Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 38 The Past Is Over

Chapter 38 The Past Is Over

"What I'm looking for is just to hide in the mountains and rivers with a bosom friend. Occasionally, he will play the qin and I will dance the sword. Occasionally, the two of us will play the qin and zither in harmony, drinking and talking happily, that's all."
Ye Pianzhou's eyes were sad: "But you always want me to fight for the position of number one in the martial arts world and the leader of the martial arts world."

Ying Wuyou said angrily: "We martial arts practitioners naturally want to strive for the best martial arts in the world, otherwise what's the use of practicing martial arts?"

Ye Pianzhou sighed lightly, speechless.

"You are a coward, this is not the reason for you to betray us." Ying Wuyou said, and moved the sword in his hand forward another inch.

Ye Pianzhou looked at Ying Wuyou, his eyes became firm, and his inner force reached his arms, and he said to her: "Yes, no matter what the reason, I, Ye Ji, will always be sorry for you. Today, I will give you an explanation."
As he spoke, he raised his right hand and left arm holding the sword at the same time.

Chu Yun, who was not far away, felt that something was wrong with him, and said inwardly that he was not good.

"Pitch the boat! Don't~"

Chu Yun quickly stepped forward to stop it, but Ye Pianzhou moved quickly, and in an instant, he swung his sword and chopped it down.


Many people on the scene screamed, and saw a bloody arm fall to the ground.

Both Pei Min and Gongsun Ling were shocked, and hurried over, "Master Ye~!"

"Ah! Husband!" Ying Wuyou flew towards Ye Pianzhou.

Ye Pianzhou's face was pale and bloodless, half kneeling on the ground, with his right hand supporting the ground with his sword.

"Pianzhou, why are you bothering?" Chu Yan frowned, and quickly pointed to several acupoints of Ye Pianzhou to stop the bleeding.

Gongsun Ling took the silk from the dance clothes to bandage him, and Pei Min stroked Ye Pianzhou with his palm, and slowly injected his true energy.

Ye Pianzhou slowed down, looked up at Ying Wuyou, her eyes were wide open, her expression was blank, as if she didn't understand what happened.

"Worriless, worry-free, everything is my fault, Ye Ji, let them go!"

"Woo~, my husband, why are you doing this?" Ying Wuyou broke down in tears, clutching the corner of Ye Pianzhou's clothes, tears pouring down like rain.

Ying Wuyou seemed to have come to his senses, the sword in his hand fell to the ground, and he put his hands on his head, "Ah~" let out a long cry, his expression seemed to be crazy.


The four of them rode back to the Wuming Villa, Ying Wuming at the gate of the villa kept looking at the way they came, and saw dust flying in the distance, thinking they had come back, a hanging heart finally let go, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

But when the two horses approached, Ying Wuming saw that Pei Min and Gongsun Ling were riding together, Chu Yun and Ye Pianzhou were riding together, and there was another horse running back empty, just as they were wondering, they had already arrived at the gate of the village.

After seeing Ye Pianzhou who was covered in blood, Ying Wuming shouted in shock: "Second brother!"

The two stopped the horse, Pei Min helped Gongsun Ling to get off, Chu Yun carefully supported Ye Pianzhou, Ye Pianzhou's face was pale, trembling and he got off the horse slowly.

Ying Wuming saw the emptiness under Ye Pianzhou's left arm, as if struck by lightning, he excitedly stood up on the wheelchair, "Second brother!, Jianhe, what's going on?"
Chu Yan didn't know how to speak, so he could only sigh softly.

Ying Wuming's eyes were like black mist, and he couldn't stand steadily. The housekeeper Ye Quan beside him hurriedly supported him.

Pei Min came over to help Ye Pianzhou, "Let's talk about it later, let Master Ye go in to heal his injuries first."
The housekeeper Ye Quan hurriedly called for help, took Ye Pianzhou into the wing room, and went to the town to ask for a doctor.

In a hurry, Ye Pianzhou's wound stopped bleeding, and Pei Min also opened Gongsun Ling's blood.

