Chapter 64
Gongsun Ling looked at him, thinking that this person really won't give up until he achieves his goal.

Li Tingmu rolled his eyes, thinking that this person really likes to make ends meet.

On the other hand, Li Tangu opened his mouth slightly in surprise. You must know that this master archer, Murta, is notoriously indifferent. Except for Li Tingmu, he doesn't care about anyone, let alone he is willing to teach others how to do archery. Still from the Tang Dynasty.

Only Pei Min smiled and accepted it readily. "It is our honor that Khitan's number one sharpshooter is willing to teach us without any secrets."
Gongsun Ling also thought that if he didn't learn for nothing, he quickly thanked him.

Li Tangu also yelled, "General, I want it, I want it too, I have never won every hunt, and next time I hunt in autumn, this prince will definitely make my father and uncle look up to me."
Li Tingmu snorted, "Do you still want to go?" After speaking, he took Pei Min to pick up the bow and arrow again, and the rest quickly followed.

Murta really did what he said, starting from how to choose a bow and arrow, he really didn't hide his secrets at all.

After several people had their bows and arrows in hand, Murta pointed out how to hold the bows.

Pei Min bent the bow and set the arrow, thrusting it through his right arm, and was about to try to release the arrow, but Murta shook his head, "Your fingers are too hard, and you will lose your aim. Relax the three fingers, just touch them lightly."
Listening to his narration, Pei Min thought to himself that it's no wonder that he often misses the mark when shooting arrows.

Withdrew the force on his fingers and switched to skillful force, Pei Min calmed down, and after drawing the string, he slowly aimed at the bull's-eye, released his fingers, and the arrow shot out quickly, although the force was strong, it only hit the surrounding area of ​​the target .

"The lead-in time is too long. The arrow must be integrated with the eye and the heart. From the eye to the heart to the arrow, it can hit a hundred shots." Murta seems to have expected the result.

Pei Min: "It's the first time I've heard such a statement."
Murta raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "This is what we Khitan people say."
Pei Min smiled lightly, and drew the bow again. This time he did as Murta said, and the arrow was shot, and it was closer to the bull's-eye than the aim just now, only an inch away.

Murta raised his eyebrows again, and it was rare to open his mouth to appreciate: "The talent and comprehension are good."
Gongsun Ling silently hid aside and practiced. In this respect, her talent was indeed a bit weak.

"General Murta, look, look, I hit the bull's-eye!" Li Tangu shouted excitedly.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that two arrows hit the red heart.

Gongsun Ling and Pei Min praised it generously, but Murta didn't take it seriously, "As a Khitan person, proficiency in bowing horses is a basic skill. Please continue to work hard, His Royal Highness."
Li Tanggu blushed when he was told.

Li Tingmu put down his hands angrily, "That's right, big brother, you should be more aggressive, it's worth your shouting."
"Sister, you are really not gentle. No one will dare to ask you in the future." Li Tanggu was not angry when his sister scolded him, and began to bicker.

Li Tingmu was not happy that the plan was interrupted, and now he is even more upset. He threw down his bow and arrow and said angrily, "Can we go? The target is dead, but the geese are alive. What's the use of practicing against this dead target?" "
Although she didn't want to deal with the princess's ill temper, what she said was not unreasonable.

Murta nodded, "That's what the princess said, let's get on the horse."
Li Tingmu took the lead, came over and grabbed Pei Min and left, "Hurry up, the geese will go home later."
Pei Min smiled wryly, and was dragged to the side of the stable, followed by the others. They put on their bows and quiveres, and dozens of guards were behind them, and the group left in dust.

After galloping for several miles, the sky was blue and the clouds were white, and a group of wild geese flew from the dazzling sky.

Before Gongsun Ling and Pei Min could react, the others had already started to draw their arrows and draw their bows.After a while, the wild geese flew close.

As soon as Gongsun Ling and Pei Min put on the string, more than a dozen feathered arrows flew out with such force that several wild geese were shot down by the feathered arrows, and there was even one arrow with two geese.

Pei Min praised: "You really deserve to be a Khitan warrior, good at archery."
After speaking, he also drew his bow and shot, passing by the leg of a wild goose.

But Gongsun Ling's arrow naturally shot directly into the air.

After seeing it, Murta didn't say anything, just bent his bow and hit three arrows, and shot down three wild geese.

"Wow~." Gongsun Ling couldn't help but marvel.

When they were besieged by tigers, they had seen this sharpshooter's arrows shoot without fail, and they still admire them today.

The crowd continued to chase the wild geese and rode their horses galloping. Gongsun Ling was controlling the reins with one hand and holding the bow with the other, and found out that it was not an easy task.

She raised her eyes and found that although the unruly princess was willful, her riding and shooting skills were solid.She skillfully let go of the rein, took the arrow, raised the bow, and pulled the string. The movements were done in one go, and a wild goose was shot down again.

Immediately, a guard brought the wild goose to present to the princess. With a smile on her beautiful face, the princess rode to Pei Min's side and held up her spoils, as if to invite him to reward her.

Pei Min also smiled back and said a few words of praise.Murta also approached them and gave some pointers again. Pei Min missed one arrow, and hit a wild goose in the belly with the third arrow.

Li Tingmu raised his arms and cheered, as if he was happier than himself.And Murta also gave a rare light smile to show his approval.

Gongsun Ling curled her lips, took the feather arrow, and shot blindly into the sky.

The result is naturally in vain.

"Hey, Gongsun Ling, look at my results. What about you? How many have you hunted?" Khitan Grand Prince Li Tangu ran towards Gongsun Ling, with guards behind him holding a dozen prey.

The smile on Li Tanggu's face was very proud.

"No, not even one." Gongsun Ling looked at Pei Min and replied casually.

"Ah~." Seeing that her horse was indeed empty, Li Tangu smiled nonchalantly, "Well, you are not proficient in bow and arrow, how about I teach you?" He immediately felt the pride of being able to teach beginners
"Okay!" Still answered casually.

Li Tangu smiled like a big child, raised his bow and arrow, and taught Gongsun Ling with foam at his mouth.

Gongsun Ling looked at Li Tingmu and Pei Min smiling happily, and imitated Li Tangu's movements by moving in his left ear and out of his right ear.

The feathered arrows in the quiver were shot, and the result was still nothing.

Li Tangu scratched his head and said with a smirk, "It's okay, it's okay, you are not like us Khitan people, you grew up on horseback, take your time, you will hit one day."
His consolation was as pale as water, Gongsun Ling smiled nonchalantly: "Then I will accept your good words, Eldest Prince."
The arrows in everyone's quiver are about to run out, and they are ready to return.This time the hunting was very fruitful, so the soldiers proposed to have another fire feast tonight and roast wild geese to eat.

Naturally no one objected.

Although Pei Min was pestered by Li Tingmu all the time, his eyes drifted to Gongsun Ling from time to time. Seeing that she was a little unhappy, she seemed dissatisfied with this hunting.

He wanted to run over, but Li Tingmu clung to him, and saw the Khitan prince Li Tangu chatting and joking with her, so he thought about going to her later.

It's just that Gongsun Ling didn't talk to him again until he went to bed at night.

 Bow and shoot wild geese for collection, tickets

(End of this chapter)

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