Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 131 Gao Yongtisi

Chapter 131 Gao Yongtisi
After the three of them quarreled for a while, they brought Gongsun Ling in, respectfully invited her to take a seat, and asked Li Ying to serve tea and officially become his disciple.

Li Ying respectfully held the teacup high, knelt down and kowtowed. Gongsun Ling accepted a disciple for the first time in his life, and he was happy inside. He took the teacup with a smile and drank it.

After paying homage to her master, Xiugu was in a good mood and very generous these past few days. She opened four large tables, invited all the dancers from Qianyi Pavilion to have a drink, and even intentionally or unintentionally asked them to toast Gongsun Ling. Her selfish motives were clear at a glance.

Gongsun Ling was in a happy mood after accepting his disciples, and drank all of them without rejecting them.

It's getting dark, everyone has almost eaten, and Qianyi Pavilion is about to open for business. Gongsun Ling had eaten and drank enough, and was already a little tipsy. She also stood up to say goodbye and go to Li Taibai's residence.

She was already a little drunk, so she led the horse and walked towards the house in a vain manner. When the housekeeper opened the door, he saw that it was her and happily invited her in.

"Mrs. Gongsun, it's so great that you are here. My master is drinking alone in the courtyard, facing the moon. He is saying sadly that everyone has gone to the palace and there is no one to accompany him to get drunk." The housekeeper sighed as he walked.

Gongsun Ling couldn't laugh or cry, this Li Taibai was always drunk or on the way to get drunk.

When the housekeeper took him to the yard, he saw Li Bai drinking from a bottle of wine and reciting poems while drinking.

"It's like living in a big dream, why do you have to work hard for a living?

So I was drunk all day long, lying slumped in front of the couplet.


The next words were slurred, and it seemed that he was already eighty-nine drunk.

Gongsun Ling walked over and said, "Hey, Li Taibai, weren't you very happy to be admitted to the Hanlin Academy two days ago? Why are you feeling sad about spring and autumn again now?"
When Li Bai heard the familiar voice, he looked over with drunken eyes and recognized Gongsun Ling.

But the housekeeper had already resigned with great understanding.

"Ah, it's Mrs. Gongsun, you're back." Li Bai jumped up excitedly, his steps still a little staggering, he pulled Gongsun Ling over and sat down on the grass together.

"Come, come, drink wine with Taibai and admire the moon." He picked up a wine pot and handed it to Gongsun Ling.

Gongsun Ling took it without objection, and touched the pot with him boldly before drinking.

Gongsun Ling was also a little drunk. After a few mouthfuls, Gongsun Ling couldn't help but ask, "Brother Taibai, Wen Zhao said that you were ordered to enter the Hanlin Academy to worship, and you got what you wanted. You also made a drinking friend, Mr. He Zhizhang, the Minister of Rites, but... Why don't you look unhappy today?"

Li Bai drank even more after hearing this. He smiled, but his laughter seemed to be full of sadness, "How could I be unhappy? It has been my dream for many years to be an official in the imperial court. Now I have entered the Hanlin Academy." , it’s not too late for me to be happy!”

After hearing this, Gongsun Ling wanted to ask again, but Li Bai had already taken care of himself and continued: "I have been copying excerpts of articles in the Hanlin Academy for the past two days, listening to the high-minded talks of fellow fellows, and finally went to have a drink with each other. It was relaxing and comfortable. I don’t know how happy it is.” After saying that, he sighed heavily.

Gongsun Ling couldn't help but be confused when she saw that his tone of voice and attitude were completely opposite to what he said. But looking at his drunken eyes, he didn't know whether he was telling the truth or talking in his sleep.

Li Bai drank the wine in one gulp and threw the jug away. Several jugs clanked together. He staggered up again and stumbled to the side.

Gongsun Ling was startled, "Brother Taibai, where are you going?"

Li Bai came to a table, drew out his sword, and began to dance against the moon.

Gongsun Ling: "." This guy really doesn't play by the rules.

"The martyrs hit the jade pot and cherished their old age."

Three cups, swords and dancing in the autumn moon, suddenly burst into tears and ripples.

At the beginning of the phoenix's reign, he issued a purple mud edict to pay homage to the emperor and attend the imperial banquet.