It was dark, and Ying Wuming, who had been standing by, looked at Ye Pianzhou with a pale face. After seeing Ye Pianzhou stabilized, Pei Min, Gongsun Ling, and Chu Yun all persuaded Ying Wuming to go back to his room to rest, but Ying Wuming never said a word .

Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, Chu Yan sighed lightly and told Pei Min and Gongsun Ling to go back to the courtyard first.He stayed in the next wing.

After a few days of intensive care, Ye Pianzhou improved slightly, but lost too much blood, and his face was still pale. Ying Wuming continued to take care of him without clothes or broadband.But Gongsun Ling was already well, breaking willow branches and dancing lightly in the guest courtyard.

The green shirt fluttered gently, and Gongsun Ling changed back into women's clothes. When the last one fell to the ground, there was a cheer from the gate of the courtyard.

Gongsun Ling and Pei Min turned their heads and saw that it was Chu Yun, followed by a young servant, who greeted with a smile: "Mr. Chu."
Chu Yan walked forward, seeing that Gongsun Ling looked good, so he nodded: "It seems that Mrs. Gongsun is all right now.

"Well, thanks to Senior Brother Pei's careful care."
"Senior Brother? So, Madam Gongsun, you are also a disciple of the Taihe Sword Sect?" Chu Yun looked at Pei Min suspiciously: "Pei Shaoxia, does your sect also accept female disciples?"

"Uh, no, it's a long story."
"Ye Zhenren met me by chance and taught me some sword skills, so we are called brothers and sisters." Gongsun Ling explained simply.

Chu Yun nodded, and motioned to the young man behind him, and the young man hurriedly held the sword in his hand to Pei Min.

Pei Min glanced at the long sword in the black scabbard, not knowing what it meant, "This is it?

"Draw out your sword and have a look."
Although the scabbard was unfamiliar, Pei Min was familiar with the hilt, so he took the sword and pulled it out, and it turned out to be his Xuanqing sword.

"This is what Mr. Chu has done in the past few days?" Pei Min was very surprised. In just a few days, he forged the scabbard, and it was so suitable, the skill was really superb.

Chu Yun nodded: "After all, the Xuanqing Sword was made by the ancestors of my Chu family, and no one else in the world is qualified to match it with a scabbard except the Chu family."
Although his tone was a little arrogant, it was true.

Pei Min greeted him with a smile: "As expected of the world's number one swordsmith family, thank you Chu Langjun."
Pei Min had already returned the Polong Sword that day, so Chu Yun also returned the Xuan Qing Sword as agreed.It's just that he didn't expect that he also cast a scabbard for Xuan Qingjian.

"We can be regarded as comrades-in-arms who join hands to defend against the enemy, and we should be of the same age. Just call me Jianhe, and I don't need to be so born." Chu Yun said lightly, but the servant behind him trembled slightly, but very Quickly regain composure.

Master, when did you become so approachable?

"Okay, Jianhe, you can call me Wen Zhao."
"Then call me Ling'er." It can be regarded as saving his life, Gongsun Ling is very easy-going.

"Okay, Ling'er, I don't think you have a good weapon on your body." Chu Yun took another thing from the servant's hand and shook it lightly. The thing as soft as catkins was instantly hard as iron. A soft sword.

He handed the soft sword to Gongsun Ling, "This is a soft sword, usually tied around your waist, it's for your self-defense."
He spoke very easily and plainly, but the servant behind him trembled heavily again.

When did you become so generous, master?
Gongsun Ling was also very surprised. Unexpectedly, when they met for the first time, Chu Yun gave him a great gift, and naturally dared not accept it, "It's worthless."

Chu Yun thought for a while, then handed over the sword again, "Chu Yun wants to watch Ling'er's dance again, this soft sword should be regarded as a thank you gift!"
Having said that, Gongsun Ling couldn't refuse anymore, "Then, thank you very much."
After receiving the soft sword, seeing that the blade was extremely narrow and covered by a layer of leather, Gongsun Ling took out the soft sword, saw that the sword was extremely thin, and shone with a blue cold light, and lightly stroked the catkins in her hand on the sword , the catkins broke instantly, it seems that it is really a rare treasure.

 Begin to have a rival in love, please collect
(End of this chapter)

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