue"?

Pei Min took the sword back and said with a smile: "Anyway, we have passed safely now, you don't have to worry anymore. Let me tell you, how have you been in Liyuan these two days?"

When Gongsun Ling heard this, she was discouraged and her face and shoulders dropped.

"Forget it, everything is not going well. His Royal Highness Prince Yong has no time to sing with me. Aunt Ni An is unwilling to admit that she knows my mother, and the other dancers in the garden seem to dislike me. Oh my god. Unfortunately, I didn’t do anything."

Pei Min was puzzled, "They are ostracizing you because you are personally recommended by the saint?"

Gongsun Ling shook his head, "This pear garden was originally designed for saints. It is normal for saints to find people in person. They must be dancing alone to steal their limelight because I have just arrived, and I also want to dance in harmony with His Highness King Yong. That’s why I’m so unhappy. But His Highness King Yong has never been here, and I have no idea what to dance for.”

Pei Min smiled and comforted: "There is still time, you can think about it slowly."

He added, "Don't care what they think. Just be yourself. If you have any difficulties, come to me at any time. Although I don't know how to dance, I have just recruited about twenty younger brothers, so I can help you."

Gongsun Ling couldn't help laughing, "That's right. After being down the mountain for so long, I have become more humorous and not as stupid as before."

Pei Min's face fell, "I wasn't stupid before!"

Gongsun Ling teased: "You are not stupid, and no one in the world is stupid. Well, I will not delay your responsibilities. I plan to take a leave from the Song Jiao Imitation Department and go to Qianyi Pavilion to see Xiugu and Su Yu. Them. By the way, I went back to the house to see if Li Taibai had gone back. I haven't seen him in the past two days. I wonder where he was drunk and dreaming? "

Pei Min nodded, "Yeah, I haven't seen him for two days, and I can't meet him in the palace, so you go to the house and try your luck."

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Pei Min was a little reluctant to leave, "Then you should be more careful, I'm afraid those men in black won't give up."

Gongsun Ling tilted his head and thought for a while, "If it was the men in black who were chasing us a few days ago, they should have come for the Cang Min Sword. Now that the Divine Sword has been sealed in the palace, there is no point in looking for us. And if it is the men in black Clothed Ninja.”

Gongsun Ling narrowed her eyes and said, "That's just right. I must seek revenge from Taro Yamamoto, the turtle grandson of me, for this deep hatred."

Pei Min patted her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you find him."

Gongsun Ling nodded, "I know. Okay, I really have to leave. I can't disturb you any longer." In fact, she saw a group of people at the back poking their heads.

After Gongsun Ling left, he heard a group of people coming out from behind again, teasing Pei Min.

She couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile. No need to think, his ears must be red again.

After walking out of the palace, Gongsun Ling rode to Pingkangfang.

It was approaching noon and there was no one on the street, but she still dismounted her horse and walked slowly. Seeing that the sun was very bright, she figured out the direction to Qianyi Pavilion, so she got into an alley to hide from the sun and take a shortcut.

The alley was very quiet. Gongsun Ling led the horse and walked slowly. After turning a corner, he saw a man dressed in black from a distance. Behind him was an entourage, also dressed in black. Both of them even wore hats on their heads. Wearing a black curtain hat, he was about to enter the back door of a singing and dancing studio.

Because there were too many shadows on the man in black, Gongsun Ling couldn't help but retreat to the corner and take a few more veiled glances.

The more he looked, the more he felt that the figure in front of him looked familiar, but he was not sure who it was.

While he was thinking hard, he saw Fengxiang, the proprietress of Wansheng Building, coming out to greet him in person.

I want to bluff people with virtue and ask for collection

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