Chapter 41
Both hands of the man in black were immobilized, unable to resist, he could only look at Gongsun Ling with hatred.

Gongsun Ling resolutely drew out the sword again, and cut the throat of the man in black with one sword. The man in black groaned twice and fell into a pool of blood.

Pei Min knew that he couldn't understand the language, so he couldn't ask anything, so he didn't stop him.

Gongsun Ling put away the sword and said anxiously: "I don't know what these Japanese people are doing in Qianjin Valley, my sister may be in danger, let's go up quickly."
The two nodded, followed Gongsun Ling to mount quickly, and galloped along the footprints of the two horses on the winding mountain road.

After traveling for about a cup of tea, the three of them saw the main building complex.

Huge brackets support the eaves, black glazed tiles spread their wings to the sides, and white brick walls are neat and lonely, standing quietly between the sky and the earth.

Gongsun Ling had no time to look at their magnificence, and as soon as she reached the door, she got off her horse and rushed in. Pei Min and Chu Yun had no time to stop them, so they hurriedly followed.

Enter the main entrance, walk through the front yard, and go straight to the main hall, and there is no one on the way.Pei Min and Chu Yan told Gongsun Ling that this place was abnormal, but Gongsun Ling was worried about her sister's safety, so she went forward desperately.

When approaching the main hall, I finally heard some voices coming out.

Gongsun Ling ran in quickly, then froze.Pei Min and Chu Yan followed in, and found that the hall was full of people. According to visual estimation, there were nearly a hundred people, but they were obviously divided into two sides, and the atmosphere between them was a bit tense.

The movement of the three of Gongsun Ling coming in was too loud, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked towards the entrance of the hall.

Gongsun Ling was a little uncomfortable being stared at by them, but she still carefully scanned the faces of everyone in the hall, but did not find Gongsun Wan.

One of the impetuous youths frowned at them, and asked arrogantly: "Who are you, why did you break into my Qianjin Valley?"
Dozens of people stood behind the young man, obviously the leader of one side.

Gongsun Ling cupped her hands and said to him: "I came to look for Gongsun Wan, but there was no one on the way down the mountain, so I entered the door by myself and disturbed everyone. It was really a mistake. Please also tell me where Xiao Wan is. We Leave immediately."
Seeing that there were only three of them, the young man looked contemptuously, "Who is Gongsun Wan? And who are you?"

A young guy next to him was dressed similarly to him, and said to him: "Brother, Gongsun Wan is the disciple of Valley Master Lu Jing."
After hearing this, the senior brother glared at him angrily, and while beating the young man vigorously, he cursed: "Who is the owner of the valley? Who is the owner of the valley?"
The boy was beaten until he hugged his head and begged for mercy: "Ah, please forgive me, please forgive me, you are the owner of the valley, you are the owner of the valley!"
The elder brother stopped with satisfaction, and looked at a young man opposite him with his nostrils upturned.

The young man was in his twenties, with delicate features and delicate features. The pure white clothes on his body were a little different from the others, but he was clean and elegant, with a calm demeanor and the air of being in charge.It's just that the expression on his face is more indifferent.

He ignored the elder brother and looked at Gongsun Ling: "You are Wan'er's sister, right?"
Gongsun Ling recognized him at this time: "So it's Wan'er's master. I'm Gongsun Ling. I'm here this time. It's really urgent. I didn't expect to disturb Guigu. I'm really sorry."
The young man is the former Guzhu's disciple, his name is Lu Jing, his name is Ziteng, he shook his head indifferently, "It's okay, it's just that Wan'er often hides and refines medicine by herself, and it takes several days to practice, and I don't know where she is right now." .”
When Gongsun Ling heard this, she became anxious again: "Then are there any brothers and sisters in Gu Zhong who have a good relationship with Xiao Wan and know where she makes medicine?"

Before Lu Ziteng could answer, the senior brother became impatient, "Hey, you guys are going to finish, where is that Wan's is none of our business!"

He glared at Lu Ziteng angrily: "My surname is Lu, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. I will give you one last chance to resign from the position of Valley Master and hand over the "Thousand Gold Prescriptions". And let you, the orphan you picked up, continue to stay in my Qianjin Valley."
"Who do you think is the picked up orphan? Ziteng is a direct disciple of our former Valley Master, and he is also the adopted son of the former Valley Master."
There are also many people behind Lu Ziteng who support him, but they are obviously weaker.

"Hey, so what about the adopted son, he is not someone's bastard, he was thrown into our valley, and the master kindly picked him up and raised him, but he is a white-eyed wolf who wants to steal the position of the valley owner."
"Who do you call a wild species?"

"I don't know my father, I don't know my mother, what is it if it's not a wild species?" The supporters behind Shi Wei fired fiercely.

"You are impolite, Ziteng's position as the Valley Master was dictated by his master, and he handed over the "Thousand Gold Prescriptions" to him. Is this still false?"

"Personally? Who saw it? Who knows if he stole it while the master was dead. Who else heard it? When did the master say it?"

"Don't be bloody, Ziteng won't do such a thing."
"Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, who can guess what this little bastard will do?"
The supporters of Lu Ziteng's faction turned pale with anger when they heard their harsh words.But I don't know how to clarify, not to mention that Shi Wei's side has more people, maybe they really can't compete.

"You guys are outrageous. It's only been two days since Master died, and the coffin is still in the mourning hall. He's about to grab the seat of the valley owner. Do you still have Master in your heart?" The Lord carried it out to town the place.

After hearing this, Shi Wei nodded his head in agreement, "That's right, Master's body is still alive, and everyone is arguing over who should be the owner of the valley. It's outrageous."
The people on Lu Ziteng's side were still wondering why he suddenly changed his position, but they heard him say again: "Who did the master pass on the position of the valley master? Now there is only one person who can believe what he said."
"Brother, who is it?" Someone immediately sang with him.

"Of course it's our little junior sister, Master's biological daughter." After he finished speaking, he looked back to a place, and everyone also consciously moved out of the way.

I saw a young girl in white clothes slowly walking out from the crowd. Her face was beautiful, but she was pale and haggard, and there were faint tears in the corners of her eyes.The lips are tightly closed and do not speak.

Lu Ziteng, who had always been indifferent, finally changed his expression when he saw the girl.

The three of Gongsun Ling who had been left alone did not know whether to stay or withdraw.Pei Min said to Gongsun Ling: "It seems that something important happened in their valley. The owner of the valley just died. It is inconvenient for us to stay here. Let's find your sister first."
Gongsun Ling shook her head: "Qianjin Valley is very big, I've only been here once, I'm not familiar with it, so I don't know where to find her."
Pei Min: "Should I tell them about the man in black first, and ask them to help find him first?"

Chu Yun: "They are now fighting for the position of the Valley Master, and they will ignore us in the first place, and we have to rely on ourselves to find someone."
At this moment, Shi Wei asked something for some reason, and the girl finally spoke.

 Qianjin Valley and Xingu master seeking collection
(End of this chapter)

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