Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 51 sisters love

Chapter 51 sisters love
"Master is still in the mourning period, and we can only get married when the filial piety period expires." Lu Ziteng was not afraid, and still answered solemnly.

Gongsun Wan was speechless.

"It's you, don't cause trouble outside, and don't say that you are a disciple of Qianjin Valley." Lu Ziteng continued to preach.

Gongsun Wan covered her ears and hid behind Gongsun Ling. "Master, be careful that Sister Xueye doesn't want you when you nagging like this."
Gongsun Ling touched Gongsun Wan's forehead with a smile, and clasped her fists at Lu Ziteng: "Please rest assured, Master Lu, I will take good care of Xiao Wan."
Lu Xueye stopped Lu Ziteng from continuing to preach, and gave Gongsun Wan a set of clothes: "Wan'er, I made you a new dress, which should have been given to you long ago, but so many things suddenly happened in the valley."
"Wow, thank you sister Xueye, you are the best for me." Gongsun Wan took it happily.

"Senior Sister Wan, I'm also giving you my newly refined pills!" The little disciple named A Zhu was unwilling to let others go, and rushed to ask for credit.

"Yes, ours is also given to you." A few other young disciples spoke out one after another.

Gongsun Wan shuddered one by one, "The Po Dan Pill you made can only cure minor wind-cold and minor trauma, and it's not very useful at all, so I'm ashamed to ask for credit."
A few young disciples covered their heads in grievance, "Then you still snatch it away."
Gongsun Wan beat each one more vigorously: "Senior sister, I am doing it for your own good, and let you work hard to refine better medicine."
Lu Ziteng couldn't look down, Gongsun Ling and Lu Xueye stopped Gongsun Wan with a smile, Pei Min and Chu Yun watched in amazement.

After a fight, the four of them bid farewell and left the valley.Several young disciples finally escaped from Gongsun Wan's clutches.

The clouds are white and green, the reeds are rippling, four people and four horses are growing on the road to Hangzhou.

After crossing the West River, I returned to Wangqiao Town again, and saw the devastated Gongsun Medical Center.

Gongsun Wan looked at her yard with complicated emotions. The hospital that was bustling at that time was now deserted, like a haunted house.

It's only been a few months, how could it be so?

Gongsun Wan was a little unsteady.

Chu Yan who was beside him gave her a timely help.

He looked at the distraught Gongsun Wan, who was very different from the previous few days, and couldn't help feeling sorry for him. He never thought that the two sisters' families would encounter such a catastrophe.

Several people put down their clothes, tied up their horses, and Gongsun Ling went out to prepare the sacrifices, and then took Gongsun Wan to the tomb.

Originally, Gongsun Wan was unwilling to accept the bad news brought by her sister. She thought it was just a nightmare, because she hadn't seen her parents for a while, and she missed her parents. After all, she was only fifteen, six year old girl
But it wasn't until she saw the tombstones of her parents that Gongsun Wan really believed that they both died and fell into the dust.And she and her sister have since become orphans.

There are ten other tombs, all of which are senior brothers and old servants who have been with her for many years, and now there are only lonely tombs left.

"Father! Auntie! Brother." Gongsun Wan cried and knelt down in front of the tombstone, heartbroken and unable to restrain her grief.

"Xiao Wan", Gongsun Ling also shed tears, comforting her.

"Why? Sister, why? They have been keeping their own place in the medical clinic, doing things to help the world and save people, why did they end up like this?" Gongsun Wan couldn't accept it, their family was just ordinary people in the south of the Yangtze River, and they couldn't figure out why it was so cruel things will fall on their own heads.

Gongsun Ling couldn't answer, and she wasn't sure if she was the culprit.

Gongsun Wan cried loudly in her sister's arms.Pei Min and Chu Yun waited quietly by the side.

After a while, after Gongsun Wan vented, she wiped away her tears, straightened her waist, and swore in front of her parents' grave: "Father, Aunt, don't worry, my sister and I will find out the truth, avenge you, and comfort you in Jiuquan." under."
She was originally a person with a bold personality. This time her family was in trouble, she was heartbroken, but she would not just fall down.

Gongsun Ling was very pleased to see her younger sister, and secretly made the same oath in her heart.

The Gongsun sisters bowed and kowtowed, and sprinkled and swept the sacrificial wine.

After the sacrifice and sweeping, the four of them returned to the Gongsun Medical Hall.Pei Min and Chu Yun went out to buy food.Gongsun Ling took Gongsun Wan to the room and told her life experience.

"Huh?" Just as Gongsun Wan came out of the trauma, she fell into another big secret.

Gongsun Ling pulled out the jade shell from the lapel, and said, "Aniang said, this is left to me by my biological father."
Gongsun Ling looked at Gongsun Wan, who was still in a daze, and sighed, "Xiao Wan, I'm not my father's biological daughter, will you still recognize me as your sister?"

Gongsun Wan woke up with a start, and hugged Gongsun Ling: "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about, even if we pick it up, we will always be sisters."
Tears welled up in the corners of Gongsun Ling's eyes, she looked at Gongsun Wan, and said bluntly, "What if those Japanese people came here for this piece of jade?"

Gongsun Wan was shocked again, but said firmly: "Even so, it's the fault of these Japanese people and the person behind the scenes. Sister, don't take the responsibility on yourself."
"Wan'er."Gongsun Ling looked at Gongsun Wan gratefully, unexpectedly her younger sister would resolve the guilt she had felt for so many days.

Gongsun Wan touched the jade cup worn by Gongsun Ling since she was a child, and asked in confusion: "What the hell is this? It looks like an ordinary jade cup, at most inlaid with gold, and it's not priceless. How could anyone go to such lengths to get it?" ?”

"I heard Ye Zhenren said before that this jade scorpion is related to a divine sword. Many people want to get the divine sword. Perhaps this time even the court was alarmed."
"The imperial court? Sister, how do you know?"
Gongsun Ling: "Ye Zhenren is the national teacher of the imperial court. This time he sent his disciples down the mountain to find me for this jade. This matter must have something to do with the imperial court."
Gongsun Wan nodded and said, "This analysis makes sense. What are you going to do, sister?"

Gongsun Ling said: "I want to search for the divine sword with Senior Brother Pei, and maybe I can find clues to my biological father during the process. After that, I can only take one step at a time."
Gongsun Wan: "Then I will go with you."
Gongsun Ling was about to shake his head and refuse, when Pei Min's voice came from outside: "Dinner is ready."
"Let's have dinner first." He took Gongsun Wan to the dining room and sat down.

Looking at the dining room where there were more than ten people and it was usually lively, Gongsun Wan's heart began to turn acid again.In the past, she always disliked the bad food cooked by A Niang, but now, she can't eat it even if she wants to.

Looking at Gongsun Wan who fell silent, Pei Min and Gongsun Ling comforted softly, Chu Yun ate in silence, and seemed to have something on his mind.

Gongsun Wan smiled slightly, "I'm fine, sister, Brother Pei, where are you going next?"

Gongsun Ling changed the topic and said, "Xiao Wan, my sister would like to ask you to go to a place first to treat a person's injury."
"But I want to go with you." Gongsun Wan intuitively felt that her sister wanted to leave her behind and take risks by herself.

Gongsun Ling was thinking about how to persuade his younger sister, but another voice sounded.

"I'll take her to treat Wuming."
 I'm really envious of having good sisters, please collect them
(End of this chapter)

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