Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 67 Straight into the sky

Chapter 67 Straight into the sky
Murta and Hai Dongqing whispered a few words, and Hai Dongqing seemed to be quite human, so he glanced at Pei Min and then spread his wings.

Shuo Da's wings fluttered, and his several-meter-long body soared into the air, soaring straight up, rushing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The onlookers were all amazed at the majestic appearance of the condor.

Murta pointed to a big rock by the lake, and said to Pei Min, "Use this as a boundary. I'm on the west side of the lake, and you are on the east side. See you in an hour."
After finishing speaking, he rode his horse and galloped forward, shooting arrows, and in an instant, three swans died under the arrows.

Pei Min also rode his horse and galloped forward to the right, followed by four guards on each side, picking up the swans for them.

Pei Min's first arrow hit a swan's neck, and the other geese were frightened and spread their wings to escape.

The sky went straight to a black spot, and within a short while, the condor had swooped down to the heads of the two swans, and its two claws pressed against the necks of the swans, forcing them to descend.

Pei Min shot two arrows quickly, hitting both abdomens.

Hai Dongqing went straight to the sky again, then quickly turned his head and went straight down. The accuracy of the direction and the ruthlessness of the strength were unprecedented in Pei Min's eyes.

Hai Dongqing flew and rushed, outflanking back and forth, and the swans by the lake were shot down one after another, powerless to parry.

One person and one eagle cooperated tacitly, and the swans in the hands of the rear guards gathered more and more.

An hour passed quickly, and both Pei Min and Murta returned to their original places as promised.

Hai Dongqing also flew back and stood on the boulder, looking down at everyone from aloof.

With the stone as the boundary, the attendants on both sides began to count the number of swans hunted.

The onlookers waited with bated breath, Gongsun Ling tugged at the reins, feeling extremely nervous.

After both sides counted, Murta still won Pei Min with seven more swans.

The onlookers cheered loudly and praised Murta one after another.

"Good job, General!"
"Great, our princess doesn't have to marry to Tang Dynasty."
Hai Dongqing fluttered his wings twice, as if he was very unhappy that he lost here, and his expression became terrified, soaring into the air.

The strange applause was covered up by Hai Dongqing's ferocious appearance, and everyone shut up one after another.

After flying two laps, Hai Dongqing made another big circle in the air, went straight to the sky, and flew away without looking back.

Onlookers: "", the temper is really grumpy.

Pei Min looked a little sad, thinking about how else he could get the Xuanling Ice Soul.

Murta came over and only said lightly: "Pei Yongshi, the victory has been decided."
Pei Min: "The general's archery skills are superb, Pei Min is willing to bow down."
Murta nodded, admiring his willingness to concede the bet, and was about to call everyone back when a clear female voice sounded.

"Slow down!"
The two turned their heads and saw Gongsun Ling dismounting and running over.

"General, you never said that you can only win or lose in one game." Gongsun Ling fixed her eyes on Murta.

"Could it be that you want to try two more matches, winning two out of three?" Murta didn't care, no matter how many times he had to compete, he was sure of winning.

Pei Min grabbed Gongsun Ling's arm forward, looked at her clearly and said: If you lose, you lose, and I will think of other ways.

Gongsun Ling patted the back of his hand comfortingly, and her eyes signaled him to be calm and restless.

"That's what I thought, but it's not a game of hunting with bow and horse. In the second round, we will compete in martial arts." Gongsun Ling looked at Murta and said loudly.

Today I want him to agree in front of everyone, otherwise they can only go to rob the tomb.

Murta was very straightforward, "Okay, but there is no need to win two out of three rounds. We are a guest from afar. As long as you can win me one game, I will be considered a loser. Tell me, what weapons do you want to compete this time?"

"We use long swords here. As for you general, you can use whatever weapon you want. To be fair, the more proficient you are, the better. You can also find a helper."
Murta burst out laughing uncommonly, "You really can't take any losses!"
It doesn't matter if Gongsun Ling is ridiculed, "We will definitely win you openly."
"Okay, it's settled, see you tomorrow at the training ground." Murta led the people away first.

The crowd slowly dispersed, Pei Min thanked Gongsun Ling, but still worried: "What if I lose the second round?"

"Then I'll take your place and dance with him." Gongsun Ling was serious, thinking that it was not impossible.

"Heh~." Pei Min couldn't help laughing, he really couldn't imagine that burly man dancing.

"I will definitely do my best." Pei Min could not miss the opportunity that Gongsun Ling had won for him.

"Well, I have confidence in you." Gongsun Ling's eyes brightened slightly, and he dared not say anything else, but in terms of swordsmanship, Pei Min would never lose to Murta.

The two smiled at each other, and the time was quiet for a while.

If no one else interferes.

"Brother Pei, are you finishing the competition so quickly?" Li Tingmu shouted loudly and ran over.

The crowd was about to disperse, and the princess was long overdue.

Li Tingmu squeezed Gongsunling away, took Pei Min's arm, and said coquettishly, "I overslept, and the maids dare not wake me up, brother Pei, what should I do if they say you lost this competition?" ?”
Pei Min carefully withdrew his arm, "It's okay, there are two more chances. I will compete with him tomorrow, and I have confidence in this."
Li Tingmu took Pei Min's arm again, and pulled him away: "Let's go, my father has many good weapons, let's go ask him for a good treasure."

Gongsun Ling silently followed behind.


Soon on the second day, Pei Min and Murta came over by appointment.There are still a bunch of people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

Pei Min didn't use the long halberd that Li Tingmu borrowed for him, but still used the Xuanqing sword he was most familiar with.

The sword was out of its sheath, and its body was dark and unremarkable.

Murta used a pair of large scimitars, the blades were more than four feet long, and the blades were sharp and cold, looking majestic. "
The audience began to whisper, thinking that Pei Min's weapon was too inferior, and it seemed that he was going to lose again today.

The two walked to the center of the arena, and after seeing the ceremony, they put on a posture.

"There is no time limit today, the first to fall will lose." A person who looked like a referee read the rules and ran away.

"A sword has no eyes, Pei Yongshi must be careful." Murta raised his sword and attacked after finishing speaking.

"The general may not know that my eyes are much faster than swords." Pei Min turned around and was already behind Murta.

The hilt hit Murta's elbow, and Murta's elbow felt numb.

He turned around and saw that Pei Min was already looking at him calmly.

Murta raised the corner of his mouth, "There are two tricks."
Seeing the pair of knives slashing towards him with astonishing momentum, Pei Min pulled himself together, took a step with both feet, and the Xuanqing sword in his hand stabbed him from the side.

Murta didn't grow up a vegetarian either. The skills he had cultivated on the battlefield and hunting for many years allowed him to quickly return the knife to block it. Bursts of numbness.

 The Khitan people believed that swan meat was edible and delicious, so swans became the targets of the royal nobles, and Costin was an important helper in hunting swans. .
  Ask for collection, ask for tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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