Chapter 62
"Wow, it's so beautiful!" The people on the sidelines couldn't help but express their sincere admiration.

Li Tingmu was also dumbfounded, when had she ever seen such a dazzling swordsmanship.

But he was only surprised for a while, Li Tingmu gritted his teeth, raised the machete again, and struck at Gongsun Ling.

Gongsun Ling moved around, dodged lightly, and did not forget to swing the follow-up sword in a dancing posture.

Li Tingmu didn't give up, he kept slashing at Gongsunling with the machete, the sound of "Dangdang" kept coming, and more and more people came to watch.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo." Li Tingmu swung the knife breathlessly. After swinging for a long time, he didn't hit once, and he was even more angry.

Gongsun Ling is not very proficient in Cixu stance, but in front of Li Tingmu, who has no martial arts skills at all, it is like a slap in the face.

Gongsun Ling led Li Tingmu around in a circle, with his hands in a non-stop position, surrounded by the firelight, the two figures were beautiful and moving.Between red and white interlaced, thousands of turns and turns are like white clouds in the evening.

The other dancing Khitan people automatically stopped, leaving the venue for the two beauties to compete. They all knew that this princess was not to be outdone.

Li Tingmu held his breath, and vowed to get back on the spot today, so he swung the scimitar in his hand even more violently.

Gongsun Ling wanted to play tricks on her a few more times to frustrate her, but he caught sight of Pei Min out of the corner of his eye, changed his mind a few times, smiled slightly, and slowed down his pace.

It happened that Li Tingmu's scimitar struck again, and Gongsun Ling raised his sword to block it. With a loud "dang", Gongsun Ling's sword fell to the ground, and she also sat back and fell on the grass.

"Oh, it hurts~!"

Seeing Gongsunling drop the sword and fall, Pei Min wanted to rush over to help her, but seeing Gongsunling shaking his head slightly at him, he had no choice but to stop.

Seeing that he had finally knocked his opponent to the ground, Li Tingmu froze on the spot for a while, looking at the scimitar in his hand, and then at Gongsun Ling who was still sitting on the ground whimpering, feeling a little dazed.

Gongsun Ling flattered Li Tingmu, "His Royal Highness is really good at dancing, and the "scimitar dance" is even more superb, Gongsun Ling is willing to bow down." "
Li Tingmu came back to his senses, and coughed uncomfortably, "Well, it's good that you know that, in fact, you have worked very hard, what about your "Sword Dance" is also very good, and it will be even better if you work a little harder. "
"Yes, Gongsun Ling remembered it." Gongsun Ling pretended to be humble and listened with her head bowed.

"Good!" Li Yuyu and Li Tuyu cheered loudly, "The two beauties really danced the most beautiful night in my Khitan, haha."
Li Yuyu was even happier, and made a gesture of pious worship, saying: "I think even the shaman will be happy to see the beautiful scenery tonight, and there will be rewards and rewards."
"Father, what is the award? I also want to..." Li Tangu, who had just been helped by his attendants, asked with his tongue out and his eyes dazed.

"Anything is fine. As for you, go to sleep in your felt tent." Li Yuyu looked at Li Tangu with disgust.

"Hahaha, Brother Wang, you can't just spoil Ting Mu." Li Tuyu patted Li Tangu's shoulder.

It didn't matter to Li Tangu, anyway, he was already drunk and fell asleep on the shoulder of his attendant.

The people around laughed heartily and surrounded Li Tingmu to compliment him.

Li Tingmu was so flattered by the praise, he clinged to his father Li Yuyu and acted like a baby, "Father, is it really okay to reward anything? You have to keep your word."
"Of course, anything is fine." Li Yuyu patted her cheek affectionately.

Li Tingmu was very happy, and shyly whispered a few words on Li Yuyu's cheek.

Gongsun Ling felt a little dizzy, the milk wine had a strong stamina, just now she danced a few more times, the smell of the wine rose, her cheeks were a little flushed, and everything she saw began to circle around.

Seeing that Gongsun Ling was still sitting on the ground, Pei Min quickly walked over while everyone's attention was on Princess Khitan. Seeing that her cheeks were flushed, she seemed a little drunk, and quickly reached out her hand to Gongsun Ling.

Gongsun Ling took his hand, stood up lightly, and patted the dust off her body.Pei Min didn't let go, but asked softly, "Are you all right? Did you get hurt from the fall?"
Gongsun Ling shook her head, and whispered in Pei Min's ear, "It's nothing, you must have seen it, I pretended to fall."
Pei Min nodded: "Are you helping me? Thank you." He stretched out his other hand to smooth the loose strands of hair on Gongsun Ling's cheek.

"Are you drunk?"
His movements were so natural that Gongsun Ling didn't dodge, and let him do it for himself.

"A little bit, this wine has really strong stamina." After a long time, Gongsun Ling felt a little embarrassed, so he went to pick up the Sui Xingjian that fell on the ground, and let go of the hand that Pei Min had been holding.

Putting the soft sword back into the belt, Gongsun Ling let out a breath and scattered the wine. "I hope this Khitan princess is happy and in a good mood, we can get the artifact smoothly and return to Datang as soon as possible."
Li Tingmu leaned against his father Li Yuyu, but his eyes were on Pei Min and Gongsun Ling.

The two are like a pair of green people made in heaven, looking so harmonious and sweet.

Li Tingmu narrowed his eyes slightly, dismissing these thoughts in his mind.


Back in the felt tent, Gongsun Ling fell asleep on the bed and had a good night's sleep.

When I got up in the morning, a maid brought the food to the court.

They were all foods that the Khitan people often ate, such as cheese and mutton. Gongsun Ling was really not used to eating them. After eating them whole, he went to find Pei Min, but was told by the maid that the Khitan King wanted to see them both.

He was taken to Khitan King's yurt by the maid, and Pei Min was already inside.

After greeting Li Yuyu and Li Tuyu, Gongsun Ling went to sit next to Pei Min.

Li Tuyu smiled and said, "Two warriors, are you still used to living in my Khitan felt tent?"
The two naturally praised each other.

Li Yuyu also smiled heartily, and even had a happy face, "Very good, very good, I will never break my promise if I say I want to reward you two, tell me, what do you want?"

Gongsun Ling's eyes lit up, and she looked at Pei Min. Pei Min had this intention and was about to speak when Princess Khitan blew in like the wind.

"Father, you said you would reward me too, why didn't you wait for me?"
As Li Tingmu said, he had floated to Li Yuyu's side, acting like a baby next to his father.

Li Yuyu patted her on the cheek affectionately, "Who told you to go to bed late again, if you stay later, this king will give your share to the two warriors of the Tang Dynasty."
Li Tingmu flattened his mouth and stomped his feet in disbelief, Li Yuyu and Li Tuyu laughed, and in the midst of the laughter, Li Tangu came in yawning.

"What's the matter? Everyone is so happy."
Li Yuyu glared at him, "There is nothing for you."
Li Tangu twitched the corners of his mouth, sat awkwardly in his seat, and lazily picked up the buttermilk to drink.

Li Tuyu smoothed things over, "Hehe, there are rewards, there are rewards, and Murta brought back so many tiger furs yesterday, no matter how you have one, the prince."
Li Tangu chuckled, noncommittal.

Li Yuyu hated his son for being weak, and was about to say a few words of reprimand, when Pei Min stood up first and cupped his hands, saying, "My lord, Pei Min doesn't want tiger furs, but only the "Xuanling Ice Soul".

 Continue to collect treasures and ask for tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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