He praises the master of the Nine Levels and Tens of Thousands of Vehicles, and ridicules the virtuous people in the red and green waves.

Seeing that his Shi Yin had another attack and was too drunk to listen to advice, Gongsun Ling allowed him to go crazy with alcohol.

Gongsun Ling took a pot of wine and watched him dancing with his sword under the moon while drinking. Thinking that he still had a big problem to solve, he couldn't help sighing while drinking.

The quarrel lasted until midnight, and Gongsun Ling couldn't hold it anymore, so she called the housekeeper and asked someone to take Li Bai back to her room. She also staggered back to the wing where she originally lived, and fell asleep.

The next morning, it was already broad daylight. Gongsun Ling was so frightened that she jumped up, but was immediately overcome by the dizziness and pain of dizziness.

"Oh." She stroked her forehead, trying to wake herself up.

"You really shouldn't drink too much, damn Li Bai," Gongsun Ling muttered while getting up to tidy up.

The maid waiting outside the door was considerate and quickly brought her water to wash her face, and also prepared the morning meal.

Gongsun Ling was very grateful, thinking that it was too late anyway, so he sat down to eat slowly and asked the maid: "Brother Taibai is awake? Have you returned to the Hanlin Academy?"
The maid replied: "The master hasn't gotten up yet, but the housekeeper told him not to disturb him."
Gongsun Ling almost choked to death. She was already very unprofessional, but she didn't expect that Li Taibai was even more stupid than her. "
He said helplessly: "Then let him sleep. Finally, let the housekeeper send someone to the Hanlin Academy to ask for leave, saying that he has caught a cold and is ill."
After the maid agreed, she went to find the housekeeper. After Gongsun Ling finished eating, she also said goodbye and returned to the palace.

On the way back to the palace on horseback, he unexpectedly met Pei Min.

"Hey, why are you here?" Gongsun Ling saw him walking on the street with a group of people, and suddenly thought about it. "On inspection?"

Pei Min was very happy to meet her and nodded: "Well, although the birthday of Saint Qianqiu is still two months away, the Ministry of Rites has ordered that the order of the neighborhoods in Gyeonggi should be strengthened so as to receive visiting envoys from various countries."
When Gongsun Ling heard that the saint Qianqiu was born, he felt dizzy and his face fell down again.

Behind Pei Min were Guo Ziyi and others. When they saw Gongsun Ling, they couldn't help shouting, "Sister-in-law, we meet again."
Being called that on the street made Gongsun Ling blush.

Guo Ziyi smiled and kicked those people, "Don't scream, it's Mrs. Gongsun."
A few people laughed and joked with Pei Min a few more words.

Gongsun Ling saw that those people were not afraid of Pei Min at all and spoke casually. He understood that Pei Min had an easy-going personality and high martial arts skills. It seemed that he had completely conquered these people, so he felt relieved and said goodbye to Pei Min: "Then I'm leaving. , you have to rush back to the palace, so you can continue your work."
Pei Min nodded: "Well, be careful on the road."
Gongsun Ling and others also said hello and farewell, and those people joked: "Master Zhonglang, you should also send this lady back to the palace!"
Gongsun Ling blushed, quickly turned the horse's head and galloped towards the palace.

Returning to the Liyuan, I bumped into Ni An and Ni Zhangwu.

Gongsun Ling was extremely embarrassed, so she had to bow politely first, "Aunt Ni."
Ni An looked at her expressionlessly and said coldly: "Although you are not a female official and do not need to be on duty, you still have the emperor's life and you have an important mission for Qianqiu's birthday. You took leave and left the palace yesterday, and you are so late today. Show up, do you still have a sense of responsibility?"
Gongsun Ling didn't dare to refute a word, so she could only lower her head and admit her mistake, "Gongsun Ling knows that I was wrong, please punish me."
Ni An: "I'm not qualified to punish you."
Someone from a distance came to rescue her. It turned out to be Song Zhimin, the emissary.

Song Zhimin was a little impatient, "Aunt Ni needs to calm down first, and just received bad news. His Royal Highness Yong Wang fell off his horse while playing polo yesterday and injured his hand."
Ni An had no reaction, but Gongsun Ling was shocked: "What?"

The house is leaking and it rains all night long. Please collect it.

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